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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. ... in New Vegas, the world is more logical, a better sense of verisimilitude, the people in the Mojave Wasteland seem more real than in Washington. in the end, this is one of the single biggest differences between the two games, and for me, is a major part of why new vegas is better than fallout 3 (which was still good, but was hampered by several major flaws, most of which were fixed in new vegas)
  2. the newest ign interview with todd howard has a bit of new info in it. game still has me excited, but i wonder, will all male bodies be the same? ie that barbarian in one of the new pics is really bulky, if I make a sneaky elf thief, is he going to have massive shoulders and triceps and walk around like he belongs on the cover of an amon amarth album?
  3. Dying because you screwed up, not because you did something perfectly reasonable. That's frustrating as hell and takes you out of the moment. yes, but you have to ask yourself: "I have lived in a vault all my life, and know nothing of the outside world, nor much in the way of combat and survival skills, is it reasonable for me to now just walk off in a random direction in an obviously hostile world? Or should I head to that town over there in the distance and see if I can learn anything about the safer areas to travel through?" I think many gamers are lazy and don't want to stop to think if what they are doing is reasonable or not within the context of the gameworld. edit: and i think these gamers should run into deathclaws as punishment.
  4. "too many quests" = a complaint I never thought I would hear. its a good problem to have though, much better than "Not enough content" i for one was absolutely ecstatic over the amount of quests, and the length of the quests, some were long, some were short, some required you to go places and explore, some merely required a handful of skillchecks or persuasion. it was the best modern approximation of how the quests felt in games of yesteryear. I'm not an obsidian FANBOY, but New Vegas is honestly the best game i've played in yeaaars,
  5. Chicken??!? .... .... I am sorry.
  6. im getting pretty excited about portal 2 and MK coming out in a few weeks. trying to find things to play in the meantime... tried dead space 2, got bored, tried darksiders, got bored, thinking of trying gears of war 2, will probably find it boring as well i guess i'll just watch movies and play superstreetfighter4 for the next few weeks
  7. i don't think i could go back to fallout 3 now having played new vegas. Not without a metric ton of mods at least.
  8. I miss the days when games told you stuff, a little pop up could appear saying "you sense you are entering an area of great danger, perhaps it would be safer to return when you are more powerful..."
  9. ulp. separate note, i started septerra core yesterday for the first time in 10 years or so. very cool sci-fi setting, much more interesting than most space marine settings of today. it has semi-turnbased combat, but its SOOOOO slow (the reason why is because it has a final fantasy style atb bar, but it fills in segments, and the enemies constantly use their level 1 (of 3) segment attacks, so you have to sit through like 9 enemy attack animations (from only 3 enemies) before you get to use your fully charged attacks (which are much better than the level 1 attacks). if the animations were faster, or the bar filled faster, or the enemies stopped using their goddamn level 1 charge attacks, the game would be MUCH more fun.
  10. this might be why you hate it
  11. With the exclusion of the Big Town/Little Lamplight quest, all of the quests you cited are generally longer than the typical FO:NV quest. Granted, I prefer FO:NV's design, but I don't think Fallout 3's quests are as bad as you guys make them to be, not by any stretch. Even Vince D. Weller praised them, and there's a reason. than the "typical" new vegas quest sure, but you're overlooking the fact that if NV has 100 quests, and 80 are short, and 20 are long, thats still 10x more quests and content than in F3, which has 20 long quests, and no short ones. (note: numbers are made up) if you're saying that you wish new vegas had less quests, so that the long ones stood out better, fine, but thats not what most people wanted in a new game.
  12. yes, the quests in fallout 3 are pretty poor compared to the ones in new vegas. new vegas had a multitude of quests ranging from simple to complex, whereas fallout 3 had a handful of longer quests, but they were mostly pretty flat.
  13. i loled pretty hard at this. I was thinking the same thing...
  14. i would LOVE a return to turn based combat in rpgs.... i think we're going to be waiting a while though
  15. i did too, but the game has some serious problems.
  16. ... if they feel too rushed on time and use three areas recycled over and over again, with a massive inventory which you only fill with junk you can never use anyways, and romance options that are simply a bunch of psychos who somehow got out of the psych ward to intrude on your life...it could actually be the low point of the series. im definitely praying it does not come to something like this... would be a huge embarrassment following ME2. I really hope they scrap the mining and the mako and instead give us something more to do with ship combat. I'm not expecting TIE fighter or anything, but if they could add a strategic element to buffing the ship that could be neat. barring that, i'd prefer they just focus on polishing the gameplay and dialogue and C&C. End on a strong note and don't throw the baby out with the bathwater if they have to make changes. Also, if they pull an alien 3 and just toss all the npcs from ME2 out the airlock in the prologue of ME3 then I'm going to throw my disc out the window.
  17. its cool, sarcasm can be tricky, particularly since there are people who genuinely make similar statements. I hadn't gotten a troll vibe from you in earlier topics so I probably should have realized you weren't volourning me.
  18. i'm not in the mood to argue about what is or isnt an rpg, I'll just say that its ok with me that you consider ME2 an rpg, but I don't. I love the game, but it's definitely not what I would call a pure rpg. also: just because its not an rpg doesnt mean its bad or that I don't want it. I play more non-rpg's than rpgs anyway. edit: cmon dude did you seriously suggest that I think gran turismo is an rpg if I don't think ME2 is one? you obviously know nothing about my taste so don't assume things about me based on one post. bad form.
  19. question: how many people think ME3 will end up being better than ME2? i think ME2 will be the highpoint in the series, and am curious if others feel the same way.
  20. i love it here, most of the bashing i find amusing, and there can occasionally be genuine or (semi-interesting at least) discourse on games, which is more than I can say for any other forum I've been to. also to monte: you really didn't play ME2? its a damn fun game, not really an rpg, but fun nonetheless.
  21. DA3 will be an interactive FaNTaSY dating sim (a mash-up of Joss Wheedon and Twilight) you can flick between whilst fixing dinner and washing the kid's soccer kit, with a fast-forward button for anything icky like fighting or gameplay. EA will then sell Bioware. We will all nod sagely and say "I told you so." Embittered ex-Biowarians, who are currently in the re-education facility will then post candid recollections of how awful it was, and how "they were only following orders." Lulz man, this sounds awesome. not that i want a game like that, but the drama would be so hype. crying fanboys in the streets and everything. plus it would give the remnants of bioware a chance to reform and make a great rpg again (i wont say great game, because honestly ME2 was pretty damn great)
  22. funny thought: will DA 3 be even more of an action game since thats one of the only things that the game(DA2) is getting praise about? (and even that praise is VERY mixed?)
  23. i think i'll skip arrival, i liked the shadow broker dlc, but dont see the need to buy this one, maybe i'll get it if they bundle all the dlc together for a good price right before me3 drops
  24. i've got some complaints about DA2, but it was still worth playing, i put about 35 hours into it and had my fun. Its just that there are soooo many flaws in the game. I would definitely pick it up when it gets to half price
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