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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. wow tale, i don't think i've ever put more than 300 hours into a game. thats a pretty crazy number
  2. i enjoyed TF2, but probably only played it for about 30 hours or so, i know some people play it for years, but for me it was just fun for a couple of weeks. I imagine brink would be the same way, so i'll probably skip it, or buy it when its half price
  3. a small good game is better than a big average game. sometimes a big size can make an average game better, but you're really taking a gamble with that type of thinking.
  4. this has been me for the past few months. can't decide if its something wrong with me, or that there are just no recent releases worth playing for more than a few minutes
  5. making something fun is the ticket to my heart. the best dlc for fallout 3 was the pitt and point lookout. they both were fun and added content without having anything to do with the plot (not that fallout 3 had a plot...)
  6. this x1000 do not put main plot stuff in side content. it is a BAD idea. almost always.
  7. i would rather have an insanely fun and well made side mission than a continuation of the story. save that stuff for the sequels
  8. if it doesnt then they are really missing an opportunity
  9. is it strongarm tactics to make people buy XCOM because the title references the old X-Com? nope, its just poor form, bad taste, and poop. this non-sequitor brought to you by - the internet.
  10. xbox announce in 2012, release in 2013. mark. my. words. and OnLive was always a joke. pay a fee AND pay for games? thats like getting netflix, paying your monthly fee, and then having to pay for a movie everytime you rent it. total disaster.
  11. yeah but could lead to major disappointment if the game doesnt hold up to those very high standards, particularly the standard set by red dead.
  12. a next gen AC game is one of the biggest things im looking forward to about the next gen consoles. I'm ready to see what they can do with WAY more horsepower.
  13. i liked brotherhood, but am really not happy about playing as ezio again. i feel like its time to move on. I was really hoping for revolutionary france, preferably with a female main character this time, just to shake things up.
  14. i dont really care too much what direction they take ME in, so long as the game ends up being fun that's all I've been looking for from this series. If they made a sequel to dragon age that was more like gauntlet than baldur's gate I would be pretty pissed though.
  15. sold to retailer or sold by retailer to customer - both of those are "sold", if the bet did not specify the buyer then thats the fault of the betting parties
  16. to hurlshot: that was cute. yeah we're still a few years from wanting kids. spending money on travel is a higher priority right now, and paying off my school loans. edit: oh and im currently playing: SSF4, MK9, and... oblivion!!! oblivion is really boring
  17. yay for the delay. you know you are getting old and finicky when you are praying for games to get delayed so they have more polish
  18. i want them to make more metal gear solid. I want a remake of the metal gear nes games.
  19. i think i just threw up in my mouth a little, thanks virumor!
  20. can't wait for these all to get released. then i can do one giant epic playthrough.... a great way to end the summer
  21. different game, but at least this one really DOES have cake at the end.
  22. i thought i read somewhere that the engine had simply been "changed so much" that they consider it a new engine. as long as there are all new animations, i don't really care too much that its the same ol thing. the wild differences between morrowind, oblivion, and New Vegas show that the engine itself can be used in plenty of ways.
  23. is there a way to finish ME 2 where the only survivor is shepherd? that sounds fun.
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