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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i like my shooters wide open. like battlefield 2. i'll play whatever kind of shooter when the mood is right, but as a general preference, i like huge open areas to traipse through
  2. Why? In FO3 and NV you don't necessarily hit if you have a shot lined up, either. in melee? i've never noticed that. if you're target about some firearms having some spread when you pull the trigger... well, thats been in games since forever
  3. my favorite way of playing games with a stealth component is to try over and over and over again to clear each level of enemies, by lethal means, without being seen. MGS games its usually pretty possible to do this, but some areas can get tricky. I'm pretty sure I've done it in some levels of Deus Ex, but not all of them. I used to try and do this in hitman games, but don't think i was successful past the first few missions...
  4. i love system shock 2. but have no problem admitting that deus ex is at least as good, if not better. those two games are really in a league of their own. fingers crossed for the new deus ex though
  5. i want to replay morrowind again, but i think i'd need to mod it so that every hit was a success, and that the skill only influenced the damage. I don't mind roving target reticles like deus ex, but i can't stand it when, in a first person game, the screen indicates I have a shot lined up, but the math says no. does anyone have any mod suggestions? if not i can google, but there are so many mods for morrowind out there i wouldnt know where to start for the good ones
  6. sounds like sludge. i wish we could get a warhammer game that felt like you were actually playing warhammer.
  7. Funny you mention Final Fantasy at all really... I've been playing the remake of the original on my PSP (I own the original NES version on my Wii too). While my major gripe with FF is always going to remain the same, random bloody battles every two damn steps, I came at the game thinking of the era of its creation ('87). For its time, I actually think the overall design is genius - The closest thing to it, at the time, has to be the original Zelda. Anyways - After many years of hating Final Fantasy as a series (I tried to love FF7 when it was release on PC, and I tried a few of the games via emulation - I remember 4 keeping me a little bit busy), I'm finally starting to get it, the fun isn't in the combat, its in the exploration of the world (atleast in FF1) - I have FF2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8, 9 and 13 queue'd up as I'm genuinely interested in paying attention to the games progression over the years. I don't know how far I'll get before I get burned out on the franchise, but I've finally warmed to it, I wouldn't say I love it but I've become very fond of FF1. whoa just noticed this. yeah i tend to agree, the fun of final fantasy games of yesteryear (6-9 in particular) is the exploration of the gameworld. they aren't fleshed out or realistic, but instead are very much like an abstract (at best zelda-like) of a fleshed out world. there are cities and caves and hidden places and lots of little things to find. for some reason, the people who make final fantasy lost sight of that when it came to the FF games after 9. I'd probably recommend skipping them altogether, as 6-9 are really the pinnacle of FF design. (some obvious issues with 8, but that game has enough strong points to make it worth playing). if anything, the things that people hate about JRPG's didnt apply to final fantasy imo until FF10. which is when the series began it's rapid decline anyway. i say this constantly but the best FF games are 6 and 7, then 9, then 8. I look forward to hearing your thoughts when you get to 6, and really really urge you to keep with the series until you finish that game. 7 is the game that brought FF to the mainstream, but 6 is the game that really nailed every aspect of what the console rpg was all about.
  8. my favorite finish for benny involved a silenced pistol. 1 shot from the middle of a crowd while stealthed. a few characters turned hostile for a moment, couldnt find me, then just went about their business. nobody even bothered me a minute later when i walked up and looted his body
  9. infamous 1 was pretty fun, i wrote a review for it a while ago. it was not good enough to make me want a sequel though, especially a sequel that is only just as good, or maybe a little better or worse.
  10. i still have the original alice disk, i never opened it... i'll play the sequel once i finally get around to the original, its one of the oldest games in my backlog. the only game i've had in my backlog for longer is the original myst.... i bought it because i heard so much about it, but i couldnt stop playing doom long enough to get around to it and then it just remained unplayed till this day. it is like mountains my backlog worsens each year rises over ages
  11. honest hearts was awesome, maybe not quite as good as shadow broker though. still, both pale in comparison to RDR: Undead Nightmare.
  12. i am playing Final Fantasy 6 again. started it on a plane flight, now im doomed to finish it. having a hard time picking my next game though. Im hankering for a fantasy rpg type game, but one with lots of character building/class choices. I'm a little burnt out on diablo 2 and guild wars, which are normally my go-to games for that sort of thing. any suggestions? maybe i should just be patient until dark souls and skyrim...
  13. We don't take this kind of blasphemy lightly here. Kneel before Deus Ex, or you will be knelt i agree with the purkake. better get your kneepads on... edit: oh and whats this?? games being developed for the next gen?? but how? I thought the next gen wasn't coming until 2015 or later! oh wait, no, I told everyone that new consoles were coming in 2013 (ps4 possibly in 2014). writings on the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. woooooooooliiiiiieeeeeeesssssss or is it woooooooolllllyyyyyysssss?
  15. i dont think ME was ever an rpg, not even the first game. it was more like a fps/rpg hybrid, not as good as deus ex or system shock 2, but having more in common with them than say, fallout 1 or baldurs gate 2 - as far as gameplay is concerned.
  16. i like shooters, and mass effect has always played like a shooter imo. a bad one. if they said it was going to be an on rails shooter with no dialogue or leveling up, then i would be a little upset.
  17. the prologue is what an hour or two? i barely remember it, though what i remember was fairly poo. think of it as this games version of the fallout 2 temple of trials. chapter 1 is where the real game starts
  18. i really hope the witcher 2 earns cdp some major $$$, they deserve it.
  19. crusader isnt up yet, but they said it will be by the end of summer
  20. crusader!! awesome!!!!!! i loved that game when i was younger. i'm also looking forward to trying ultima underworld i still have my original dungeon keeper cd, but i'll buy the gog version because i'm a weirdo about old awesome games that i can buy and then download whenever i want onto whichever computer im using that moment (gog is awesome for people like me who game on 3+ different computers)
  21. just as an aside. what the **** is up with writers planning out TEN volume book series? what ever happened to having a good idea and writing it down. the best books are not, generally, one of a longer series... sometimes an excellent book will warrant a sequel (which is almost always worse than the original work). but if a writer intends to write something and not finish it till later, i will tell that writer to go shove it until he's actually written the whole thing. everyone so busy worrying about being "the next _____" instead of focusing on just telling the story that they need to tell.
  22. if you liked the wheel of time, already your taste and my taste are at odds, so what about these other authors is so much better than the aforementioned? what sets them above the retreads and rehashes and eye-rolling sword opera?
  23. i can put up with mediocre writing if the idea is good enough. I can put up with mediocre ideas if the writing is good enough (mr cormac mccarthy i am looking your way) i have a few zelazny books, but havent read them in yeeeaaars and can't remember them very well, maybe i'll re-read one and see if they stick with me better, now that i'm a bit more aged.
  24. lol, thats kind of you to attempt to gauge my taste at all! let me help: i already listed a few fantasy books i kinda liked, so here are a few popular ones i did not: i can say without a doubt that i hated the first wheel of time book, didnt bother reading past the first. and HATED the first shannara book (this was actually the first book in my entire life that i threw away in disgust, at the tender age of 16) i tried some book by C.S. Friedman on recommendation, it was unspeakably bad i actually made it all the way through the chronicles trilogy by weis and hickman, it was the definition of mediocrity, which i guess makes it pretty good for fantasy writing i havent read anything by the more modern popular authors: abercrombie, rr martin, erikson, or rothfuss. i keep assuming that i'd be in for another wheel of time embarrassment. edit: i actually think there are much more great science fiction books than fantasy: Dune, Enders Game, The Forever War, Rendezvous with Rama, are great, and i could probably name another ten or so without too much trouble. edit 2: and i like both of those quotes that tale posted though in the case of the first i firmly believe that fantasy writing breaks the 90% rule and actually is 99% crap.
  25. i was actually just talking about that author yesterday with some friends. the single most unattractive woman i have ever seen asked me for one of the krondor books back in 1998-1999 or so when i worked at a bookshop. turned me off completely to the idea of ever reading anything that might have been read by that *thing*. please don't tell me the author is actually good? it will make my memories cry.
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