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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. just noticed this. you've never actually played final fantasy 6 or 7 have you?
  2. it helps me to play skyrim with a character goal: this characters goal is to kill every draugr in the game. this characters goal is to wipe out every stormcloack etc if the questlines for the factions were better i wouldn't need to do that, but its kinda fun to come up with new twists. that said, i usually play a character for about 5-6 days, then make a new one. i like the game from levels 1-20, and not so much levels 20+
  3. we obviously have polar opposite opinions of what constitutes a mess. i would say alpha protocol was a bit of a mess, but new vegas was the thing that is farthest from a mess, whatever that mythical thing might be.
  4. i agree with worstusernameever. stories abound of the entire production of FF13 being "a hot mess" so i was not surprised when the game itself was actually a hot mess. steaming hot. which is too bad, cause i was really excited by the marketing speech about lightning being their goal at creating a character with the appeal of cloud, but a girl. and she got shoved into a game that was so much of a mess, that i couldn't tell if i liked her or not because the game was getting in my way.
  5. i meant direction, as in directed by a director. as in leadership. as in the person in charge of the game had a vision, and then directed his minions in the bringing of his vision to life. not direction as in "go west" "take a left" "walk straight down this corridor for 30 hours" notable game "directors": shigeru miyamoto, hironobu sakaguchi etc
  6. design and pacing to me are indications of how well directed a project is, polish is the opposite, and says to me how much time and money was spent on the smaller details of a product. when i say mess, i mean a meandering plot, meaningless characters, muddled themes, and confusing interplay between the gameplay and the story. basically the opposite of a game like final fantasy 6 or 7, where the gameplay mechanics were intricately tied to the themes of the game.
  7. hearing about 600 people working on resident evil 6 makes me very very worried. final fantasy 13 had huge numbers like that and was a complete mess, the whole project looked without direction, hopefully capcom avoids that pitfall here edit: and holy crap that article about the XCOM combat gets me excited. I don't care how close it mirrors the original, i want to play that game! it looks like frozen synapse with moar graphicz!
  8. binding of isaac is only "good" from the point of its art and sound design, the gameplay itself is 20 years old and not even that good
  9. a bioware bethesda romance simulator sounds hilarious, you get a wheel with 4 random sounding words on it, pick one, then get a 12 minute cutscene. example: 1. cottage. 2. goblin. 3. work? 4. interest?
  10. maybe its going to be a competitive type game? something like these dota whatever games i keep hearing about? competing teams of cyberpunk operatives with premier design and the built in competitive blizzard fanbase from starcraft and dota stuff could be a HUGE hit for them
  11. if Titan were a cyberpunk game that didn't require a monthly fee i would certainly give it a go
  12. morrowind nailed atmosphere like few other games ever have. skyrim has pretty crap storylines all around BUT the world itself is pretty smartly put together and is very fun to just wander around (plus the game mechanics are ok). oblivion had OK storylines, but terrible world building and mechanics actually, skyrim and fallout 3 have a lot in common now that i think about it... makes me wish even more that obsidian would get a crack at making a skyrim semi-sequel
  13. i am becoming suspicious that we will not be getting the toolkit on time...
  14. lol, but seriously, the swing and hit animation in amalur was distractingly awful, 4 foot long sword swipes going directly through the opponents chest and only 1 in 4 hits causes them to give a stupid canned stagger animation? puke. at LEAST cover up your awful animations with giant hitsparks or blood splatters or SOMETHING so you can't see how ugly it looks. the swing animation looks utterly stupid too, a frail waif of a girl holding a 4 foot long, 8 inch wide sword out with arm completely extended swinging it wildly to-and-fro before her like shes threshing wheat? puke. edit: im not a graphics whore, but if you want to make an action game, you need the action to be fun, and for action to fun it needs to FEEL fun, look at the sword swing and strike animation going back to the legend of zelda ocarina of time, swings FEEL like sword swings, combination of animation, hit animation, hit sparks, slight pauses on hits etc etc etc and that game is 10+ years old! the combat in amalur looks like mmo crap animation shoehorned into a single player game, not acceptable. amalur looks like amateur hour. oh yeah, and the camera SUCKS too.
  15. looks like diablo 3 might still need more work than they've let on...
  16. got bored with the demo after 20 minutes, this game has no place in my life edit: more detail - if you want to make an action game, include hit detection and animation that matches, precision, timing, and spacing should be key, not mashing buttons. see dark souls. if you want to make an rpg you need to do more to hook the players into your world. see planescape torment. lastly, if you want to clone an action rpg hybrid for god's sake don't clone fable. (proper answers could include diablo, system shock 2, deus ex, fallout new vegas, morrowind, or dark souls)
  17. i'll wait till the beta is over, dont need borking of my game to fix bethesda sloppypatching any word on that toolset yet?
  18. between guild wars 2 and diablo 3 i probably won't need any other games this year. gonna be a good year for my wallet and a bad year for my real life, video games are taking over!
  19. i've been playing skyrim again, using a few mods (not enough), making a thorough list of all the things i want to change the minute the toolkit gets released
  20. diablo 1 was soooo good, i'll be happy with diablo 3 so long as its better than 2, but i certainly don't expect it to be better than 1
  21. i disagree, people will always want to play other people, and when the ai gets smarter than people it won't be worth playing the ai because "why practice for competition against an ai that will be doing things your opponents won't"
  22. yeah it was god of war, there are a few in resident evil 4, and they are annoying, but definitely not a reason to skip a fantastic game. edit: and yes nemesis was awesome, but i had a lot of fun playing RE5 co-op with my wife, so it edged it out imo
  23. yeah im sure you can download it on the psn for ps3, it was originally a gamecube game, then it was on ps2, and then made available on wii and psn
  24. i feel like i should post that revenge of the nerds clip a few more times. why the hell would i want to broadcast over facebook which fictional teenage elf girl my awesome fictional stud man seduced today. it's bad enough knowing that i did that at all, let alone telling my real life friends and family about it.
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