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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i bet any multiplayer in HL3 is going to be a 2-4 hour extra side mission thing. it will augment the single player game, not replace it.
  2. FF7 remake is the type of thing that would get HUGE sales for the new console. Just like ocarina of time remake is a huge seller for the 3ds. BUUUUUT: I do not believe that rumor. not at all. sounds like fanboy wishlist drooling. same as the gta rumor. I could possibly believe a timed exclusive for that one, but even then... sounds pretty unlikely. i guess we'll know at e3 though. and if the FF7 remake turns out real (which it won't) then I'll pre-order my system within an hour of the announcement.
  3. im playing MOOOOORTAL KOMBAT game is seriously awesome. very nostalgia inducing. online play is crud right now though, hopefully it gets patched. story mode is the most fun and funny story mode i've ever seen in a fighter, i hope every fighter from now on features something similar
  4. its a separate esp? mod, so i guess it will take priority then thats good, i spent about 10 hours tweaking weapon ROF's and damage and clip size etc etc to get them balanced how i liked it. didnt want to lose all that work with the patch (overall though i had to do WAY less balancing for NV than FO3)
  5. if i have already modded all these damage values and then install the patch, will the mod still take priority and keep the values as modded? or will the patch override the mod?
  6. hee hee Only if you're a console plebe. it effects even the glorious race, because most companies want to release their games on as many systems as possible, or have you not noticed the lack of pc exclusives over the past few years? (and the many pc games that are held back graphically by console limitations) but scalable tech can be good for pc's, if battlefield 3 is as advertised then its going to be MUCH nicer on pc, and scaled waaay back for consoles. Such technology will be commonplace next gen imo because the super wii will be "just good enough" to have versions of whats going to be happening for the other systems (pc included). mark my words! all of you mocked my nintendo console prediction and look how that turned out
  7. yeah.... bethesda owns fallout IP (at least for single player games, gets a bit stickier if you start talking multiplayer/mmo/etc). expect many more fallout games (so long as they keep selling as well as they have so far). not 1 more.
  8. scalable tech is going to be very big for the next few years. 3rd parties will want to release their games on the ps4/xbox720 AND the super wii, and those systems will probably have very big differences in power.
  9. so long as they don't do this to fallout then I don't mind them experimenting with TES. I've LONG thought the system in TES games was problematic at best (total disaster at worst), this game seems like a drastic overhaul and it can't be much worse than what they had before and it stands a chance of being much better, so i'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. and i totally agree with slowtrain about how characters should start similar and become more and more different over time instead of the inverse like TES has been. i could write for hours about all the stupid problems I have with the mechanics of morrowind and oblivion. JE Sawyer seems to have a good grasp of mechanics, seeing how the F3 system was adapted for the better in NV, i would love to see a spinoff TES game by obsidian, probably won't happen though.
  10. i guess this just makes skills that much more valuable?
  11. i can only imagine that they feel like games with a "2" after the title sell better than games without said "2"
  12. thats actually pretty rad of them, and is hopefully indicative of the mindset of the team. Im so sick of developers acting like "the problem with the highlighting is YOU the buyer of my wondrous games". So its nice to see a team actually go about quickly and humbly adding a toggle for a "feature" that many people are unhappy with (regardless of whether or not the unhappiness is justified, it shows that the team is trying to please the customer instead of demanding the customer idolize their masterpiece)
  13. I'd look forward to a pc version of Red Dead Redemption... But I kind of doubt they'll do that. Edit: And I just can't justify to myself spending the money on getting a console for one or two games a year when I enjoy pc gaming so much. i prefer pc gaming too, but there are definitely a few games worthy of getting on console. It all comes down to your piggy bank though, i personally own all three consoles and an ok pc (ie its more powerful than an xbox 360, but hardly a modern marvel). I spend about 70% of my gaming on PC, 20% on xbox, and 10% on ps3. I haven't even turned on my wii in about 3 years (except to watch netflix on in our second bedroom). no joke.
  14. if a goty is coming out this holiday season, does that mean we are getting the next 4 dlc between now and then? or are there no longer going to be 5 dlc packs?
  15. i do, and i gave it to new vegas last year. i told everyone, where were you?
  16. jeezus what happened to this thread.... did people mention Trip from Enslaved yet? I liked her design, not super practical, but not a total joke either.
  17. gta 4 was not very compelling to me. neither was 3, or san andreas. the only gta game i completed was vice city. red dead redemption was much more my cup of tea. looking forward to a sequel someday
  18. man, some of those screenshots make me want to jump in my computer and run through the forest trails into the mountains. i'm going to end up spending way too much time on this game. i can tell already. edit: and gooooood lord does that orc look better than oblivion orcs
  19. for me, the recycling was annoying, but not the end of the world, however, it was a symbol/symptom/giant red flag of the fact that the whole game felt like not much effort went into it. It seemed to have half the budget and production values of DA, and cost the same amount. A sequel should have MORE content, not less, particularly if its using the same engine. imagine if GTA3 had the content of San Andreas, and then the sequel had the content of GTA3. people would have been up in arms. actually you know whats a decent example? if BG2 was the first game, and BG 1 was the sequel (but with better graphics). this case is not as extreme as that example, but the game should NOT have been full price, and it feels like a big F.U. to the buyer.
  20. game just felt like a rush job. they charged full price for it though, if it had been $30 no one would be complaining, but they tried to pass this off as a full fledged sequel when it was much more like an expansion pack with a new combat system.
  21. even the steam version will use securom?? gog it is!
  22. im sooo happy that gog is taking off and growing. its such a great distribution system. I've only bought about 5 games from them, but look forward to buying many more in the future.
  23. i pretty much agree that nintendo is sort of in its own league, but you can bet that we'll see the next xbox announced at e3 next year. microsoft will want to try and crush all excitement for a new stronger nintendo machine by showing off what THEIR next gen machine can do. sony will try and take the dignified route by being patient and waiting a little longer saying "we always said 10 years for ps3", but really they will end up releasing less than a year after microsoft so as now to fall too far behind.
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