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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. is fading suns pathfinders version of dark suns?
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/10/arts/vid...?pagewanted=all while not directly about a video game, this is somewhat big news, as D&D is maybe a tiny bit important to rpg's
  3. i think the screenshot looks bad (bad angle, weak graphics), but the game "looks" good, ie the makers are saying things that have me interested presumably the camera angle can be changed, so that shouldnt be an issue
  4. i think that xcom game looks pretty awesome.
  5. i'd prefer something more like a diablo clone than a story based rpg. a diablo clone where they gave you 1 character from each of the armies to choose from, and you can choose how to level up your character to make them fit the different iconic units from said army ie: eldar character starts as just a regular trooper and via levelling and selecting skills and equipment you could turn them into a striking scorpion and then into an exarch etc chaos trooper into either a raptor, havoc, plague marine, noise marine, berserker etc etc enemy variety could be through the roof as the character goes on a tour of the hostile worlds of 40k could be sooo good.
  6. played and finished Bastion over the weekend, that was a really great game, and $5 VERY well spent. i wish i had known what all the weapons would be when i started, because i spent a bunch of money upgrading weapons only to replace them shortly after with ones i liked better, but in the end it didn't much i hope they make a sequel, i'd love to play a version with even more weapons/upgrades, and new worlds to let their great art style shine
  7. when is the blasted toolkit being released? is it already out? its january now where is it!
  8. my thoughts exactly, skyrim being unforgiving and hardcore? i'd bet that whoever thinks that doesn't last 5 hours with dark souls.
  9. i would LOVE dark souls on pc, if only for the possibility of mods.
  10. i have more fun complaining about dragon age than mass effect, they should announce dragon age 3 and show some concept art so i can have something to bitch about
  11. so stoked! now lets just hope its not an underdeveloped throwaway title
  12. new vegas was my top of 2010, though honestly i'd also make it my top of 2011 considering how much i played it this year interesting how many people played only a few games this year, but i guess this board leans very heavily towards rpg's, of which there are few of merit in a given year
  13. Ok, have done one of these the past two years, time for 2011! My top ten games of the year Top Games of 2011 (made at end of 2011) 1. Skyrim (pc - preordered) 2. Portal 2 (pc - preordered) 3. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (pc - full price) 4. Dragon Age 2 (pc - preordered) 5. Dark Souls (ps3 - full price) 6. Batman: Arkham City (ps3 - preordered) 7. The Witcher 2 (pc - full price) 8. Mortal Kombat 9 (ps3 - full price) 9. Bulletstorm (pc - bargain) 10. Frozen Synapse (pc - bargain) runners up: binding of isaac, cthulhu saves the world, Dead Island, Frozen Synapse I have to still play: Total War: Shogun 2, Gemini Rue, Dead Space 2, Costume Quest, Bastion, LA Noire, Uncharted 3, Catherine things of note - 1. i preordered and paid full price for a lot of games this year compared to last. 2. despite being pissed about dragon age 2 in general, it was still in my top 5 games of the year 3. I have a LOT of games left to play from 2011, several of which could dramatically shape up my top ten list, so maybe in a few months I'll revisit this with my updates. I'm particularly expecting good things from Bastion, Catherine, Uncharted 3, and Shogun 2. 4. NO xbox games this year... my list from 2 years ago was mostly xbox... weird. also, as a bonus, here is my initial post from last years thread (http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=56886&hl= "Ok last year I did one of these and now I'm doing it again... my top ten games of the year (and for market analysis, the system i played them on and the price I paid) 1. Fallout: New Vegas (PC) - preordered 2. Mass Effect 2 (PC) - preordered 3. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox) full price, not preordered 4. Super Street Fighter 4 (Xbox) preordered 5. Starcraft 2 (PC) - full price 6. Assassins Creed Brotherhood (PS3) - half price 7. Heavy Rain (PS3) - bargain bin 8. Civilization 5 (PC) - gift 9. Splinter Cell Conviction (Xbox) - bargain bin 10. Castlevania Lords of Shadow (ps3) - half price runners up: Battlefield Bad Company 2 (bargain bin PC), Limbo (full price, Xbox), Alpha Protocol (bargain bin, PC) still planning to play: amnesia, Bayonetta, Darksiders, Alan Wake and my favorite older game which I played this year= Red Faction: Guerilla" last thought: curiously, none of the games that were in my last years "to play" list, ended up changing my list, although that might be because I STILL haven't played amnesia
  14. the armor in that cartoon reminds me more of dark souls than dragon age. i wish dark souls was easier, i love that game but it requires too much investment
  15. i actually had way worse bugs in fallout 1 than fallout 2, maybe i just got lucky?
  16. buggiest games i ever played arcanum fallout nothing since then has been even close
  17. i remember Alpha Protocol having very clunky shooting and stealth mechanics, Deus Ex HR felt much smoother to play. I also hated choosing stances in Alpha Protocol, I prefer being able to choose what my character actually says. still, AP wasn't a terrible game, and with better design from the ground up it could have been great
  18. i like dark forces 1, but good lord it is hard to navigate...
  19. just finished Bulletstorm, for $5 it was definitely worth the price of entry. gameplay starts getting tired after about 6 hours though, luckily the game is only 8 hours so it ended right about the time i was getting really bored with it. looking at my recent buys: shogun 2, LA Noire, vmpire bloodlines, terraria, cthulu saves the world... not sure which to play... tried RAGE after getting it as a gift, it is a very sad piece of software weak shooting mechanics, annoying enemy AI, bad level design... I played it about as long as I played bulletstorm, but didn't have fun for any of that time, i just kept hoping it would get better
  20. i dunno, when i played TIE Fighter it was pretty helpful being able to see out the front of my TIE Advanced, especially when i had finally cornered one of those horribly pesky A-Wings.
  21. is morgoths avatar Francis Ford Coppola?
  22. i've got so many games to play, but so few of them are actually striking my fancy. I think I'm getting pickier as I age, but i keep buying stuff anyways... gonna have to reign it in over the next year...
  23. none of the dailies today are on games on my wishlist, but 75% of my wishlist is on sale to some degree, so now i just have to watch the daily specials to see if any of them get a deeper discount, if not then i'm going to be buying quite a few games on Jan 1st
  24. i blame EA for DA2's problems. I'm not sure how i feel about bioware right now, but i definitely am annoyed at EA dead space 2 was poo DA2 had major issues BF3 not on steam blah
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