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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. well, looks like 2013 was right after all. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/121/1210280p1.html
  2. deus ex HR didn't sell well? that really surprises me, i thought it was a big hit?
  3. hmm, maybe it worked because my computer wasn't connected to the internet at all, so steam never even bothered trying to connect? i thought it was just a completely seperate mode. i have to re-start steam completely if i want to switch from offline to online mode. edit: maybe that was a setting i chose years ago and never thought of since?
  4. that sucks, once i set up steam to go offline, i've never had it just decide to try and go online again.
  5. im pretty sure SE forgot how to make games when the ps2 was released, and they've since tried to compensate by throwing mountains of money into projects with the words "Final Fantasy" on them in hopes of making more mountains of money. i anticipate a collapse sometime soon. hopefully followed by an actual final fantasy game worthy of the name, once again saving the company from the brink of closure.
  6. i think as i get older, i start liking gromnir more and more.
  7. the only video game movie i can think of that wasn't terrible was Silent Hill, that was merely "not very good" the first two resident evil movies are fun to watch because they are so bad, same as mortal kombat and street fighter: the movie. but as far as genuinely good film-making goes, there are no good video game movies. edit: alone in the dark is HYSTERICAL. watch it with friends, drink a lot. make a double feature out of that movie and The Room
  8. i've been using steam since half life 2 was released and have never ever once even for a moment had a problem turning on (and staying in) offline mode. just patch your games, then switch to offline mode, and bam, you never have to go online again until you choose to switch back to online to buy a new game. it works 100% every time. i used steam for about 2 years straight in offline mode before deciding to switch to online mode to buy games during a christmas sale a couple years ago (i've since kept it online most of the time, unless im wanting to stream something on my laptop while playing games, so i'll switch back to offline for a few days - it always works) I know other people have problems, but i have to assume its a user error or something...
  9. baldurs gate movie would be atrocious. and as much as i love torment, it would make a terrible movie too. most video games would make bad movies.
  10. im pretty sure the op was joking, that cast is hysterical
  11. oh my god you just described the scariest movie ever. seriously though, i've been saying since the day Brick was released that Joseph Gordon Levitt would make the best drizzt if they ever made a movie.
  12. can origin run offline like steam? does anyone know anything about how it works? if its like steam and you just need to activate once and then can use it offline forever then i guess thats ok...... do i have to actually download origin and keep it on my pc?
  13. why won't ME3 use the same drm as ME2? is it confirmed to be different?
  14. i dont buy used, i just wait for sales on amazon or steam to buy my games cheap
  15. the hobbit does not seem particularly ripe for a video game adaptation imo. i just can't picture how that would turn out well
  16. fallout 2 seemed more about the rise of new cities than the ruins of old ones. i want the next fallout game set around the time of fallout 1 (or earlier). I want to see the time period of the very early settlements, when the threat of raider tribes would have been at its highest.
  17. if this is true then the game is completely off my interest list. nothing kills immersion more for me than infinitely spawning enemies (ala certain CoD games) that only stop when you charge ahead.
  18. well, like i said ( i think) i've never paid a monthly fee for a game, so maybe they really do provide enough extra content (free dlc? lol?) that the monthly fee is worth it from a consumer perspective. then its a win win (ie buyer is happy, developer is rich.) i don't have a problem with people who think its worth it, it's just not for me. but yeah, if the game is supposed to be great, then im sure i could get my 50$ worth out of the free month. but then i would feel bad that i had a game i could no longer play. a $50 rental sounds too expensive to me, even if you get to rent it for a whole month.
  19. but, if that were really true, then why would WoW be making blizzard so much money. if all that money was being spent on server maintenance then the only game they've made since WoW was starcraft 2? wouldn't they be out of business by now? im pretty sure that those monthly fees are 99% gravy for the developer.
  20. eh, definitely passing then. won't pay monthly fee to play video games. it costs enough to pay for internet and cable and computer gear and you know, the actual GAMES. throwing on a monthly glamour fee seems just malicious. obviously it works for some (lots) of people, but i play too many games to justify spending so much just on one. i think i must lack the mmo mindset or something.
  21. i liked the first kingdom hearts a lot, but when i tried to play the second one i couldn't make it past the first couple hours, it was just really tedious.
  22. does it have a monthly fee? or is it like guild wars?
  23. This. Exactly the feeling I got, and I only played for maybe one hour (and I haven't felt the need to pick up the controller again). I know I can probably get past everything the game throws at me (through grinding), but.. it's not fun. after 73 hours i can assuredly say that grinding is almost completely useless in dark souls once your past the 50% mark of the game, so if that was a concern for you, then it can safely be put to rest. however, that also means that the game is obscenely challenging once you get past the 50% mark, since at that point it pretty much comes down purely to skill.
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