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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. my favorite way to play bloodbowl is just to directly attack the other team as often as possible.
  2. best resident evil games in order 1. Resident evil 4 2. Resident evil 2 3. Resident evil Code Veronica X edit, here is some more 4. Resident evil 1 gamecube remake 5. Resident evil 5 6. Resident evil 3 i didnt play any of the others
  3. i like the sound of that 1999 mode, it makes it sound like a real video game and not a baby-coddling simulator.
  4. "broadcast their game progress over facebook". NEEEEERRRRRDDDDSSSS
  5. people commenting on difficulty: isn't this a tutorial dungeon? most new school gamers would immediately return a game that they couldn't even get past the tutorial without dying... unless the game is dark souls, but for that game everyone was given plenty of warning.
  6. i miss good jrpg's, i don't think we'll ever see another jrpg as good as FF6, FF7, chrono trigger or chrono cross ever again kingdoms of amalur looks exactly like fable - i'm definitely going to want to demo it before buying
  7. im sure it was as steam planned, but after so many holiday sales... my game library is now heavily steam-related, and i'll be in a mighty big pickle if they ever got bought out or shut down, but its gotten so big, i imagine whatever catastrophe would happen would happen gradually enough that most users won't realize they are now doomed members/victims of the steampocalypse
  8. if i remember right from back in the day: gamepro magazine didn't give an overall score, they gave just the scores for graphics, sound, gameplay, and "fun factor" their competition on the other hand, EGM, just gave a single score, but they had a score from not just ONE reviewer, but 3-4 PER game. of course, that was back when games were much shorter usually (snes, genesis etc) and came out far less often
  9. wow, honestly if i were to watch that video not knowing what it was i would be 100% certain that i was watching a video for the next fable game. that said, it looks better than the last fable game i played, so maybe i'll check it out
  10. maybe by comparing it to other games that scored a 72 and 73 in the past? i agree that it would have lots of minor inconsistencies. i think the best scale is 1-10, in .25 increments. lots of games imo deserve 6.75-9.25, but very few deserve a 9.5 or higher edit: obviously this scale still ends up with a 7.5 being "average" (like grades in school), which makes one question why bother including a 1-5, maybe you don't and just say FAIL if a game scores below a 6?
  11. Heavy Rain was a qte game, thats all it was, so being mad that it had qte in it would be like getting mad at DOOM for having shooting in it.
  12. blood bowl is definitely made for fans of the game, i personally really enjoyed it, but thats because i have fond memories of playing the tabletop game back in high school. i think for someone with a genuine interest though, and some patience, they can find some fun in the pc version
  13. it took me about ten tries to beat that part, the attempt where i finished it felt so easy it was laughable. i have no idea what changed, my advice: just keep trying, sooner or later it will work.
  14. i totally disagree with handheld gaming being pointless, i love having top quality games available on my DS or psp. I usually spend a few weeks a year travelling, and having good games to keep me company is awesome, not to mention - sometimes i want to play games right before bed and its a lot more comfortable to play IN bed than out on the couch on a console or in my den on my pc. however: i think handheld gaming makes up about 10% of my total gaming time, and so i spend probably 10% of my gaming budget on it. which means that I DO agree that $50 for a game is too expensive, but most games, if you wait a year, can be found for $20 instead of $50, which is a much more reasonable price.
  15. yeah diablo 1 DID have multiplayer on playstation and it WAS awesome. 100% of the game is present, it just doesnt control with the same level of 100% accuracy, its still perfectly playable though, i played diablo on both and had no problems
  16. But it's done by point and click. Controls tend to be kinda important for the design of action games. For instance how do you single out a boss in the middle of trash mobs when all you have is a gamepad? go play diablo 1 on console, then come back to me. (forget it, here is the answer: it's not that hard. you play about 75% as well as you do when you have a mouse and keyboard)
  17. so now you get me3 gear if you play the kingdoms of amalur demo? thats cool i guess, free stuff for playing a free demo = great advertising, hurts no one.
  18. i always pictured the bolter having the same effect on a person that the gauss rifle does in fallout 2. *gunshot sound* *half the targets body gets splattered*
  19. still waitin on that toolkit... i can't play the game now without seeing all the little things i want to fix once that god forsaken toolkit gets released
  20. rage was the worst game i played all year. i ranked it #16 out of the 16 games i played that were released in 2011. i'm currently playing binding of isaac, getting over the difficulty, having fun with the attempts. i've done 8 playthroughs, so far have only gotten to the last level once. died in the second room... still haven't seen the last boss. i think tomorrow i'm going to start LA Noire, and will try and finish it over the next week, anyone know about how long it is?
  21. half of the diablo games have already been released on console. the only diablo game not released on console was the second one. diablo 1 was released on the playstation. hmmmm, trying to think of more ways to say the same thing... i'll get diablo 3 on pc, and then again on console IF the console version lets you do 2-4 player local coop. if it requires you to use system link or go online to play with people who are sitting next to you on the couch then i will have zero need for a console version
  22. i didnt really like the catwoman sections very much, and feel that AA was better in almost every way than AC, still, City was great, and by no means a bad game.
  23. i think its time this forum added a reputation or "like" system, because i really want to click a thumbs up icon or something for that post
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