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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. lol i don't think i ever saw that game. and yeah... my idea was a joke edit: and whats up with the GOG announcement? anyone know what thats about yet?
  2. i thought rage was going to be like borderlands. big levels, but not exactly "open world" ala oblivion
  3. i think an aliens 4x game would be amazing. you play a young up-and-comer at weyland-yutani who just found carter burke's stash of notes. you are able to requisition a certain amount of resources from your higher-ups to begin locating and capturing alien genetic material and specimens. your enemies are other corporations who have found out what you are working on and are starting competitive ventures.
  4. most fantasy books are gaaaaaarbage (for this post: fantasy means only sword-n-sorcery) i won't say "all" because im sure there are some good ones. but honestly I've read dozens, maybe hundreds, of fantasy books, and could probably not genuinely say "this is a great novel" about any of them. there are lots of them that were fun to read, or enjoyable in some sense (the dragon and the george series was my favorite when i was 8, and the drizzt series was my favorite when i was 13) but i don't think i've read even ONE truly great one ok scratch that, The Hobbit is genuinely a great book. LOTRO is ok, and the black company trilogy is ok too i guess. i might go so far as to say the second dragon and george book, The Dragon Knight, is ok too, but I haven't read it since i was 10 so who knows... stardust was maybe good too, but is more like a fairy tale than a novel alright, maybe i started too strong here... but still there are sooooooo many crap fantasy books it makes buying anything "fantasy" feel like a sin because you might be encouraging another larper to finally finish that book they've been hacking away at since college about the really grimdark fantasy kingdom of Multiplevowelswith'inthename. no i havent read a song of ice and fire, probably because by the time i heard of it i was already firmly cynical about fantasy writing in general. and yes, i too have a half finished fantasy novel, and yes, before anyone asks, it sucks.
  5. i think an alien game could be great, but it would not be an action game. I bet the guys who made amnesia could make an amazing alien game. Aliens on the other hand has had at least TWO great games so far (both were arcade games, , and but, since it has been such a long time since the last good aliens game, im ok with the fact that this new shooter is based on aliens and not alien. that said, since it has been a very long since there was a good aliens game, im not expecting this new one to be good either.
  6. whats not day one? the ad? what does that mean?
  7. i'd love to see the D&D license end up at obsidian
  8. i was prepared to really enjoy metro 2033, but 4 hours later i uninstalled it. just wasnt fun to play, despite looking cool, and having an interesting setting.
  9. i tried alan wake and couldnt play for more than a few hours before i turned it off, does it get dramatically better if you stick with it?
  10. ohoooo so now that was a lucky guess? and here i thought everyone was going to say "oops my bad, guess entrerix was right, maybe we should start listening to his predictions more" edit 2: hey look, more writing on the wall http://www.industrygamers.com/news/sony-wo...estment-in-ps4/
  11. maybe they actually believed that 2-3 years ago, but not anymore. really im surprised people are still arguing with me, i was absolutely dead right about the new nintendo system getting released next year...
  12. sony made the move with no idea what their end goal was. it was a cash grab. MS is planning on keeping the kinect around for a while, they will do minor updates to it over time, and continue to sell it alongside their new system. it definitely does not mean they are going to wait until 2014 to release their next console. edit: the new system (to be revealed at e3 2012 or possibly 2013 - with a 6 month later release)will showcase 1 or 2 lame kinect games too, only with "super awesome" graphics to help kids convince their moms that the new system will make their kinect even better
  13. what?? ms and sony spent tons of money marketing some toys, and then tried to tell people that it was in lieu of making new systems so people didnt think they were just making wii knockoffs at the tail of a console lifecycle. the pr speak was the "we arent going to make new systems so dont bother saving your money for them, buy some kinect!"
  14. ... did you really believe the pr? you dont think they were just trying to suck a few million out of some housewives? oh and edit: kinect will be compatible with the new system. its just a camera system......
  15. deus ex is ugly. but since when is deus ex gameplay/world outdated? by what game? (gameplay here meaning: level design, world design, interactivity and reactivity) edit 2: and orlando bloom is arguably more outdated than eddie olmos. dude's 5 minutes were up before the last lotr movie was released.
  16. sweet potato obviously refers to the inner ear canal. So of course that is where my tongue would go! what do i look like? a fool who hates delicious sweetearpotato?
  17. and with that i will remove myself from debate! *whisper* just keep your eye on november 2013 *end whisper*
  18. DA3 needs to fix: 1. enemy waves 2. lack of areas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. all the existing areas were hella boring and forgettable (ie towns did not look like actual towns, just big empty spaces with static people standing around) 4. things need to actually happen in the game. DA2 was very forgettable, in terms of characters, plot, and sidequests. the only character and sub plot worth the time it took to play through it was the stuff with that big-horned chief guy. i can think of more, but they start getting nitpicky after a bit, so i'll leave it at these 4 HUGE things. if not all 4 of these are dramatically improved then i will skip da3.
  19. if nintendo did not exist, then i think ms might have waited till 2014, and if ms did not exist then sony definitely would have waited till 2015 but the consoles do not exist independent of the other as they all share the same market space.
  20. thats not actually true though, sony was changing ps3 and psp (and now by reports, the ngp) hardware specs only a few MONTHS before release. 2 years of set in stone hardware is simply not a requirement. edit: and we all *want* things, but the console makers go by what the competition is doing and by what will maximize profits, not just by how much graphics have improved over the last 5-6 year period
  21. well i'll be sure to go all volourn on your ass in 2.5 years. gonna be trollin for daaaaays on all you non-believers edit: i called the release date for left 4 dead 2 about 2 months before they even announced they were working on the new game. i got flamed out of the steam forums by like 10,000 nerds all screaming that they wont make a sequel for at least 5 years because they were going to do a bunch of dlc. i managed to get about 5 of those 10,000 to declare me a prophet (once my declaration was proven true). you too will be marveling at my powers of foresight come 2013. by the time i am an old crazy person i'll start calling the apocalypse and then make a bunch of billboards about it...
  22. it will not be called wii2, but you bet your sweet potato that MS will have a new system out by the end of 2013!
  23. who was it that kept saying the next gen consoles were going to start getting released next year? i can't remember... oh wait, it was me. wii 2 november 2012, Xbox 3 before november 2013, ps4 between november 2013 and november 2014. mark your calendars!
  24. i wish every company had this kind of mentality whoops that looks funny after nepenthe, i was referring to the press release!
  25. i have a lot of DAO hours, but not as many as I do new vegas, and DAO was not anywhere near as good as new vegas either
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