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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. did it look better in person? the game that is... not the quality of the footage
  2. which authors did you have in mind with this statement? I'm not being a jerk I'm honestly curious, because on its face as a statement i disagree, but maybe am missing something
  3. you are making me want this game very badly.
  4. Demon's Souls was only released on a playstation. maybe its not playstations fault, but is the fault of the parents of the current 12-25 year older gaming generation edit: do not take its deadly serious tone, deadly serious
  5. DA2 is worth playing, its fun, but it probably shouldnt be rewarded with a full price purchase. if this game had been $30 i'd give it 10 thumbs up or whatever, but as a full priced sequel, even though i like the game, it doesnt feel like a full priced effort went into it. people who haven't bought it yet should wait until its $30 or less. but they should still get it, its fun.
  6. oooh maybe the relays can be tuned to become a giant space laser, sheperd has to go find the trigger device for it (conveniently broken into 3-4 pieces and hidden around the universe). then once constructed, we get a minigame whackamole: reaper edition. mash aaaaaaaaaaaaaa to fire giant space lasers through time into the reapers pathetic little reapy bodies
  7. the theaters around me have become increasingly worse over the last ten years. 5 out of the last 6 movies i saw in the theater, someone began talking on their cell phone in the middle of the movie. I'm not paying $11.00 to see a movie so some 50 year old dude can talk to his kid on the phone. and god help me if there are teenagers in the theater. text text text text text text text you know i can see your goddamn phone right!! the light is distracting you are ruining the movie i had to pay for this unlike you who dont have a job and all you do is take money from your parents and text on your text text text ahhhhhhh so yeah, once movie prices either drop back down to $5 so i don't mind this stuff, or people learn some manners, im out. dvd at home for me please. for the price of seeing one movie in the theater i can watch as many as i want on netflix.
  8. if i didnt have netflix i probably wouldnt see many movies anymore. theater prices are stupidly high
  9. camera sucks. I'd love to say it gets better or you get used to it. but thats not true. the camera is a total disaster and needs to be patched. There was absolutely ZERO benefit to the way they changed it. still a good game though
  10. i'm going to get shogun 2 sometime this summer. I have to finish DA2, then portal 2, then i've got my wedding and honeymoon, then EVO (and playing a ton of fighting games before and after since I'll be in the mindset), THEN i'll pick up shogun.
  11. touche, and yeah i agree that C&C appears pretty good in DA2. Of course, I think most things in DA2 are pretty good so I guess my vote doesnt count. I'd like DA 3 to have the combat from DA2, but with more traditional crpg trimmings (camera view, npc equipment etc, friendly fire for all difficulty levels, make a feat or power you can choose to get rid of it if a person doesnt like it) you know what I just realized? DA2 doesn't have that tremendously overused bioware structure of 4 planets and then the endgame. it still has too much level scaling though. I'd rather see no level scaling but have the quest givers warn if a quest is too hard for their level "you should probably come back to me when you're more powerful, but if you REALLY think you can handle it then here is my problem..."
  12. its a little more than mere copywrite infringement. If every person pirated their games the entire industry would collapse overnight. doesnt mean its stealing, but just calling it copywrite infringement downplays the impact of the event.
  13. i think its also legitimate to complain that you don't like the characters or story. I personally think both areas are adequate, but can understand how someone would be put off by them
  14. do we know what the markup on computers are in countries like russia? if a dvd costs equivelent $75 US, does a computer cost 6 grand? what it looked like to me was that consumer media (like movies and games) has high markups, while other products are sold at rates appropriate for the local economy. maybe I was making all that up in my head though, im not going to re-read the article.
  15. There's a entirely different team working on ME, so leave that crap for DA3. I think if they ever released a product like that the internet would probably explode.
  16. a new 8 hour interactive movie from bioware: Mass Effect: The Reapening its an 8 hour movie where every 10 or 20 seconds you have to hit A or the movie ends and you have to start over.
  17. lol I wasnt! I was just trying to say that choosing an art style to emulate a bad game is a poor choice, because it conjures memories of said bad game, and leaves no enthusiasm for the new game. edit: im not writing this off, just saying it looks uninteresting. I'm a sucker for good games, and will buy this if it ends up being good. but right now, it doesnt LOOK like its going to be good. bad first impression and all that
  18. fable just is so simple and easy that even it's charms got old after a short time because it felt like i could just sleepwalk through the game mashing attack. I'd actually barely call it a game since the gameplay is so thin, its more like a mediocre animated movie that has a bland plot, and it takes 8 hours to finish. if this game were to be emulating demon's souls then I'd be a bit more interested (though honestly, i would have liked demon's souls more if it was a tad easier, or at least had an easy mode toggle for when I needed to get past a particularly tough area) when i first heard about it I was expecting something halfway between diablo and morrowind, which sounds awesome. this doesnt look like what I was picturing.
  19. are we going to get a quicktime event where we get to punch a reaper till it breaks?
  20. its been getting surprisingly good reviews so far, i was expecting it to be a total failure (oh this is in reference to homefront)
  21. they could have just pushed the game back by a few months and finished it instead of rushing to meet a fairly arbitrary deadline. Would the game have sold so much worse if it was released in august?
  22. looks like fable. I didn't really care for fable. Hard to get excited... will wait for reviews
  23. good write up, I've been the person saying mostly that the complainers have not been playing the game, so i appreciate seeing someone with criticism who actually made it all the way through. Of course, I have several problems with the game, but oddly, none of them are the same as yours... no wonder this game is getting bad reviews.
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