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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. the girl in that picture looks really freakish. why is one arm looking like linguini and the other super muscular? what is wrong with her cheek bones? she looks like she got in a fight with a bee hive. blech. well, whatever, you still get to choose who's in your party right? do you have to allow everyone onto your ship?
  2. i was definitely interested to see what would happen with the AC series - but if the next game isn't a complete overhaul of the engine/features then i'm going to skip it. the gameplay is showing age and is getting stale. i want this current generation to die so we can get a flush of new IP's with the next gen. I'm not seeing much on the horizon that looks appealing right now.
  3. im playing skyrim, still having fun, still haven't seen everything, having a hard time sticking to one character long enough to reach level 20+ im also playing soul calibur 5. I liked soul calibur 1 and 2, hated 3 and skipped 4. 5 seems much closer in quality to part 1, which is a great compliment. seems like some reviewers were sad that there was no story mode. what kind of sadistic psycho wants to play a story mode in a 1v1 competitive fighting game? I would think most people would mark a fighting game down for wasting time with something like that. do people give hockey games bad reviews if they don't have end bosses and romances?
  4. .... that just blew my mind. i bought dead space 2 because of similar, very surprising, high reviews - only to find out the game was pretty much garbage.
  5. honestly im pretty surprised at the high review. Still, my first impression was so negative, i don't think i'd pay more than half price for it unless it starts getting rave reviews from everyone under the sun
  6. i think halo and gears of war were xbox exclusives not sure about anything else. i personally don't like halo OR gears of war, but got an xbox originally because i wanted a console and it was a lot cheaper than sony's $600 console.
  7. if i have nothing else to play in a year, i'll pick it up for $5 on steam sale, just to see if my initial impression was hasty or unfair.
  8. demons souls and uncharted vs halo and gears of war i have both systems, but really, the ps3 imo has better exclusives while the xbox has the better (but more expensive) online gaming
  9. there was a time i would gladly have paid $5 for DNF. sadly, that time has passed.
  10. im still not sure i get how steam could make modding easier. its soooo easy already. i guess if all you had to do was just click on the title of the mod and then hit "play" and the mod would already be installed, that would save you about 12 seconds of copying and pasting a file from your downloads folder to your data folder? maybe by easier they just mean a clean and easy to browse "storefront" for mods? nexus has a lot of terrible mods on it, and if i want to skip over them i have to sort by endorsements, which takes like 4 seconds, and if steam can shave that down to 2 seconds then i guess they did a pretty good job? something tells me when they hear complaints of "i can't get mods to work" its from people trying to download a nexus mod to their xbox...
  11. thankfully its not too long of a sequence, as opposed to RE3 where the nemesis was just always in the back of your head, or on screen chasing you...
  12. its funny, the only resident evil games i've finished have all been non-scary ones, RE2, RE4, Code Veronica, and RE5 RE1 and 3 were way too scary same goes for silent hill 1 and 2, i love them, but the only way i was able to finish part 2 was with three other people in the room all getting scared as much as i was and it was a lot of fun.
  13. i disagree! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horror_and_terror resident evil 4 was not terrifying (like resident evil 1 often was), but it was plenty horrifying. the village chief, chainsaw villagers, del lago, those creepy chanting hooded guys in the castle etc etc were all horrifying in various degrees. the problem with the game is that there were few moments of terror because you knew that you could usually blast apart whatever horrors you would encounter. until that *thing* towards the end of the game that was nigh unstoppable and had to be run from. there was definitely nothing remaining of the "survival" part of the originals though
  14. ok, got to where the crimson heads start popping up in the Resident Evil GC remake, and then had to quit because i was getting too tense to have fun. i love scary games but just am not cut out to play them anymore playing resident evil 4 instead, my 3rd playthrough ever, this time im using the blacktail and broken butterfly only. shouldn't be too hard though, i have a lot of magnum bullets...
  15. as long as it gets released by the end of 2013 then my prediction will still be correct, although i was definitely expecting some sort of announcement or look at it this year at e3
  16. i think night of the living dead would not have been very scary if the main character had been John Matrix. i think "action horror" is a good way to describe re4, its not a pure action game, but at least your character has enough bullets to kill his enemies
  17. if im not mistaken, wasn't Breath of Death 7 made by just one guy? that project sounds almost exactly like what boo has in mind
  18. im bouncing between new vegas, UMvC3, and Resident Evil 1 - depending on what mood i'm in.
  19. i don't know the answers to any of your questions, but i wholeheartedly support your endeavor!
  20. started up resident evil 1 for the first time since i bought in 1996? tonight. thoughts: damn i suck at games now, this is hella hard!
  21. other than the arrow in the knee speech, i've noticed a fantastic array of misc background chatter compared to oblivion, a huge improvement
  22. anyone have a 3ds? im thinking of maybe getting one for resident evil revelations, of course, maybe if i wait a year it will get a console "hd" release...
  23. now we got like buttons im gonna like so much stuff! i feel "like" a king! ...im so sorry....
  24. replaying deus ex human revolution while waiting for skyrim toolset. once that comes out, and i get my fill of my mods and skyrim, i think i'll replay resident evil 1, 2, code veronica, 4, and 5 to mentally prepare me for the insanity surely awaiting me in RE6
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