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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. i guess, i just feel like having a good sword and the best dagger available is a better option for damage dealing than two daggers, but i dont really know i could be wrong. dead wrong.
  2. also, give your mage a healing spell and have them use it frequently "No need for strength when you get Lethality, your build fails" fails? you cant use the good weapons for dual wielding without strength... no need for lethality early on when coup de grace is better, save lethality for when your cunning is at least 5 or 6 points higher than your strength
  3. awesome thread, i was hoping we'd get one of these! my ideas on the rogue: strength to around the upper 20's, then cunning for sure. use dual wielding, not archery ive been using leliana in my party (to open chests) and she's doing fine in combat once i gave her a sword and dagger combo and make sure to always have her flanking my tanks target. I NEVER send her anywhere on her own. she just cant take any damage
  4. yeah, for sure, poverty actually looked depressing in the witcher. that said, i still think DA is better overall than the witcher, but it could have taken some cues in the worldbuilding department as far as aesthetics go.
  5. damn skippy i agree with you too. dune is the basis for so many good stories in sci-fi
  6. if it had been raining and stormy in lothering it would have looked a lot more depressing thats for sure
  7. "People seem to be living happily their lives. I really didn't get any feeling of hopelesness anywhere" yeah i havent seen what you have i guess, my only two places (lothering and circle tower) were both filled with some pretty unhappy people. some being slaughtered and others just sitting around moaning about their misfortune. no one seemed happy except one guy who seemed really pleased that he'd found a closet to hide in while his friends were killed - he was oddly cheery about it, but i think madness had overtaken him.
  8. if you had STARTED with that chart then a lot of ugliness could have been avoided !!!!!!!!!! whoah, and your chart looks almost EXACTLY like mine too
  9. you're missing the point! everyone in this old thread has now gotten the games they were wishing for. i wanted to hear thoughts from oldtimers about it
  10. you should rank every bio and obsidian rpg in your opinion and then show where you put DA. because i ask nicedly pleez
  11. RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE now that dragon age has been released, it seems like most of these people have now gotten all that they wished for. except duke nukem.... lol for the few people who were around back then (vol mkreku and others): are you happy now?
  12. shudder. i just remembered that nwn oc was not a party based game... thinking about that as a follow up to bg2 makes me throw up in my mouth
  13. they were pretty close imo. if hotu was better it was only because it was shorter and thus had less boring spots and was cheaper and less buggy
  14. i think the first 10 hours of dragon age is twice as good as the first ten hours of nwn 2 oc. and i can't speak to the rest of it as i've never been able to finish nwn2 oc (once the trial is over i cant muster up anymore interest in the story) and im only 10 hours into dragon age. it doesnt feel anything like jade empire, kotor, or mass effect to me, it feels more like a mix of nwn (1 or 2) and baldurs gate (in that you actually have to pay attention or you might die - something that NEVER happened in any bioware game since bg2 for me) with better writing and voice acting than any of the above except bg2
  15. i've been using leliana as a dual wielding backstabber and she's doing ok so far, just make sure you start things off with your warriors and have them threaten. i've got leliana using a sword and dagger combo and she does a decent amount of damage. really its exactly what i would have expected a rogue to be doing as far as efficacy goes, maybe im not playing a hard enough setting to notice her ineffectiveness? (i also am still just starting out)
  16. Every class can unlock any specialization and they will remain forever unlocked once you have done it. You can even buy the specialization book, read it and then reload an earlier save and still keep the specialization from the book. Otherwise you are correct. ok so really you just need one playthrough to unlock everything and then all subsequent playthroughs can choose any spec at level 7? thats much better than i was afraid of.
  17. i keep hearing about "unlocking" class specializations, how does this work? you get someone to teach a class specialization to your main? (spec has to be of their class type, so my warrior cannot unlock shapeshifting etc? for future playthroughs?) then you repeat this 3 more times till all are unlocked? then you start a new game so you can use the specialization you want from the moment you hit level 7? is that right? if so it would mean i need to playthrough the game twice with each class to actually be able to choose my spec at level 7?
  18. guh? what does this mean... how can BG be dumbed down when all the other games came after.....
  19. nerds can be so angry... prolly why they remain nerds. cool people know how to be cool, nerds know only the RAGE of the internetz
  20. i dont think purkake is doing anything like what vol does. purkake just likes poking fun at stuff, vol on the other hand is vehemently defensive about certain topics nwn...
  21. you're right about the nature of difficulty being cause for frustration, i find street fighter 4 frustrating because i can't consistently land 1frame links and the reversal window is too large allowing cheesy shoryuken spam fallout 1 i dont find too frustrating because you can save midfight, so ever 5 minutes or so i save again just in case a rogue eyeshot knocks me into heaven. it's not a huge deal, but it would be nice if the crits werent so insanely damaging and random in nature, but it never seriously bothered me (i just like playing on easy so i never have to worry about combat in that game since i play more for the dialogue than the pewpew)
  22. lol yeah, it seemed a bit underwhelming.... the boots are cool though... i think both of those were the amazon preorder items (a preorder on amazon that only cost 36$ i might add)
  23. http://social.bioware.com/playerprofile.ph...splay=character me? this is like weirdo twilight zone stuff where my character is on the internet... you know, like all those TZ episodes about the internet... wait...
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