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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i want this game. hurry the hell up november.
  2. it looks way more interesting than the name would suggest
  3. sort of, in the case of the barbarian or viking, probably. but for the witch doctor, some of his skills have a distinctly "witch doctor" flavor, that wouldn't be interchangeable with the skills that would be more flavor appropriate for a necromancer. though i suppose mechanically they might have ended up identical, sometimes flavor influences mechanics when a game is being built
  4. i think the design is hugely important to how fun the game is. but we had this debate a while back about bioshock, and if i remember right, it ended with both of us feeling exactly the same as we did before the debate. for me, things like atmosphere, art design, character design etc etc are a big part of what makes a game "good". diablo 1 had 100% amazing art design and atmosphere, diablo 2 took a step down, was still good (for the time) but was definitely not on par with the world diablo had created (music i think was a big part of this too). diablo 3 has what looks on par with diablo 2 to me, a few of the classes look interesting flavor wise, and some of the art looks really cool, but some of it just looks a little much (character abilities lookin like a fireworks show), though im definitely going to play with an open mind. all that said, i do agree that the gameplay is still the most important thing, and diablo gameplay is very much about killing millions of monsters in a satisfying and polished way, while levelling up and sculpting your character and abilities to be able to kill more monsters in the way that is most fun for you. and no that doesnt sound boring at all, boo is alone.
  5. i bought deus ex the first weekend after it came out, and still use the disc about once per year as a coaster!! zing! just kidding i use it to play awesome deus ex
  6. i dunno, i remember when i first booted up diablo 2 and had FIVE characters to choose from, they all looked cool and I couldn't decide which one to pick. i definitely wasn't playing any games at the time that let me be an amazon or necromancer. (not counting a wizard in baldurs gate who took spells from the lousy necromancy school of magic)
  7. im guessing we see a mod for limb removal within the first month or so.
  8. im going to buy it, and then probably never play it. i want to play it. but really, who am i kidding, my backlog has nearly 60 games in it. im not gonna play this one either.
  9. i bet TOR will be ok for about a year, then slowly die, then they will move it to free to play, where it will slowly chug along for 10 years, eventually kinda sorta recouping the cost of the whole endeavor.
  10. i think they will, i read some interviews where they talked a lot about balancing that sort of stuff. the new system they are using, if i recall correctly, has you pick your skills, and instead of putting more points in them, they level up as you do. so they should all be viable throughout the game (in theory).
  11. oh really?? i missed that. i was expecting vampires again but not werewolves. did they announce vampires too?
  12. maybe they will do an expansion that adds a weredog race
  13. definitely, i think that the way the runes change how skills work will make for a TON of replay value. i can think of several skills from diablo 2 that would have greatly benefited from being able to slightly alter their hit properties/ranges etc etc
  14. i think i agree with all that except maybe ME1, i think i got 3 plays out of that game all within about 3 years. oh wait, that is still agreeing with you. the only games i've played lately that i IMMEDIATELY replayed were... hmmm, starcraft 2, fallout new vegas (about 10x in a row...), dragon age, ME2, and bioshock... eh that might be it. i usually try and wait at least a year before replaying something. i have a feeling im going to play Deus Ex HR multiple times right away though. been waiting a long time for this one. edit: thought of one more: batman arkham asylum
  15. eh, i've seen way skinnier. hers are definitely not the arms of a warrior though... and hell yeah that dog looks awesome! irish wolfhound doggie companion ftfw
  16. I don't. And i need 9 hours afterall i'm collecting all the treasures and acquiring trophies, then another 6 for Hard and another 9 for Crushing. Plus 4 weeks of time of mp. Now you are a different story. i liked uncharted 1 and 2. but they are definitely games i played once through and thought "wow that was cool!". then put on the shelf and never touched again. i'll probably replay part 2 in a year or two, but the games are more about wow and story than gameplay imo.
  17. riddick: escape from butcher bay was awesome. i am really disappointed that more games didn't follow in its footsteps and try and improve on some of its cool ideas. instead everything just went superlinear call of duty wannabe im still re-playing FF7, using tifa and yuffie. looking forward to next wednesday when i can really dig into deus ex HR
  18. im excited about the witch doctor most. (i would have preferred a return of the necromancer, but i am still totally down with the witch doctor) after that, it depends on a few things: my favorite classes in diablo 2 were the amazon (javelin type), werewolf druid, and the assassin. So im hoping that the demon huntress, barbarian, and monk, will be roughly comparable in style. but as for flavor of the new classes, the only ones interesting to me are the witch doctor and demon huntress. the other ones are maybe a little on the boring side. if there is no class that feels like the javazon (ie powerful one-on-one melee, can use a shield, yet still has a few very very good options for ranged attacks+crowd control you can put on your right click) then i will be greatly disappointed.
  19. chances of an EA system shock 3 being good? depends how well deus ex HR does. between bioshock being a smash hit, and if Deus Ex HR sells well, maybe EA will greenlight a system shock 3 that tries to reclaim some of what made part 2 so good. eh, who am i kidding, it will probably end up a facebook game.
  20. of those 4 hair colors i like the bottom 2 the most. red first, light brown/dirty blonde second then the blonde then the black haired one. the hair color just looks wrong on that face.
  21. im going to play ME3, not really because i care about the overall story, but just because i actually had a LOT of fun playing ME2, everything else aside, it was like a fun interactive blockbuster movie, with a decent score, and some cool moments. so if ME3 is half as fun, then it will still be more than worth my time. edit: and i agree with a lot of what gromnir is saying (or at least can see how he would feel that way), but even with that, new vegas was my favorite game of the last 5 years, easy.
  22. question: Is Avadon good?
  23. i used to be immune. I'm starting to get pickier though. New Vegas spoiled me, that game was both a good rpg, AND a fun shooter (with the right weapons).
  24. back in the day when i tried it, i found counterstrike hard, but not crushingly so, i was not usually the worst player on the server, though certainly never the best. multiplayer competitive shooters just aren't my cup of tea. except maybe battlefield 2, that game was really fun.
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