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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i'm a bit skeptical about DS3's ability to succeed, not due to obsidian, but due to the fact that that IP has been little more than trash for the last ten years. I think, based on the sales of FNV, that if obsidian can get something else released of that quality, without the bug problems that new vegas had, they should be in a MUCH better position than they are now. but still, I hate to think what might have happened had new vegas been a total flop...
  2. the first five minutes of the demo are so mindbendingly bad that if someone didnt know it was like that intentionally as a joke they might just immediately uninstall and demand a refund. the camera angle I assume will be one of the first things modded, fixing that, i'm more than willing to give the rest of the game the benefit of the doubt as well
  3. thank the good lord they got rid of that periodical online checkin requirement, that was a deal breaker for me
  4. vegas 1 and 2 are both coop, and are actually REALLY fun to play with a friend on splitscreen offline coop on console. I wouldnt recommend them as single player experiences though... would be boring i think.
  5. ok i just joined, accepted rosjbergs steam invite, and then proceeded to add hurl and tale to my xbox friends too. I've become so social all at once. zuckerbergsgotnothingonme.
  6. ooooh a steam group for obsidianites? how delightful! i shall join at once and proceed to never be online at the same time as any of you because that's a murphy's law of steam groups!
  7. are you guys playing bad company 2 on steam? if so then add me as steam buddy too, "entrerix" i suck tremendously, but would enjoy playing sometime
  8. waaah waaaah not every company has as much money as blizzard waaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah. that's all i could see in that snippet. Maybe it just came out wrong and he meant something else.
  9. if the majority of people are playing on console, it makes some degree of sense that pirates would try to get that version first right? i don't really pay much attention to how that all works though, it may be completely random
  10. killchip in tha brain make him do what we waaaaaant
  11. i never had big problems with the story and events in dragon age, just the level design, encounters, and system mechanics. i'm expecting to feel the exact same way about DA2, but will probably like the level design and encounters even less.
  12. wow, I can't tell if people are getting confused on purpose or not... the concept is a melee weapon of REGULAR size, but is made from an incredibly dense material... ahh forget everyone just wants to post pictures of cheesy anime swords so whatever as you were....
  13. one thing I miss about rpgs from the golden years is that the backgrounds were often pre-rendered, and thus unique looking in most cases. This is one of the biggest failings in FF games, and is really annoying me about bioware games post infinity engine too. It's like now that the backgrounds are in 3d, the artists in charge decided that making dungeon areas look unique was too hard and just gave up and resorted to copy-paste cookiecutter dungeons, so what we have now looks worse aesthetically than stuff that was commonplace in 1999. i am not a tech person so i have used the wrong words to describe what im getting at. apologies.
  14. lol man i forgot about that, but yeah something along those lines is kinda what i'm talking about. I know i've seen that concept in some other media (maybe a book or an anime or something...), and still feel like its a pretty cool way of presenting a powerful melee weapon
  15. i didnt like crysis 1, so part 2 is definitely on my wait for a $5 sale list.
  16. kaidan sounded like a whiner from the moment he showed up, so I skipped everything he said. I feel good about my decision.
  17. i tried the demo last night on normal, it convinced me that I'm going to play the game on hard. thoughts: game was more fun to look at than part 1, but the combat.... im not sure how I feel, its either going to end up a total disaster, or it will be not any worse than DAO, its definitely not going to end up better (though, "yay!" if im wrong) more thoughts: femhawke has a weird nose, i will need to fix this in the real game. more thoughts: i hate demos more thoughts: I started up Awakening last night before trying the demo, i lasted precisely 3 minutes before turning it off, the first enemies in the game are MORE GODDAMN GENLOCKS AND HURLOCKS. I'm so sick of those two enemies it makes me crazy. At least the ones in DA2 look different than the ones in DA1, so im not sick of looking at them, even though they look stupid. Anyway, the other problem I had with awakening? these exact same genlocks and hurlocks that i've been fighting since level 1 or whatever in DAO, well now they have like 100hp each. It doesn't make any goddamn sense, in dungeons and dragons/baldurs gate/ every other goddamn rpg, you don't keep fighting goblins once you hit level 5, and you ABSOLUTELY don't see any more goblins when you're at level 20, by then the regular enemies you fight are like vrocks and giants and ****, not goblins. Imagine if in baldurs gate you just fought tasloi and bandits the ENTIRE GODDAMN GAME. no one would have liked it, and yet bioware doesnt seem to notice that they forgot to make some enemy variety in DA so you don't want to stab yourself in the face every time the same little turd piles run up to you.
  18. So... Basically an Odachi or Bastard Sword? Or a Zanbato if you're really going for everything. nononono not like that. Picture a sword, like a katana or whatever, but make it out of comicbookmetalfantasymaterial so that it weighs about 400 pounds. Now imagine a cyborg killing machine smacking someone with it. The thing wouldn't even have to be sharp.
  19. awesome has been THE word since TMNT, its one of the few that really stuck around, since nobody says "cowabunga", "tubular", and "radical" much these days. epic is a word definitely for those who were born in the 90's.
  20. i'm still certain that bioware would make a killing with a twilight computer game.
  21. i'm guessing that the one-hit takedown's are what use up energy, but you still have the option to just equip a crowbar and swing away. maybe not though, maybe they have decided to focus on hand to hand combat over melee (i'm ok with this either way)
  22. i saw them post that as the date a few weeks ago, I personally am expecting the game in september.
  23. ahh yes, the game still sits unplayed on my (steam) shelf. Maybe I'll finally get around to it once the HD remix version is released. wait is that today??
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