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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. it's kinda like the summer blockbuster movies. a whole summer could go by, when there was one movie i was REALLY excited about, that movie turns out to be very mediocre, and nothing else that summer really interested me, so now im stuck with a mediocre summer when I was hoping for the best summer evarrr1!! it's a bit silly, but true for me. on the brightside sometimes a small budget movie might come out of no where and surprise me by being way better than the big budget one (which i was expecting to be great), even if the effects of the small budget movie werent quite as good and it had a few plot problems.
  2. i thought it was a cool concept, kinda videogamey but thats ok in a videogame. my only problem was it felt awfully similar to a lot of the other boss fights we'd had in the game.
  3. to me, the problem is that bethesda and bioware are sort of the Big Dogs of the western rpg world. So when the elements are not top notch, or even that great (ie decent, but overall ho-hum and boring writing) it's kind of a big let down. they are the only companies spending this amount of time and $ on rpgs, so my expectations are very high. if mass effect was created by a brand new studio with almost no experience and a small budget i would be HUGELY impressed. instead it was "pretty good", and I don't get to see anything better come out that year because we really only get on average one big budget AAA rpg a year. i know this reasoning isn't wholly logical, its more of a gut thing. its all about your expectations.
  4. i've really got my fingers crossed for this one. it could be very cool and fun. or it could blow chunks. i want it to be good .... i need more offline coop shooters, gears of war kinda sucks.
  5. still playing titan quest. im not really sure why.
  6. different = wrong when youre talking about money. its either more money. or less money. if, as a buyer, you overvalue a company then you will find that you're making less money/reaping less reward than projected. if you undervalued the company then you are making more than predicted. so in my opinion, i would call that wrong. not different. but thats just a semantics argument so no harm no foul. also consider though, becuase things change. rapidly, like changing employees and shifting markets, what could have been a spot on analysis and valuation in january, by february is WAY off. so keep that in mind too.
  7. http://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/..._1253914485.jpg looks like maybe those concept art things might not have been that far off. black and white, kinda creepy looking oil dripping down a bumpy bioshock looking metal surface... I'm now very intrigued plus the announcement is right before halloween, maybe its going to be something scary and spookycreepy like the concept art? oooo exciting. too bad warren spector hasnt made a good game since.... long time?
  8. I'm of the opinion that EA is just too big to love or hate. they have so many developers under their "roof" that lots of different projects are being done, some awesome and some lame. I care nothing for publishers unless they start really messing with their developers, then i get annoyed. i dont know enough about EA's protocols for those situations though. i guess if a publisher were to really encourage their developers to always pursue quality and provide them with all the time and money needed to get it, then i'd like said publisher because they have a good mentality (ie no shovelware, just quality products) EA isnt like that though, either that or lots of their developers need to get fired. too many games with an EA logo on them are crap. just my opinion though, and I'm far far far from an expert on EA or their methods and products.
  9. i like your quest solutions. i also would hope that going ninja can be done deus ex style, where there are multiple ways into and out of the building, instead of just the bethesda style ONE WAY IN. ONE WAY OUT.
  10. yeah im gonna go 360 for fifa 10. i like my sports games on consoles for ease of parties at my house. although i REALLY want blood bowl for PC.
  11. im playing titan quest for the first time ever.... undecided as to how i feel about it as of this time.
  12. hi, welcome to earth. If things cannot be overvalued, why do values inflate, bubble, then burst? like the housing market. WITHOUT the thing having been overvalued? oh wait. things CAN be overvalued. i get what you were trying to say, but you forgot about some things. like valuation, and how it can be done poorly by people and markets. Does that mean that things can be overvalued, or that valuation is not static? I'm inclined to agree with Volourn's assessment, because he basically just summed up supply and demand. when preparing to buy a company lots of things happen. and many many people examine the worth of the company in different ways. some of these are estimates based on the impact the purchase is presumed (or hoped) to have on competitors or the market etc. if people do a crap job in making these valuations they may think that a company is worth more than it actually will earn them. (in not just $ either, you could be buying goodwill or customer relations, or key personnel who could quit any day of the week etc too) all this means that the "valuation" done by the people involved in the deal could be flat out WRONG. thus over or undervalueing a company. so yes. a company can be overvalued. if youre just talking supply and demand you're about 5 steps behind where this conversation is happening.
  13. hi, welcome to earth. If things cannot be overvalued, why do values inflate, bubble, then burst? like the housing market. WITHOUT the thing having been overvalued? oh wait. things CAN be overvalued. i get what you were trying to say, but you forgot about some things. like valuation, and how it can be done poorly by people and markets.
  14. my 2cents = 3rd was better than 2nd edition. i even liked liked 1st edition AD&D more than 2nd edition. im not sure how i feel about 4th yet i only played it once and wasnt very impressed.
  15. im adding fifa 10 to my list. its getting great reviews so far.
  16. for so many reasons. im starting to think this whole thing sounds about as plausible as when m$ was going to buy nintendo. its just not gonna happen.
  17. this is the first splinter cell game that actually looks like fun to me. i always thought that a mix between splinter cell and metal gear solid would be a great game. this looks kinda close.
  18. yes they do. but sometimes they are required to wait until a certain time to post their review. which is why i asked if we'll have to wait until the game is out to see any reviews.
  19. first, i agree with nepenthe in general. m$ would very likely have to deal with an antitrust case if they drastically changed EA's business to favor themselves. Im not 100% sure m$ would lose that case though. ubi/activision whatever is large too, and sony has their own studios. it may not be enough to really constitute the strangehold. i also dont really follow antitrust cases though so maybe it is sufficient. It probably would be in europe, but the US likes its monopolies... really, and more important in my opinion, is that it doesnt make much sense to me for m$ to buy EA. ea makes a lotta dough and is worth vastly more as a company that's able to sell to all sides. m$ wouldnt likely be as willing to pony up that level of cash knowing that they were going to then downgrade the profit levels of the company by forcing it to sell only to itself. i could imagine m$ buying EA and letting it continue to operate basically as is, just with slightly favorable edges to all m$ stuff. things like early releases on xbox and more exclusive dlc's etc. that way m$ is also making cash off every EA to sony product sale. so it'd be a way to start profiting off of the ps3 as well as bulking up their own xbox division. sony would be non pleased knowing that half the games sold for the ps3 are now netting gains to their competition. i'm kinda rambling and thinking out loud, so a lot of this is probably nonsense and has big logic holes.
  20. you know what. that's ok reasoning i guess. I concede. still a great game (re 4)
  21. anyone know if we;ll see any advance reviews for alpha protocol, or do we need to wait till it's out?
  22. the only reason you've given that its outdated is that you dont like it.
  23. so it sounds like if I thought the halo games were about a 7.5 out of ten then this would be a 7? i think I'll pass on this one. Wake me up when MW2 comes out. and scatter my ashes when episode three arrives since I'll have died of old age by then.
  24. so really you've been just arguing this whole time that you don't like it. great. "I dont like it so it sucks and is outdated." - purkake, 2009
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