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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. what about the constant re-use of areas INSIDE kirkwall? I mean, for being such a big city, why are only a few hundred square yards of it accessible?
  2. the only resident evil games I've actually finished all the way through are 2, 4, and 5. I got stuck almost at the end of Code veronica and didnt replay it, I've never even tried part 1, and part 3 was too stressful... goddamn nemesis ruined my life.
  3. oh, no wonder i never killed him
  4. all things considered, thats a pretty minor problem. but interesting to know, i think imma knife my way through the whole game.
  5. the constant reusing of areas just makes the game feel like a cheap slapdash effort. Particularly because its been so heavily criticized in other games for the past... forever.
  6. i don't think I have ever killed gunther at battery park, what happens if you do?
  7. Code Veronica is the best "classic resident evil", with the tank controls and whatnot. 4 is the best overall game in the series though. I'm going to get both of these, even though I already own 4 on gamecube and wii, i want an hd version. I haven't played code veronica in ages, but am looking forward to an HD update of that as well. I'd like to see some bonus stuff thrown in, but I know there won't be any so I'm not getting my hopes up.
  8. I didn't either. When on a subsequent playthrough I discovered that by staying and fighting MJ12 at the hotel, whihc I just did to see what would happen, it was pretty cool to find out that Paul lived. And then it was pretty disappointing to find that nothing much changed afterwards. I'm not really sure how I feel on the subject. Certainly the appearance of C&C, even fake C&C, makes a decision in the moment more interesting, but if nothing significant comes of the choice then maybe its worse than not making a decision at all. I feel like in the case of Deus Ex it mattered that you could save paul, it didnt have any real game changing effect, no different missions later on etc, but it still gives a different feel to the game that the moment where you decide to save paul isn't a Yes No decision with an npc standing waiting to here your response. It was a reactive moment, the game tells you to run and you can choose to stay and fight and the game SUPPORTS that decision! That's just awesome. Thats as awesome as being told in new vegas that you MUST kill the brother hood, and instead working hard to save them and actually being able to do so. It's a more genuine C&C than the binary choices offered in dialogue that directly lead to a different quest because its more organic. now the BEST C&C would be that same organic type of decision making, but not just supported by the game acknowledging what you did, but also opening up new paths and or missions. that was all somewhat confused probably, but i hope people grasp my intent.
  9. Act 3 in a nutshell. y'know i wasnt really paying much attention to the plot by the time I got here, but yeah, now that you mention it, act 3 made about as much sense as a sock full of nickels with a hole in it.
  10. i really feel like Hell Kitty's post is being under appreciated. It was both amusing, and enlightening. All I really care about at this point are 1) level design 2) reactivity to the player/ choice and consequence All the other stuff, crap like highlighting, being able to pick up plants, the color scheme etc etc is minor and mostly irrelevant. If this game has 1 and 2 of the same caliber as deus ex, then it will be more than good enough for me.
  11. reading this makes me ache for the kind of character interaction found in planescape torment. Now that was a party of characters that grew to really mean something by the end.
  12. from wikipedia: "Cuttlefish eat small molluscs, crabs, shrimp, fish, octopuses, worms, and other cuttlefish. Their predators include dolphins, sharks, fish, seals and other cuttlefish. Their life expectancy is about one to two years." well, now we know what the reapers are scared of... Space Sharks.
  13. i share this question and am pretty scared that they will go back to the archdemon crap. which is partly why i ranted against it in my post. random all-powerful monsters as villains is soooooo lame. great villains, like SHODAN, or even Sephiroth, are often (not always) great because you are given the opportunity to interact, or react, with/to them throughout the game, giving you time to get to know them, or grow to hate/fear them legitimately and not because the designer told you "this is the last boss". A great villain needs to have their presence felt throughout the game, maybe not overtly (example of presence felt, but not actually showing up overtly: the master in Fallout, you know something is wrong fairly early on, but only get hints of the supermutants for the first half of the game), but still present. The villain at the end of mass effect was pretty decent, but other than him, bioware has had a REALLY bad run of villains. I haven't been enthused for any of them since Irenicus and Sarevok. (i'd give both of them say an 8 out of 10 on the cool villain scale, that dude from mass effect gets a 7, the archdemon gets a 2, the peeps at the end of DA2 get 6's, mass effect 2 gets a 2 (was there a villain in that game?), Kotor =? i cant remember the villain except he was bald and missing part of his face, I'd give Kreia a 9, i'm rambling but you get the point)
  14. oh yeah, i forgot about that human reaper bit, so what race are the reapers currently copying? space lobsters?
  15. i figured that since it was a tutorial level, it was going to be small in comparison to the first deus ex level. I really hope that the first proper level of the game is of the same size as the liberty island level of deus ex, just to show that the level design is of the same scale and caliber for this game as the original, since they have stated so frequently that they are trying to emulate the original game. if every level is small and narrow it will basically be alpha protocol 2, which is ok I guess. But its not deus ex. Taking the great level design out is taking the core of the gameplay out, akin to making a fallout game thats not turn based. oh... oh no dear god no. (note, some of the comments contained in this post are intended for humor only, and should not be taken seriously. basically all the stuff not in the first paragraph you can ignore)
  16. i bet the bad ending for ME3 has the reapers win and choose humans to be the remainder race, taking the role of the collectors for the next generation of races. i bet the good ending makes no sense.
  17. the orsino decision was very very strange to me. Really though, both orsino and that templar queen overlord lady should have been introduced much earlier in the story. The way the build up with the arishok was handled was great, the act 3 finale, not so much. still it was a good game, i essentially am of the same mind as greasydogmeat's review from a few pages back. There are a handful of annoyances that REALLY drag down the game (just like origins...) but overall its pretty good, and very fun to play. if they can combine the best elements of this and origins for part 3, we might actually get a Great Game. If we get the worst elements of both we will get a piece of trash so bad that even IGN and gamespot will be forced to give bad reviews to a bioware game. edit: for the record, the archdemon was one of the worst, most uninteresting and uninspired bosses I've seen since the genesis days. the dragon fights in dragon age (both of them) are universally bad and boring, having one as the end fight was a huge mistake. villains with ZERO personality are usually really bad villain choices. DA2 was better in this regard, but still not as good a villain as either BG villains were.
  18. i think fallout works best as a videogame. When I was a kid I would have wanted a movie and books too, but now that I'm a bit wiser, I see that the story and setting could not be done as well in another medium. I REALLY hope obsidian gets to make another fallout game in the next few years.
  19. just finished DA2. Fun ending, MUCH more fun than the end of origins. I'm going to replay as a mage i think. for all the things wrong with the game, its still very fun to play.
  20. that preview didnt really have any new info in it, yet it got me re-hyped anyway. I want to see some gameplay vids!
  21. really though how many games have this? just old adventure games from what I can remember
  22. jade empire sucked. I played it for about 10-12 hours, did not enjoy my time with it, and consider it a failure.
  23. i agree with this, and I'm a pretty big star wars fan. edit: and alpha protocol was ok. the story was too bland to make the mediocre gameplay worth going through. I played it for about 10-12 hours, and enjoyed my time with it, but it wasnt a great game.
  24. ? why did you have this reaction? he wasnt saying anything negative
  25. do want. it looks almost exactly like i would expect a sequel to deus ex to look like (in the gameplay department) though did anyone notice he didnt need to pick any locks or use any tools to operate the breaker box?
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