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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. empire total war warpath campaign: i selected the huron tribe and have been somehow able to make friends with everyone but the plains indians, who i'm now wiping out. my plan is to expand west, and then north, then push my way through the northern british territory all the way to maine before swooping south and wiping out the colonials. this way spain and the us will be going at it in the south (as the colonials will begin to sweep westward. so it will just be me v britain until i've got the entire northern half of the map. then spain and the us will fall and the whole continent will be mine. this wont work if spain and the us attack me while im fighting britain in the north, i'd be sandwiched between the three of them... messy. im also playing borderlands on my xbox, lots of simple mindless fun, i'll probably get tired of it eventually, but it should keep me busy for a few weeks!
  2. purkake is right about the left 4 dead dis/similarity. offline coop splitscreen fps is the only commonality, otherwise its much more diabloish in its nature, set on a wastelandy alien planet. my girl and i are now on level 20, still having a super awesome time, but i realize now that i dont care for the soldier class (which is my current char) so i'm going to take up the sniper for a while and see how i like it, the problem is that the class differences dont really become clear until around level 15 or so, so i spent a lot of hours only to find that none of the soldier's skills are really my cup of tea. oh well, i've got some badass guns to make up for it...
  3. i'll fourth or fifth or whatever mkreku's idea, obviously the chart itself would be tweaked for balance as needed but the idea is much better than vanilla f3. of course, it might be possible with a mod too, but it would be a pretty comprehensive one that takes a while for someone to make, i imagine. that said, a simple repair kit idea is ok too, with high end weapons needing more kits, and lower skill using more kits to accomplish the same as a higher skill. both of those ideas are less annoying than vanilla f3's carrying around 5 of each weapon because none of them have similar parts...
  4. i'd rather just buy one 50$ game that comes with everything in it. it's easier than buying 5 ten dollar mini-games. if the 50$ game has some extra stuff that looks fun, i might consider it, but i would skip a ten dollar game that hinges on the idea of me buying 3-5 more ten dollar parts of it.
  5. totally, thats why i said i liked it in a perverse sort of way. it's not what i wanted AT ALL, but after watching all 6 movies in a marathon session, originals first, then prequels, it sort of clicked with me. vader has always been intended to be a somewhat immature ****. his dark majesty is all show, he's really just immature and kinda pathetic. its just a LOT more pronounced in the prequels because you dont get to see him be badass at all. for the record: the prequels are an abomination that i wish could be undone. perhaps the greatest film travesty in all of filmdom
  6. i like anakin in those prequel movies in a perverse sort of way. this dude grows up to be an egomaniacal genocidest... it makes sense that he was a stupid brat kid with a smart alecky tone and pompous attitude. remember how much of a **** darth vader is in star wars? "your lack of faith is disturbing" dude was a bully, i think the brat kid and awful hayden really nailed how obnoxious vader must have been as a human before becoming the cyborg monstrosity of the original films. of course we all like picturing vader as the evil warlord guy, but i swear, in star wars, he was just a bully who actually had some real power. "now i am the master!", yeah sure vader, you really showed who was the better swordsmen fighting an 80 year old man while you're sitting pretty in a powered up cybernetic body.
  7. Still, I like boxes and dislike digital copies. Don't worry, soon you won't have the choice of a box. you can still buy new albums on records in stores. i think boxes are safe for a few more decades.
  8. i hope they never explain who he is outright. there is no way it could be as cool as the things i imagine in my head. my current theory is that g-man is satan himself, protecting his investment in humanity from the aliens. (theory is nonsense)
  9. hairpin was the name of one characters weapon, i believe it was a weapon with 0 materia slots so no one ever used it. maybe yuffi or aeris? edit: and yeah, 8's story at one point went a little crazy and it bugged me the first time, but on replays i noticed that the game was actually leading you in that direction from the beginning and it wasnt as totally nuts as i thought it was at first. still, it doesnt beat the insanity of what happens half-way through 6... (6 is at least more logical, but just nuts as far as unexpectedness goes)
  10. now that you're a stockholder how do you feel about EA using draconian DRM schemes to help you see a return on your investment? zing indeed, though really is there any evidence showing that drm makes games more profitable? that seems like what they are hoping for but i cant imagine it being true
  11. i liked the story in 12, but i hated the gameplay, after a while it just became an awful, seemingly never ending grind that left me wondering why i was even bothering. i finished the game, but really don't relish the idea of replaying it anytime soon. FF 6,7,8,9 were an uncommonly great streak of games imo, everything since has been a bit of a let down to me (not saying 10 and 12 were bad, just not as good as the four prior releases) i am greatly looking forward to 13 in hopes of it recapturing the quality of their golden era oh and ps: basch and his storyline was the coolest and best part of 12, balthier coming in second. vaan was just awful and extraneous.
  12. might be a good buy if microsoft actually goes through with that rumored purchase (i consider this extremely unlikely). i'd recommend selling after the bump though, it wont last more than a few months i'd wager.
  13. so ive played borderlands with my girl now for about 10 hours, we're on level 12 and having tons of fun. easily the best offline splitscreen coop game i've played in years. (online would still go to left4dead, but that game offline gets boring fast)
  14. i replay system shock 2 and deus ex just about once a year. so i recommend those two, in that order! go now and enjoy!
  15. i bought and played fable 2. it was ok for about 10 hours. i also have no interest in replaying it. i think i'll pass on part 3. i HATE extra fees. i'd rather pay an extra 10$ up front for the full experience than have to buy a bunch of little bull**** items later. i understand the thinking though, some people like that extra stuff, and if they can earn some extra skril by doing it, then more power to them, im sure somebody bought horse armor... i just hope that enough people think like me that extra fee's go the way of the dinosaur. i also dont play mmo's that have monthly fees. if wow 2 costs 100$ and has no fee, i might be willing to try it. i WONT be willing to try it if its like wow 1. i DO like DLC packs that offer real content though, if its essentially a 10$ expansion pack with 1/3 the content of a 30$ expansion pack, then i might buy it. (see broken steel & point lookout dlc's)
  16. dwarves has dex bonus? .... ... .. . this is like saying that in dragon age, red is blue.
  17. that trailer was actually really god damn cool
  18. the ending of fallout 3 reminds me of the monty python sketch about the movie executive and writers meeting. "splunge?" "yeah... splunge for me too sir!" its like everyone stared at a really ****ing TERRIBLE idea, and not one person had the guts to say it was idiotic.
  19. i agree with your review. the game was short enough the repetition didnt bug me though.
  20. re 5 was fun coop, also pretty crappy single player.
  21. i played and loved the new prince of persia game. the frequent checkpoints kept me from ever getting too frustrated, it was always, "i'll get it next time" instead of "oh crap i have to do the WHOLE LEVEL AGAIN!?!?!?!?!" it was like a mario game where there was a checkpoint every 15 seconds so you never had to "start all over" (at which point, in a hard level, i would stop playing mario and go play something fun and not frustrating - which was hard to find in the NES days...) "losing" a game is mostly an illusion, you can almost always reload your last save in modern games, and prince of persia essentially had an autosave before every single fight and every single jump-sequence. the load time was replaced with an animation. i DONT like games where when you die there are no consequences, in PoP when you died the boss regained some health for example. bioshock though... all enemies should have recharged their health when you respawned.
  22. its not that similar to hellgate hellgate metacritic = 70 borderlands = 85 close, but not the same
  23. ah ok, i'm very interested in playing the native americans, but i didnt want to get it if it was bad, but it's hard to find an objective review of the material itself but i dont use any mods, yet, and i do want to play as the natives...
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