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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. I've never heard anyone say that those games are as good as homeworld. i've never even heard them be compared to homeworld. i was always under the impression those star wars games were like crap starcraft knockoffs. have i been missing out?
  2. the chat gem is working as intended eh? edit: i want a proper remake of tie-fighter. i want a new dark forces game. a prequel. i want to be mercenary kyle katarn again, not a jedi. i want most of all: a tactical realtime or (even better) real time with pause strategy game ala homeworld where all your units are mother****ing spaceships like tie fighters and star destroyers and corellian corvettes and calamari cruisers and those frigates etc basically, i want homeworld 3. and i want it set in the star wars universe. and i want a pause feature so i can take my time manipulating my squads. and i want it NOW. also, i want the next Total War game to be "Star Wars: Total War". oh god i just peed myself.
  3. i thought it was 7 dollars, and so does ign.
  4. thank the lord for calax telling me about the pause button!!! it makes the battles so much easier! now im having a lot more fun doing them myself! and i finally beat bunker hill! i got it on my 3rd try, i kept wasting my calvary trying to disrupt their cannons, but it was better to use them for hit and run tactics on weakened and flanked units. my cannons were also not killing as much as i wanted, i'm not sure what i was doing wrong with them, maybe i needed to move them closer to the enemy? i saw a lot of shells smack straight into the ground ahead of them...
  5. slaver station: remember metzger? or gizmo(not a slaver i know). i'd like to see a station run by guys like that. they have their goons on the air advertising their slaves or drug trade. "we offer 1000 caps for healthy males, 4000 caps for young, disease free, females. the boss will pay 600 caps for the head of that bastard who killed john j at the scuzz pitt yesterday, he was wearing a yellow and blue jumpsuit with the number 13 on it."
  6. using vats less greatly improved my experience with the game. makes it more immersive. and since we cant have an rpg, we might as well have an immersive shooter.
  7. my 2 cents: the dlc digital distribution piecemeal product etc business models are still brand new. They are still being worked out as to what consumers want and are happy to pay for. things like this are experiments, the consumer decides whether it succeeds or fails. remember horse armor? fail. fallout 3 dlc? i think that was a success, but im not sure. as far as dragon age goes... i'm not interested in paying 7 dollars for 1 dungeon. i'd pay 20 dollars for 10 dungeons though (ie give me a full expansion pack, not a quarter of one)
  8. i feel similar to you about MW2, but i played the single player mode of MW1 so many times that i definitely got my money's worth (though i only paid 40$ for it, so it wasnt full price) which makes me more optimistic about this one. left4dead on the other hand virtually REQUIRES 3 good friends who play online. if you dont have those three reliable friends you can call up and start playing with... i dont see how people could play without that for more than a few hours.
  9. HOLIDAYS 2009 Fifa 10 Dragon Age Borderlands Left 4 dead 2 MW2 Brutal Legend
  10. repair is an example of one of those things that should definitely be improved, but if they had to leave it as it was in order to fit more story and characters in the game then i'd be fine with that decision. mods can easily fix repair issues, not so much character and story and C&C.
  11. Haven't played the game in question, but I know in other strategy games I'd auto-resolve battles a lot, especially once you're familiar w/the way the AI does it (so you know what odds you're likely you'll win). It's just to tedious to do it yourself every single time. yeah but ive noticed then when i autoresolve i tend to suffer a few more casualties than i probably would have if i played it out myself. of course, im actually pretty awful at the battles. not having a pause feature for me to give orders makes it pretty rough to manage all those units. sometimes a unit will just be standing there because i'm trying to set up stuff and im taking too long. or am i totally retarded and there is a pause feature that the tutorial forgot to mention?
  12. im sure that when duke nukem forever gets released that all gaming will die. because that day will be judgment day. and we shall be judged GUILTY
  13. im sure there is a fantastic middle ware solution for netcode just over the horizon. theres probably half a dozen companies working towards it right now.
  14. it did seem like a waste to make a whole dlc a joke. why not release something worthwhile instead of more shooting action. maybe release an "rpg" pack, something with some meat to it and not just more things to shoot at.
  15. now that alpha protocol has been delayed, im actually looking forward to dragon age. i hope its good, cause there isnt much else in the rpg spectrum that looks appealing to me this holiday season.
  16. i just got empire total war on the steam sale... so far im very pleased with it. i've never played a total war game before, i'm quite happy with the mix between tactical battles and civ like gameplay. though i find myself autoresolving most of the battles... im not sure how i feel about this.... i like the battles, but they take so long, and when im wrapped up in my strategizing i dont feel like taking an hour to play out a battle i can autoresolve in seconds. anyone have any thoughts on this conundrum?
  17. i use a repair mod that 100% improved the repair system. scrap metal, wonderglue etc can repair stuff, as can variations on the weapon (so chin AR can be repaired by regular AR). things still degrade quickly, but now my character carries spare parts, not spare rifles - much more sensical. that mod came out about a week after the game was released and i cant imagine playing without it.
  18. it doesnt look as dark as fantasia and that movie is pretty old. i dont see what the fuss is about. i guess if i hear "dark mickey" i imagine something like american mcgees alice. but then again this was billed as "epic" not dark. so whatever. i bought a wii on its release day. i've probably spent about 40 hours playing it since. not exactly a wise purchase, but im hopeful that sooner or later something will make it worthwhile.
  19. the first 4 levels or so i was like that too. once i got to level 5 it got a tad easier, and by level 11 i was no longer scared of just about anything except behemoths (because i modded the fat man out of my game).
  20. i VASTLY preferred the mod where repairs could be made with the junk you find around. scrap metal became very valuable to the wandering scavenger. i personally like the idea of using "bits", like a repair kit type thing which can be scrounged but also can be converted from other things. you can break down an item into "bits" and then use those to repair a different item. high tech items require lots and lots of bits to repair. blammo! balance AND you dont have to carry a bunch of spare weapons around like a crazy person. it also helps with the economy aspect too, as those high tech weapons can require LOTS of bits... those plasma rifles sure got lots of small parts in there dont they...
  21. i own an xbox specifically for this type of thing. some good games are either console only, or are console exclusive for months and months. i generally prefer pc, but im no snob (not calling anyone here a snob - but a lot of people who play my preferred system are snobs about it)
  22. i just played dead rising and i'm not sure what you mean by this. i thought broken referred to multiplayer stuff when one option was clearly superior to another option to the point of being "broken". or if a mechanic could be exploited to the point of broken-ness. i didnt notice anything like that in dead rising. i DID notice how awful it was trying to escort 8 survivors at once through the park with those goddamn convicts driving around... bastards.
  23. i too started with dos. trusty old dos. i never did learn how to make you work. my dad would set em up for me. actually i started with nes. my first game was super mario bros/duck hunt then i got dragon warrior. ninja gaiden double dragon (which was the bomb) THEN i got dos.
  24. is hardened the "expert" mode of that game? the highest difficulty was BRUTAL it took me about 4 hours to finish that sniper mission on the hardest difficulty. i almost destroyed my house in frustration some of those times (like eating while running to the chopper...)
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