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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. off topic, but i always liked the world of Myth, would be cool to see an rpg in that setting. edit: and yes I know its mostly glenn cook knockoff stuff, but it was done really well in-game
  2. anyone know if there is going to be a demo?
  3. if it cost 75$ US to buy a dvd, you can bet that i wouldnt be buying any dvds. if i read that article right then: the multinationals are offered the choice: risk a grey market for media goods, or risk having 90% piracy rates in low income countries
  4. im not really sure who vol is quoting, but yeah, it wasn't particularly hard to figure out the day/night cycle, its right next to the world map button and you sure as hell aren't going to get far in the game if you can't even figure that out.
  5. i agree that DA2 is like that, but Origins... that game's rule system still doesnt really make sense to me, and they hide so much of the system that its a bit tougher to tell how much better sword A is than sword B and yeah, you're probably right about the D&D rules thing, i can't remember NOT knowing the rules for D&D so i forget sometimes that they might not be so clear to some people
  6. thats not really what i meant. I was more referring to the fact that I thought Deus Ex would usher in a new generation of gaming style, with lots of choice and consequence and open ended levels, and instead the opposite happened in most cases.
  7. thats one nice thing about the D&D rules, its usually immediately apparent when one item is better than the next. sometimes you end up drowning in +1 shortswords, but overall its not like you're finding +3 or higher weapons in every dungeon, so when you do find one, it's an easy swap for whatever your character used to be using.
  8. FO:NV. This game proved that you could square the circle of having a grown-up, hybrid plot / sandbox type CRPG that was popular and profitable. thiiiiiiiiis i hope that FNV is the future of first person rpgs, and not a lucky one off that won't be followed up on for ten years (deus ex...)
  9. very much enjoying the game still. In the end it might actually be better than DAO. I'm only halfway through it though so I'm not sure. It's definitely not as noteworthy as DAO was because that game was the first big budget traditional crpg from bioware in so long. Still, part 2 might end up being a more fun game, and be more fun to replay. edit: so far varric is turning out to be my favorite bioware npc in any of their games. again, very odd because I was expecting to hate him. merril started off entertaining, but she has a few too many joss whedon wannabe bits going on. Fenris is pukeonaspoon boring. Aveline is bland, but not annoying at least. Sebastian is annoying so far, and Isabela has... a couple of things really working in her favor. the only characters I liked in DAO were dog and allister. so this game is roughly on par with that one as characters go
  10. Seen a post NWN, BW game without one? DA2. I havent had any romances pop up in it, I'm not even sure why, i've been friendly enough, in DAO half the cast would have thrown themselves on me by now
  11. it seems like most of the people here who are playing the game have similar thoughts, the majority of the complainers (on this forum) have not played the game. i wouldnt say for sure that its better than DAO, but its about on par, and the combat is definitely more fun, and equally tactical on the higher difficulties.
  12. the way i see it, a piece of entertainment can do two things, 1) be fun, 2) be stimulating (educationally, intellectually, artistically etc). so far there are maybe ten games ever made that i would call truly stimulating, so for me, the vast vast majority of the time, games are based on fun. books and movies have gotten to the point where there are as many stimulating works as there are fun ones. Most of the time I prefer those which are more stimulating than fun. also: we should not forget, most of the time, in order to be fun, a work must have SOME level of stimulation, or you would not really be able to derive any satisfaction from it at all. also: your statement that "fun" shouldn't be the decisive factor between two games is just being silly. I appreciate when a product is so masterful and ahead of its time and blah blah blah, which is why BG/2 are classic rpgs. but if baldurs gate/2 was released for the first time today, it would probably be my second favorite game by bioware. not my first.
  13. ME2 > BG/2 > KOTOR 2 > DA:O > DA:2 > ME > HotU > KOTOR > NWN > JE i know, i know it's weird seeing me place ME2 over baldurs gate/2. The games don't deserve to be compared though since ME2 is an action game and BG is an rpg, but ME2 is more fun. if we're talking better games "FOR THEIR TIME", then this list has BG/2 switched with ME2. I really liked ME2... i havent finished DA2 yet either though, i realized i missed Isabela and had to restart. I'm playing as a dagger rogue now (which makes isabela redundant, oh well I'll just make her an archer (mods). the game is more fun as a rogue than a warrior.
  14. also: diablo is awesome. NWN is poop.
  15. i guess you're right, i probably should have said die-hard rpg fans, and not die hard bio fans, cause those are definitely not the same thing in most cases
  16. hopefully all the backlash will lead to some dramatic improvements for whatever this team works on next. trying to capture new fans by pissing off the die hards who have been buying your games for over ten years is a stupid strategy.
  17. i wasnt trying to say that everyone who plays it likes it, but there are a LOT of people complaining about it who haven't even played it yet.
  18. are you talking about the people who are actually playing the game or the people who are complaining about what they have seen and heard? Cause from what I can tell, the people actually playing the game are mostly saying its not bad, and is actually fun, despite being a rushed product.
  19. i still REALLY want an AC game set in revolutionary france. they can save the modern game for the next gen consoles and do something a little more like mirrors edge with the platforming.
  20. i really agree with this statement. DA2 on its own merits is not a terrible, or even bad game, but it is a symbol/symptom of other problems in the crpg genre (whats left of it)
  21. i didnt like JE, so i definitely don't see where you're coming from on that end, but when I'm playing DA2, it still feels a lot like I'm playing a dragon age game, it doesnt feel as different as ME2 did from ME1.
  22. funny, i see a lot of people saying that mike laidlaw is living on another planet. What I saw in that interview was someone in damage control mode, who has realized that maybe this is a bit of an "oops" situation. If he's being honest about the team looking at feedback then maybe all this complaining and DA2 bashing will do some good and we'll have a more sophisticated product in DA3. if and when that gets made. I still don't think the game is a trainwreck though, its actually pretty fun, better than Jade Empire at least.
  23. kinda sorta similar, but definitely not the same. AC games combat is more like waiting for the right time to parry and counter attack, batman combat is more like a rhythm game
  24. oblivion had a couple good things over morrowind: archery was improved over prior games, but still not right (did no damage without mods, was silly, but physics was ok) lots of quests, and quests that had more "story" to them. better overarching faction storylines hits with weapons always hit, only damage was affected by skills. I know not everyone sees this as improved, but I like it better. everything else, morrowind did better. most of the time, a LOT better. environment, skill choices, weapon choices, characters, overall storyline, cities etc etc etc
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