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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. I take it no one else here played the mario rpg games?
  2. Total War: 40K could be soooooo good. after reading that info about this south park game though, im tentatively excited, it could be good in the way that paper mario games, or breath of death VII are good. ie: cute, fairly fun to play for a while, not a lot of meat.
  3. I just hope they make a fantastic game that blows away everyone and ends up being game of the year and secures enough money to fund half a dozen more obsidian projects. i mean, i can't imagine how a south park rpg could really work. but if this ends up being better than baldurs gate 2, i think most people would be pretty happy, so lets all just be supportive. /hilarious naivete
  4. really, this isn't aimed at us, this is aimed at south park fans, and they just chose a studio that they thought could get the job done to their specifications. We probably shouldn't be looking at this like a regular obsidian title, at least, not until we hear more about how much control they have over the project. this isn't je sawyers new project is it? i keep hoping to hear that he's been put in charge of a new elder scrolls game set for release at the end of 2013.
  5. is... is that script real? nevermind, i don't really want to know.
  6. ugh, creation kit not coming out until JANUARY.... booo!
  7. i never really found south parks commentary to be left or right, more like juvenile. i hear little kids make the same arguments the south park creators do. they just come across as immature, and uneducated. however, i love south park anyway, and generally just ignore their "messages". i like fart jokes.
  8. first thing im doing is drastically changing the perk requirements. i'd rather have 5 interesting perk choices per level, than maybe 1
  9. not sure, probably gonna play more binding of isaac tonight. waiting for creation kit for skyrim
  10. i feel like volourn should get some kind of medal or recognition for his reliability.
  11. oof, my brother is in the same situation currently, i feel for you. luckily for me i bought my place at basically the lowest point in the market for our area, and it was a shortsale (fingers crossed, it's gone up about 11% since we bought it 1.5 years ago)
  12. starcraft 2? total war: empire? Civ 4 or 5? minecraft? i dunno, i don't play many strategy games... EDIT: NM - WORLD OF GOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously, world of goo world of goo perfect game world of goo!
  13. are we talking, baldurs gate multiplayer? or the kind of multiplayer that uses up so much in development resources that the single player game becomes a joke? neverwinter nights, im looking at you.
  14. for my wife, the discussion only comes up for purchases of $100 or more. As long as the mortgage gets paid on time, why sweat the small stuff? she only warns me against buying new games if she knows my "to play" stack is getting to the point of toppling over...
  15. my next playthrough i will only accept quests i intend to complete immediately. that way i won't have tons of quests in my "to do" list, so i can hopefully avoid the quest "tunnel vision" that I, and others, tend to experience in these kinds of games.
  16. my first character did the companions questline, my second did the main questline, my current one is doing both the assassins guild and the thieves guild. my fourth character will do the civil war storyline, and my fifth will tackle the mages guild. big game.
  17. it will be interesting to see whether fallout 4 is a big leap up in technology, considering it will almost certainly be released on next gen consoles, or just a mild bump in graphics (as fallout 3 was to oblivion and skyrim was to fallout 3) im guessing somewhere closer to the graphics bump of oblivion over morrowind, hopefully they dont make it fugly and boring though
  18. i could go for a fun rts, when is the next starcraft expansion coming?
  19. just bought: Gemini Rue and Avadon waiting for better prices on a few other things, i've got about 8 games i'm waiting to hit that magic $5 price point.
  20. im definitely going to skip the latest ACreed game, i liked the last one at the time, but replaying it... well, lets just say i think the game needs a new engine/mechanics overhaul. hopefully there are MAJOR changes for AC: 3 (is that coming next year?)
  21. glad you are liking it, that was definitely my favorite open world rpg. i hope obsidian gets to work on fallout 4, 4.5, or the elder scrolls 5.5
  22. No. New Vegas was alright because they received all the assets and engine of Failout 3 from Bethesda, so they could focus on their strengths rather than creating everything from scratch. If Obsidian had to make Skyrim from scratch, it would be completely doomed. i agree, i actually meant that obsidian should be given the chance to make their version now that skyrim is released, ala New Vegas. obsidian has, imo, been more successful at improving someone else's basic structure, than creating their own complete product from scratch.
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