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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. DoW 2 was pretty disappointing for me. Its not that I loved DoW 1 that much and was sad to see it changed, i just got bored by its gameplay very quickly. DoW1 was ok, some of its expansions were ok too, DoW2 was just not a very good game. I hope they make big changes for DoW3. I'd prefer something that played more similarly to actual warhammer, and featured all the races, and the units, point buy etc etc but barring that, i'd settle for just a good game set in the universe.
  2. no way, im totally going to be right and YOU are totally going to be wrong. mark your calendars!!
  3. fallout new vegas was one of the best games released in the past ten years. I just hope to the skyking that bethesda recognizes that fact and lets obsidian take on another fallout project, this time with more lead time. Ideally they would get started half a year BEFORE fallout 4 is released, and then be given another 1.5 years to release the game. I'm sure that bethesda is getting first crack at fallout 4, but obsidian absolutely should do another follow up.
  4. Not anytime soon... Well unless you count the NGP and the 3DS. new xbox will be released in november 2013. i feel it in my soul. PS4 will be released november 2014. My guess is they would rather wait one more year, but will be forced to go in 2014 or lose too much ground to MS. The only one im not sure about is the Wii2. I would say november 2013 for that one too, but i don't know if they will go toe-to-toe with microsoft, whichever company announces their new console first (E3 2012) will get the pick of the date, the other company will release 6 months after, so i guess spring of 2014. i'd say that there is a much higher chance that MS will announce first. And, as I said, it's going to be a surprise announcement at E3 next year. This year is going to be more garbage for kinect etc, nothing exciting at all, and the gaming media will begin speculating about new consoles, setting up fanboy expectations for the 2012 announcement so there won't be a big backlash of "too soon". You'll all know I'm going to be right when after this years E3 we start seeing articles in the big press (gamespot, ign) about when the next consoles will be released. mark your calenders.
  5. that grim dawn looks pretty ok. wonder when it will release in relation to torchlight 2, dungeonsiege 3, and diablo 3?
  6. the whole templar thing is clearly part of the problem where the people writing the game don't actually play games, so they dont realize how stupid it looks for the player when the templars are supposedly trying to catch all the mages, and yet don't care about the pc, or any of the pc's companions, until its time for the writers to choose to have them care. it was a bunch of guys in room B making up a story to go along with the game being made by group A. But group B doesnt really care about what group A is doing, and vice verse.
  7. lol, that was an entertaining review, i agree with a lot of it, but i found the combat to be much more fun than DA1, though the enemy wave idea was stupid and its kind of amazing they let that get past the first meeting
  8. i tried going through nwn oc twice, got bored both times and never finished it. MOTB is still on my to-play list, i'm just waiting for the D&D rpg mood to strike me
  9. i think it makes sense, particularly for the energy weapons, it was actually something I modded into fallout 3 myself and was happy to see implemented in new vegas. as much as I love new vegas, Im going to wait for all the dlc to come out before buying them, i need more time before replaying the game, and when i do replay it I want to hit all the dlc in one playthrough.
  10. i thought farcry was definitely better than crysis 1. it's been quite a while since i played either of them though so my memory might be tricking me.
  11. gotta be an early april fools joke. why jump straight to people instead of developer companies? ie level 5 v bioware etc, instead of cliffy v miyamoto.
  12. umk3 was awesome, everything after that I kouldn't (teehee) tell you. this game is a 2d fighter again, and is being balanced (supposedly) for tourney play, its one of the games at evo this year too. I am crossing my fingers pretty hard for this to be good.
  13. i cant play origins anymore because the game has 100 too many fights in it. gets really boring after a while.
  14. april is awesome, portal 2 and the new mortal kombat! may is less hot for games..., with june and july being even worse
  15. Isn't that the same developer that turned Blood bowl into an action game? Can't say I
  16. i was going to skip crysis 2, but ive heard enough good things that I'll pick it up when it goes to half price. I hated crysis 1 so my expectations are really low for this (though i did like farcry...)
  17. its plays pretty well, there are lots of other problems with it though. If they keep the basic combat and totally fix the rest of the game, part 3 should be pretty good
  18. lol i started replaying super today too, you are a mind reader tale
  19. movies have it too, its a cool feature, no gameplay at all!
  20. lol, the problem is, origins still isnt that great either
  21. would be really funny if DNF was released on april 1
  22. you know, now I wish I had said this thought I had yesterday: it occurred to me that dragon age 2 felt like it was made by people who don't actually play games. I wish i had said that because it seems like I was right and wanted to look smart oh well, back to my dumdum seat!
  23. i'm going to wait for reviews just enough to know the game isnt a disaster, otherwise, i want to see what they've done, even if they only managed a "good" game and not a great one.
  24. Master Oner, searcheth the general RPG forum, albeit festooned with holy symbols and anointed with protective unguents lest ye catch the palsy of rabid spleen that afflicteth the dam-ned in that place. Amen. In that forum you shall see the thread I describe, it is clearly labelled, in blood and the innermost parts of exotic beasts, for what it is. I can do no more lest I open an unholy portal which I cannot control. just wanted to say thank you for writing that. made my morning
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