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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. if i had to pay 10% of my monthly salary to buy 1 video game you can be damned sure i would never buy another video game again. that said, 1 new video game does take up a big bulk of my discretionary money (ie the money i've not already allocated to mortgage and bills etc etc) for a month, so its not usually a purchase i take lightly.
  2. i like the previous argonian picture better, but either way the race looks way cooler now that it has in the past. i really feel like the environments look about as good as fallout 3, and the character models way better than anything done by bethesda so far. which makes the "graphics" overall about 10x easier on the eye than oblivion. oblivion faces were so so wrong.
  3. whole buncha surprises the last few pages... i shall only comment on one: silent hill top down multiplayer game? i will be very impressed if they manage to make that feel like silent hill (ie scary, isolated, atmospheric, palpable sense of dread). it will probably end up more like that Hunter: The Reckoning top down action game that was on the gamecube.
  4. maybe the problem with zerg is that they don't play in the style that many players wish they did. but i just don't know anything about competitive starcraft, i find it somewhat boring, i'd much rather replay the campaign... i know im probably alone in this. i also vastly prefer half life to counterstrike. counterstrike is fun for an hour or two, i got probably 30 hours or more out of playing and replaying half life.
  5. i'm definitely planning on playing bastion with a gamepad. it seems like it was designed for it.
  6. kinda like buying a bigger inventory in resident evil 4?? AWESOME.
  7. currently playing: final fantasy 7 for the 300th time chrono cross for the 10th time eagerly awaiting deus ex HR might buy bastion tomorrow after i play deus ex HR 4-5 times i'm considering finally getting around to playing shadow hearts: covenant all that should hopefully keep me busy till skyrim, which, once released, i imagine between playing and modding will keep me busy for a good 3-6 months
  8. what?!? there is no way drowsy and boo are the same person.
  9. for months i've been quietly looking forward to this game, but now that its closer, im starting to get really psyched up about it. all reports are so positive, even if this isn't as good as the original (likely), its going to be sooooo nice to play a game that even just feels a little similar to deus ex or system shock2. this still has a tetris inventory right? oh god im so excited...
  10. yeah. i noticed that too... all the dragon age 2 haters probably had a simultaneous heart attack.
  11. a warhammer mmo? can you actually play any character class from the tabletop game? like if i wanted to play a lizardman would i pick a skink blowdarter or a kroxigor? how would they balance that? i guess its more likely they would just give you the main/most iconic troop from each race? sounds boring. im sick of every games workshop game failing to capitalize on the awesome range of their universes. even dawn of war, which i liked, didn't let you choose any army you wanted, and the few armies they DID have only had half of the actual troop options that the army has in the tabletop game.
  12. ok so i see i wasn't the only one who thought that looked awful. just show actual gameplay, don't splice together a wannabe teaser thing from gameplay footage, it looks stupid.
  13. it took about 5 months from the release of the starcraft 2 beta until the release of the game. so if the diablo 3 beta comes out soon, then we'll be looking at a january-march release date? of course, this game might have a shorter/easier beta, since it doesnt need competitive balancing, and bnet 2.0 already is working (cause thats what starcraft 2 is on right?) still, my money is on late january-late march.
  14. i definitely missed this whole DoTA thing... its like a mod of warcraft 3 or something? people play it a lot still? so its like the counterstrike of warcraft 3?
  15. back in the day most games were 2-10 hours long, they just were really hard so they too more time to finish due to frequent (ie weeks) of restarting. edit: this doesn't really apply to rpg's of course, most of those were, and still are, pretty long. shooters though... other than difficulty, they used to be short as hell.
  16. i don't have an eye for graphics i guess, to me this looks like fallout 3 but slightly improved. what is worse about this?
  17. i wish the witcher 2 had been turn based for combat, i think i would have loved the game
  18. compared to what? i think it looks AMAZING (compared to oblivion).
  19. portal 2 was awesome, but somewhat short. i still think its worth at least $30-40 though, because its a good 5-10 hours (depending on your puzzle solving abilities), and worth playing at least twice. but still, im sure in a year or two there will be some insane steam sale that has it for $2, if you don't mind waiting that long
  20. playing games on a cell phone has about as much in common with traditional pc gaming as playing checkers in the park does. when the gameboy was released did people say "oh now, now my sega genesis is USELESS!1!!" people who think mobile phone gaming is TAKING market share away from the console and pc gaming crowd really don't get the console and pc gaming crowd. last example: you really going to skip diablo 3 so you can play angry birds on a touchscreen? really? note: it would be different if a phone could accept a mouse and keyboard inputs, and had the same graphical power of a computer. but if it could do that, then its not a phone anymore, its a computer that can make calls and fit in your pocket. in other words: "a deck". (see: william gibson).
  21. i love that you can pick different body types, that was something that bothered me in oblivion for some reason. it just didn't make sense that the big fighters looked identical to the wimpy mages in that game. in older games i could ignore it, but by the time oblivion was released it just felt like something was missing.
  22. this stuff looks more pulp to me than he-man (ie 80's cartoon) pulp fantasy art is awesome
  23. new counterstrike game is cool, i probably won't play it, but i'm happy for all those people who im sure are very excited. i'll keep being patient till half life 3. will probably see left 4 dead 3 before HL3 though ...
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