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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. borderlands IS really fun, but its shallow too and suffers from the same excessive loot problem. SO much loot in that game and 99% of it is garbage
  2. my next playthrough will be with brick, he looks like fun to me i think i'll end up playing through with each of the characters. though i dont really like the soldier so far (im on level 24 with him and just dont like his skill list very much)
  3. i use a hunter character too and I didnt have any problem with sledge. I early on noted how much damage the bird does, so I boosted the tree that let me decrease its cooldown time so now I can throw the bird out every 18 seconds or so, its a murder machine. I also avoid raising any skills which only affect 1 weapon (except the melee buff skill, that melee attack does crazy damage now) so i can use a sniper rifle with whatever else i have thats good as my backups. for sledge i just used my assualt rifle, my bird, and a crapton of transfusion grenades to keep my life up. then it was just a matter of staying mobile and running all around the level so he couldnt get within bashing distance. not an easy fight, but doable when you're of sufficient (= or better) level. skagzilla on the other hand..... good god that fight was a war of ammunition. he was easy enough to dodge, but i fired more bullets at that thing than i could have thought possible. the fight was probably ten minutes long. i didnt have a caustic weapon though, which probably would have helped against it. the worst thing about skagzilla was my bird did 0 damage to it for some reason.
  4. Frugality is not a sin. In fact, spending money on anything less than charity when you don't need to is a sin (by inaction). and he's religious...
  5. google metacritic, look at how many games are above 85%, then look at how many are below.
  6. Must suck not to know about EB Games liberal return policy. ah so he's a whiner AND he's cheap.
  7. seems like your big problem was that pistols were the best weapon...
  8. less than 30% of games are good (imo), so right now i say the success rate is better than it should be.
  9. mass effect had fairly limited options for making diff char types, but a careful sniper played pretty differently from a shotgunning berserker
  10. damn straight. if my char has the skills and charisma, i should be able to boink everything in sight, just like real life.
  11. someone (lord of flies) is somehow making less sense than volourn. well day, you cant get any wierder
  12. phantom blot = gun toting madman with sweet killer traps. blob menace = cartoon villain thats not interesting or scary.
  13. two enormously fun time sinks? yeah you should be gold for the time being!
  14. Wrong. Ripping off the Terminator's design is not cool because it shows the folks at Bioware to be a bunch of hacks (as if the original Mass Effect wasn't proof enough). Red eyes look cool, then? You should see some of my family photographs, we are a bunch of badass mother****ers by your metric. well duh they're hacks, doesnt mean the terminator and things that are just like it arent cool. did you hate starcraft because it ripped off aliens one million times? and warhammer 40k? no. you liked starcraft because it was cool, because it ripped off cool stuff instead of ripping off stupid stuff.
  15. BOOOOOOOOOOOO i wanted morrigan to be the sexilesbian!
  16. ive never seen one, the marvel ones blow chunks, the hellboy ones were bad too, i've never seen a (non-anime) animated straight to dvd movie that wasnt balls which is why i asked if anyone could think of one
  17. the terminator was cool, that dude looks like the terminator. so he looks cool. bam!
  18. i swear its the same song as the xmen cartoon
  19. your entire thread is based on this statement, do you have any evidence of this statement being true? so long as your proceeds outweigh your costs (including leases, technology, salaries, marketing, development etc etc etc) you've made money. a game can even do barely more than break even and you're still in the game because you've gained at least the years of salary it took to develop it. how do you define best-seller? was world of goo a bestseller? was nwn 2 a best seller? gears of war? torment? your whole post is just speculation imo edit: another obvious problem with your inanity is that dragon age is going to be a bestseller, regardless of whether it has dlc or not. the dlc isnt what makes it a bestseller, its the quality and marketing. the key to making money is making a good game and marketing it, without going overbudget on your costs, dlc is just bonus on top of that, its not what makes or breaks anything
  20. i am generally of the opinion that an intuitive UI and adequate tooltips/tutorial in game should be all thats needed, if a manual is really needed then the ui developer isn't at the top of his or her game. now thats not the case for EVERY game, some complex games really do benefit from a great manual.
  21. Half the animes that's titles end as OVA. whoah now, i wasnt talking anime, of course theres a ton of good anime
  22. He could be a power bottom. I wouldn't rule anything out, it is a dark and gritty fantasy after all. Yup. And power bottoms generate all the power. Speed is the name of the game. ha! i get that reference!! ps: nightman FTW!!!
  23. has there ever been a good animated straight to dvd movie? the mech in district 9 looked like a skinny junked up dreadnought in my opinion. i guess it was more limber than the space marine style of dreadnought but either way, the animation was fantastic and would look good in a warhammer movie. plus if it was made on a similar budget as district 9 then I cant imagine it losing money. suck it purkake! (jk bout suck it)
  24. ...It would be THE movie to dethrone Transformers 2 as the worst movie of all time. have you seen district 9? the scenes with the power armor look straight out of warhammer, and they look great. I for one really liked that movie, i've only heard bad things about transformers. edit: straight to dvd animated warhammer movie = i'll pass, thanks.
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