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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i don't think having only 8g storage is good enough. IF the plan is to do this to have only one sku, and a low price point, while selling an optional hard drive add-on, then ok i guess it makes some business sense. otherwise i think its a mistake.
  2. i'm playing "get ready for my wedding", its expensive, stress-inducing, includes lots of un-fun minigames (envelope stuffing, postage stamp licking), and is very time consuming. At the rate the world is turning it will take me about 10 days to finish the game, and then I can move on and try something else.
  3. they should have spent that money hiring a level designer instead.
  4. not going to google. sounds sketchy. guy looked like a creep. or a soccer player.
  5. and they share the same company. i dont want to reward failure. edit: im expecting ME3 to be great, but im not going to pay full price, to make up for paying full price for DA2. I will have plenty of other games to tide me over for a month or so to wait for a price drop
  6. for anyone wondering: YES gunstar heroes is still VERY fun to this day. Its not even very hard if you put it on easy, and is much tougher when put on hard. They did a good job with the difficulty scaling. but seriously, this game is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. for reals. go get it. AND PLAY WITH A FRIEND!!!! its ok single player, but FANTASTIC when played 2 player, just be careful not to throw eachother off the plane during the orange boss fight oh and for people wondering, this was Treasure's first game (or first hit at least) but its a contra style action game, not a top down shooter.
  7. the game is VERY fun, for a $30 dollar game. but for a $60 dollar full price game, it is a half assed effort that leaves the distinct impression that the dev team was aiming at grabbing some cash and hoping the customer didn't mind.
  8. *single tear rolls down cheek*
  9. dude, you need to get gunstar heroes NOW. Then again, if you can beat contra: Hard Corps. It might be too easy for you.
  10. skyrim is actually my most anticipated game right now. ME3 is pretty far down the list after what happened with DA2
  11. well i dont know any children so I don't know how much they game. i thought kids these days were all about angry birds and iphones and then once they turn 12 the only thing they want is madden and call of duty.
  12. NES was AWESOME. my first system and the thing that is solely responsible for my love of video games. the games i loved most: contra double dragon 1/2 (2 was better) dragon warrior legend of zelda megaman 2 castlevania 2 turtles 2 punch out ninja gaiden mario 1-3 of those, the only ones i could actually beat were the double dragon games, dragon warrior, turtles 2, and contra (with code) as a bonus: best genesis games: 1. gunstar heroes - to this day the best sidescrolling action game 2. mutant league football - to this day the best sports game 3. streets of rage 1-2 - to this day the best beat-em-ups (except maybe that D&D arcade game) 4. road rash 2 - to this day the best racing game 5. flashback plus: zombies ate my neighbors, lost vikings, mortal kombat 1-2, Street fighter 2 i beat all the genesis games on this list except lost vikings, zombies, and flashback. I still complete gunstar heroes and streets of rage about twice a year.
  13. i can't believe how much people talk about the fact that there is nudity in the game. is it REALLY that important either way. no. it should be a non-issue. The only time nudity in film seems to get mentioned is if its male nudity (eastern promises), or if the naked person has three boobs (total recall). Why do people care so much about it in games? what it should be: "I saw a boob!!!" "who cares." what it is: "I saw a boob!!!" "Oh my god, someone call the president!!!"
  14. fallout 3, and then new vegas, were each about ten steps ahead of oblivion when it comes to world building and content. if they can take that amount of content and put it in an elder scrolls game with functional levelling and a fun combat system.... much goodness
  15. im not expecting them to make new levels. but its the only thing they could do at this point to make me interested in putting more money into DA2.
  16. yeah.... this game was not lacking in weapons and armor. really poor choice for first dlc. how about some dlc that introduces a bunch of new scenarios with unique art assets, dungeons, new creatures, and new encounters. you know, actual content.
  17. that sounds like a monty python sketch title to me
  18. psn has my super low security password, they can have that, all it will do is get them on this forum so they can post naughty things and get me in trouble.
  19. metro 2033 was ok for a few hours, i think i stopped about 3 hours in and don't regret my decision, there was some neat stuff going on, but the game was not fun to play. thinking about replaying the witcher. does anyone know if the witcher 2 on gog is preorder only? or will i still be able to buy it on gog in a few months?
  20. hackers stealing customers personal info as revenge against SONY sounds like an excuse to steal credit cards, not anger at sony.
  21. oh well, guild wars 2 is supposed to come out this year or next right?? looking forward to that
  22. i don't think i've seen mention yet of handplaced loot, but since the dungeons are all being built by hand, one can assume that there will at least be some unique items in each of them. makes exploring WAY more fun if you know there is actually stuff worth finding out there and not all randomly generated garbage ala oblivion
  23. in order VII IX VI VIII these are the only final fantasy games that are genuinely AMAZING. ten and twelve are ok, i think that FF5 and earlier don't hold up that well anymore, whereas 6-9 i still play about once a year or two
  24. does rift require a monthly fee? if its like guild wars i could see picking it up, i loved that game
  25. "city of god" not exactly noir, but not exactly bikini girls and beaches either.
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