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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. yeah my biggest problem with system shock 2 is the respawning enemies. I like how in the new batman game, there are a few, explained, respawns, but once you really start whittling down the inmate population the respawns stop and by the end of the game the island is a ghost town. its really awesome. some games must have respawns to work though, like outdoor spaces in open world games, imagine if in fallout 3 you killed every single raider in the whole area and none were left. actually you know what? that sounds really cool to me.
  2. i usually dislike respawning enemies, it makes me feel like I'm wasting my time. it's actually the reason I never bothered getting far cry 2
  3. i thought the combat generally kinda sucked. just like torment. thankfully I dont play those games for the combat! there aren't many rpgs where the combat is fun imo. hmmmm... now I'm trying to think of the rpg where I had the most fun in combat... hell it was probably fallout 1, but only because i was ten and I couldnt get over how awesome the death animations were. nowadays, best pure rpg combat experience (not counting games like system shock etc)... hmmm.... that's actually a really hard question...
  4. lol! I tried 4th ed, but my group and i didnt really care for it the character classes all feel too similar and all the flavor went out the window
  5. i always thought that the highest dps in the game was actually pistols? there was a whole massive thread on some other board with calculations and all that jazz which proved in the end that pistols were better than any other weapon once you got the spectre weapons.
  6. if there's trouble during the day batman sends robin out to handle it. batman needs his sleep or he gets cranky
  7. i just started Dead Rising. it's pretty fun.
  8. it's mostly about respect to me. I'm tired of telling people it's a hobby of mine and having them reply "But aren't those for kids?" sure video games are for kids. just like movies are for kids. and books are for kids. ****ing dip****s One day you'll show them. You'll show them all. lol! I already have! check my freezer... jk. I actually feel better telling people I play dungeons and dragons. once I describe that to them they immediately say "wow that sounds like a great hobby". video games however... no such luck.
  9. how different is scribblenauts from crayon physics deluxe? i loved crayon physics deluxe but I'm undecided on scribblenauts because it seems like an imitation
  10. i dont really remember any porno in the witcher, maybe i was doing it wrong? there were a few people you could sleep with in the game, but the lead character was just that kinda guy, a "man-****" so to speak. You can have more sex in GTA but I don't remember people calling it a porn simulator. oh wait. yeah i do.
  11. morrigan is hot so she goes in my party wynne is not so i feed her to the hound. that's how things roll in my town.
  12. it's mostly about respect to me. I'm tired of telling people it's a hobby of mine and having them reply "But aren't those for kids?" sure video games are for kids. just like movies are for kids. and books are for kids. ****ing dip****s
  13. The witcher was probably the most fun full fledged rpg I've played in the past few years (i definitely dont consider oblivion and fallout 3 rpg's). better than nwn 2 oc (i havent played motb yet) and it was nice to finally play a game where talking was important enough to do again. the last one i played like that was what, kotor 2? it was also one of the few recent rpgs where i was curious enough about what was happening to finish the game
  14. thats usually what happens when the person in the big office swinging the axe is prone to making mistakes
  15. it's arguably one of the best animated movies of all time. and it's probably my personal favorite, but it makes me depressed and sad for several days every time I watch it. people who can't remember their own childhood, or who have no blood pumping in their veins probably won't like it. I'm thinking of not talking to you again until you watch it
  16. it's certainly not for everyone. you need to be the kind of person who appreciates aesthetics and emotion to really get anything out of it. it's like a brilliantly executed interactive silent film. I think it's pretty close to something miyazaki would have done were he interested in making video games without dialogue. in other words, if you're the type of person who thinks "Spirited Away" was boring, then stay FAR from SotC. plotwise there is no real similarity, but tonally and emotionally they both conjure up the same feelings of isolation, loneliness, nostalgia, and whimsical sorrow. edit: the gameplay is nothing special imo though
  17. as a side note. 4e is in my opinion unplayable without truckloads of houserules (first and foremost is putting the cosmology back to how it was before with the wheel) i think 4e should have been an optional playstyle/campaign book for 3e i had several houserules for 3e. but nothing like the work required to make 4e fun. that said, i do like a handful of the things in 4e
  18. i've got a confession. i'm not a big fan of 4x games. The first I ever played was Civ 4. and I loved it, spent tons of time with it. i decided to try galactic civ 2... and it was so similar to civ 4 in gameplay that i thought to myself "do i really need two games that are almost identical?" then i thought about all the infinity engine games, or every fps under the sun. each is just as similar to eachother, yet i dont mind. but for 4x games, i felt like 1 was enough... i guess im just not a big enough fan of the genre to justify playing more than 1 every few years. maybe im broken inside?
  19. It wasn't buggy at all on my PS2, dunno where you got that from. Did you actually play it? I haven't played it. Multiple people have complained about serious framerate drops and a lot of people hate the controls. Replace "buggy" with "janky". when this game came out nearly every review mentioned it's "arty-ness" that's not something that happened later, its been present since day one. as for the controls, i just sigh when i read people complaining about how the horse doesnt always do exactly what you want. its a horse not a car, sometimes when you pull on the reigns he'll resist you a bit. its not bad control, its excellent, realistic control. the jumping/climbing on the other hand... yeah that could have used a bit of work. games like assassins creed make jumping and climbing much easier. i think ICO gets a lot less attention than shadow of the colossus
  20. the hound looks like a mastiff to me. i thought that was what it was actually until someone said "ferelden war hound" looks like a dog i saw last weekend. scary ass mother ****er
  21. is it beth money that obsidian is spending? or is it obsidian money being spent? i was under the impression that it was beth money, and obsidian is going to try and make a game that will earn it back for them (plus take a bit of the profits too)
  22. im sticking with my 30 years from now the games industry will be recognized as having roughly the same artistic merit as the film industry. including emotionless noise cannons like transformers, and more serious works like (fill in your favorite art-house type film here) those of you who think it will take as long as comic books may be right, but i think that videogames will move quickly to the same level of recognition as film. 30 years (or less) quickly. for the record: it totally blows my mind that the greater population thinks writing without pictures is art, and pictures without writing is art but writing with pictures is not art
  23. having constant pressure on your employees is usually a bad idea. however, there needs to be sufficient protocol's in place to ensure productivity. because an employee that's left completely to their own devices will usually devise nothing. thats why im posting on this board... i have a project to work on, it's hard, i don't have clear instructions, and id rather chat with people online than figure it out. and im a highly trained and skilled attorney. imagine what joe the janitor does in his closet when he's got no oversight. besides I already got 5 hours of billable today, which more than justifies my salary... (see what i did there)
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