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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. final act was pretty terrible. repeating environments was very very distracting and smacked of poor craftsmanship. characters were mostly unlikeable (except varric was so good he mostly made up for that on his own). the city was boring, uninteresting, and devoid of things to do beyond fighting teleporting goon squads. it wasnt a terrible game, sometimes it was actually really fun, but overall it was disappointingly mediocre. i do this so often: my favorite bioware games in order 1. baldurs gate1/2 2. mass effect 2 3. dragon age 4. mass effect 5. dragon age 2 6. kotor 7. nwn 8. jade empire
  2. stalker felt rpg-esque to me as well. about as much as mass effect, but for very different reasons.
  3. ... i wasn't talking about "jugs". look at her face, yeah its anime looking with big eyes etc, but it doesnt look like a 15 year old. there is a big difference between how a 15 year old girl looks and how a 23 year old girl looks. Son, she has an anime face, so her age can be everything in between 9 and 85. touche!
  4. ... i wasn't talking about "jugs". look at her face, yeah its anime looking with big eyes etc, but it doesnt look like a 15 year old. there is a big difference between how a 15 year old girl looks and how a 23 year old girl looks.
  5. i've now got worms. i need to see a vet.
  6. 20? i guess that could work, she looks a little older to me, 23-25 I'd say. anyone who thinks she looks 15 obviously has not seen a 15 year old before.
  7. da2 wasn't good enough for me to consider buying dlc for it. i'd rather they just spend their time and money making DA3 so we dont end up with another half baked product.
  8. ME series is a lot of fun regardless of whether or not its an rpg. that said, i could go for more stat tweaking/character and item build type stuff in part 3.
  9. fingers crossed for: fistfight with reaper god emperor. after being punched a few times the god emperor begins laughing. the god emperor has never experienced laughter before. it awakens emotion for the first time in the god emperors eternal existence. the god emperor calls off the war.
  10. playing chrono cross while taking a break from my summer of shooters. finished wolfenstien 3d, doom, and doom 2, am halfway through dark forces
  11. holy ****. fallout new vegas and all dlc for super cheap! frozen synapse half off! trine for $2!
  12. shotgun surgeon the cowboy one (lever actions do more damage) jury rigger
  13. i bet sony releases one year after nintendo to f them over on the wiiU like they are doing with the psvita to the 3ds. "hi peoples, we are sony, we have made a product 10x more powerful than what nintendo just released, and we are selling it for the same price. thank you for your patronage." edit: and sony will explain enough about their product at e3 2012 to weaken the launch for the nintendo system
  14. i think it looks significantly better. not as big a leap as from morrowind to oblivion, but thats ok, even the graphics in oblivion are "good enough" for me, so the better graphics for skyrim are just gravy.
  15. system shock 2 was somewhat linear, but still had exploration, where would that fit in the doom 1 vs COD?
  16. i've got my eye on frozen synapse, looks really neat.
  17. seems to me like obsidians best games are always when they get to use someone elses tech. they clearly spend more money on the game than on the technology. nwn2, kotor 2, FNV, all good or great games, none of which were built from scratch (well maybe nwn2 since that engine was so altered, and yet that was the most troublesome of the three with regard to tech) then ap and dungeon siege 3 come out, mostly built from scratch by obsidian, and are generally considered mediocre at best. seems to me, as much as i like obsidian, they are better off improving the work of others, than building something totally on their own. i really hope they get to make a mini-sequel or spin off of skyrim. and i am super duper fingers crossed that they get another crack at making a fallout game, new vegas is probably my favorite game of the last 5 years.
  18. the level design in doom 2 is positively baffling. using the map is required to make any progress. this can be seen as either a good thing or a bad thing.
  19. the witcher 2 was really really awesome at first, but after a while, yeah, i ultimately was left wanting. not enough variety. god damn am i getting picky as i get older
  20. finished wolfenstein and doom, these games are shorter than i remember. it helps that im looking at maps online though, getting lost was probably 90% of my playtime when i was 10.
  21. ok, so after doing some gog shopping based on suggestions, this is what the list currently looks like. Wolfenstien 3-D Doom Doom 2 Rise of the Triad Heretic Dark Forces Hexen Duke Nukem 3-D Quake Blood Hexen 2 Dark Forces 2 Quake 2 this list takes me up through most of the majors, minus a few, until half life was released, at which point shooters stop being retro imo and instead begin the (d)evolution into the modern shooter we have today. If i were a more (less?) interesting person i would keep a journal or blog or something of my impressions as i journeyed through time here, but im not gonna do that. i'll just post here like always, its close enough (until the day all these forum archives are lost/destroyed) i'm already a few levels into wolfenstein 3d and am itching for some doom: i did not remember the monochromatic floors and ceilings in this game, hella retro, and yet the game is fairly playable despite its age. i remember somehow getting to the first boss when i was a kid, but we'll see if i can make it that far this time before boredom sets in
  22. it actually made me really mad when i clicked that dialogue line and the character didnt say it. i HATE the dialogue wheel not actually having the exact line. its soooooooooooooooooooooo stupid.
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