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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i dont see why they couldnt do a closer job replicating the amano artwork, the game could look breathtaking if they went a heavily stylized (cell shaded?) look
  2. a FF6 remake should be done by only upgrading the art ala the remake/HD update of monkey island. let it be done so you can switch back and forth between the artwork with the press of a button. same should be done for the FF7 remake if they ever do one
  3. just remembering little lamplight makes me so happy that New Vegas was as good as it was. FO3 is just...bad... by comparison.
  4. must have been hard for those babies to sneak past the mutant black bears surrounding the little lamplight region.
  5. who else makes games like this? other than fallout 3 and new vegas I can't remember any big open world exploration games since oblivion. what am i forgetting?
  6. i dont think we will see lucasarts make any more games as well as they did in the 90's. ever. its sad but i just don't think the people in charge over there value quality in their titles like they used to. side thought: dragons dogma looks very similar to demons souls. if it plays half as well as that game it will probably still be decent. my expectations though are for something more like that alien planet game... lost planet? i forget what it was called but it was clunky and had a terrible interface mucking up what could have been an ok game. so yeah, i think dragons dogma is going to be more like a D&D lost planet game than demons souls. still, i'll hold off judgement till the game gets released, it may end up being better than it looks
  7. trailer didn't look like max payne to me. game could still be good, but it doesnt look like a sequel to the first 2.
  8. when did rpg fans start getting so picky about graphics?
  9. picking up health and ammo is busy work? i'd much rather pick up health and ammo in most games. but that was a nice attempt at A=B or whatever you were doing i never thought it was realistic OR fun that after 1 fight your sword and armor needed to be repaired. it just felt stupid. In FO3 i modded the game so every weapon had about 4x the endurance before it needed to be repaired, and repairs could be made with pretty much any similar weapon. that felt much better to me. edit: actually, in games that have NO inventory management, then i dont see any need to have to pick up ammo or health. but if the game has an inventory system, then yeah you should have to pick up the stuff to put it in your inventory. otherwise its just messy
  10. i've been playing radiant historia on my DS, its actually pretty good so far. It doesn't have the same quality of atmosphere and aesthetics that older jrpg's had, but its probably the best new jrpg since... i dunno, golden sun or dragon quest 8 maybe
  11. i've never even finished a game of x-com and i am boycotting the new one. i was already pissed that fallout 3 was titled fallout 3 (not a true sequel), but i would have been absolutely livid if it was just titled "Fallout". I wouldn't have bought it (which would have sucked, cause i actually ended up having fun with the game). Just like i don't pay to watch bad remakes of good movies, im not giving any money to this new :xcom. or at least, if it ends up being an amazing game and everyone is raving about it, i'll wait until its $10 before i buy it
  12. this! i never liked the degradation in morrowind or oblivion (or even fallout). i like the idea of using the repair skill to improve gear, perhaps it should be changed from repair to "smithing" though, so it doesnt mislead?
  13. non-compete clauses in the US can sometimes be for 6 months or a year. no compensation during that time either. sometimes they are restricted to a region only though, so you could move out of state or something to start your own competing company (obviously wouldnt work for internet companies...)
  14. i definitely worry that the whole game will collapse on itself. it seems to be too expensive for most casual hobbyists, and they have all these stores to support... i honestly don't see how they are still maintaining as they are. but maybe they really do sell enough at these prices to keep afloat?
  15. for the real die-hards, the chance to buy a $100 skyrim statue IS a reward
  16. i think slowtrain has the right idea. these items are completely optional, and if it nets a few bucks for a developer then more power to them. i'm the same mind about non-obtrusive dlc stuff too. if selling alternate costume packs makes enough money to fund a sequel to a good game, then great. just dont have the game apart to artificially create dlc.
  17. hell yeah this. the old books and games were so DARK, gothic and grim and far-future. the necrons and tau were the beginning of the end, they turned it all a little too sci-fi (i actually like both races, but they didn't fit the universe).
  18. I liked that comment on the Ars page. oh my god. i think this might be the most offended I have ever been at the hands (by the words) of another gamer. someone should slap their parents for raising this creature.
  19. i actually got so sick of team fortress 2 constantly updating that i deleted it. i barely played it anymore anyway.
  20. i like that fallout 3 lunchbox. the only collectors edition thingie i've ever bought. this dragon scrolls statue just looks way too nerdy for me. maybe if i was 15 i would have wanted it?
  21. i imagine they would charge a small transaction fee OR allow trades, but you only get 1 trade every 3 months or something, to prevent people from doing it for every game. either way though, it seems like something they dont have to do. but would be nice of them if they did
  22. yeah. i think i'll pick it up sometime when its on steam sale for $10, but until then i definitely don't feel the need to play this. i just dont really like action games very much. still, i hope it sells well, i like relic, and i like warhammer.
  23. my game was 100% crash free after two playthroughs. it was about 6-8 seconds per loading screen, more like 10-15 if it was a brand new area. i have 8 gigs of ram but the rest of my system is not particularly powerful (9800gt, weak processor too) i had most graphic settings to low, except resolution. game was very very smooth (had to download new drivers for it though, but thats not very unusual)
  24. dear Enoch: play it on easy, it will save you a lot of hassle. also, learn the fast takedown skill and use it constantly, if i remember right you just need to string together 5 button presses and you get a free auto-knockout attack. dodge more, and use the cape stun attack to dizzy those shock prod guys without worrying about them hitting you mid attack string. maybe practice your group fighting in that side mode of the game? forget what its called, challenge mode? run through that a few times and the main game will feel WAY easier.
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