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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. deus ex was a better shooter AND a better rpg than mass effect. imo
  2. I played my first 24 hours on normal and found it very comfortable. There are a number of people who find the game HARD, and think that people who are having an easy time of it are bragging douches. It's a very strange place to be in as I don't consider myself l33t and I dislike combat heavy games. Telling others that the game isn't that bad and that they (sigh) need to learn to play isn't an expeirence I'm used to. I really have no idea how people are stuggling so much with it. I will say that around 2am last night, I bumped the game down to easy. I'm running into a 'random' encounter whenever I travel, and they annoy me. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the loading times. ... am not sure if we would call you a "bragging douche" (charming), but although Gromnir ain't played the game, we might be tempted to deride your observation 'bout combat difficulty. after all, in the other thread you referenced a portion o' the game as being something o' a deathtrap, with those evil biowarians leading you into a portion o' game that were far too difficult for you when you first encountered. no doubt you see the seeming contradiction. as we said, Gromnir ain't played yet-- we waits for feedback... and typical we hold-off til the first patch. unfortunately, am looking at some scheduling issues in a couple o' weeks that may result in Gromnir choosing to forgo our patched-first policy and ignore good sense. feedback from folks sounds mostly positive. if we is real curious we can head down to best buy and watch while some 20-something slacker plays the xbox version they got on display... guy was playing on tuesday and when we stopped by yesterday he was there again... probably a liberal arts major at local university. HA! Good Fun! sounds like gromnir is developing a bit of a crush on a certain young hot n manly college boy...
  3. im hearing more and more that the game is short lived, maybe they will do some balancing via an expansion or patch or something to fix the late-game wonkiness?
  4. is it harder than normal on baldurs gate? that mage assassin would usually kill me right off the bat with his magic missile scroll... i eventually just stayed in the first area grinding wolves until i gained a level so i could handle it... (as far as i can recall, its been years and years)
  5. i never play my pc copy, my real life friends play xbox and so i am forced to deal with shooting things on a pad, i got used to it after about 40 hours of pain. and its worth the pain to be able to play with a genuine team of actual friends. they've already pre-ordered so i have a feeling i'll be ending up getting it anyway... team BEAK for the win....
  6. ok bad level design would justify the game being a failure, if all i want are new campaigns, and the new campaigns are terribly designed... well... not much point in getting the game then is there... i guess i need to play the demo for myself now instead of just assuming that the designers could make more good levels.
  7. i agree, a fighter should kill a rogue 10 out of 10 times in combat. but the fighter can't do any of the cool stuff that a rogue can do OUT of combat. imo edit: except intimidate
  8. It feels like a badly-made mod of Left 4 Dead. so the level design is bad? thats unfortunate, i'd been hearing that was going to be one of the highlights of the new game
  9. damn straight on ep 3 and portal 2! i'm not sure how i feel about more left 4 dead sequels... the only thing i want right now are more campaigns, and left 4 dead 2 will give me those, but maybe after i sink another 200 hours into the series i will be demanding/wanting a sequel with MORE than just new content... its the problem all sequels have though, especially non-rpgs... look at the devil may cry series, each game is very very similar to the prior, and yet people seem to be happy with one release every 2 years or so, so why wouldnt that work for left 4 dead? another example: we both cant wait for ep 3, even though its basically the same gameplay as half life 2, ep 1, and ep 2. part of it is new storyline, but also, heck - we just want more of the same gameplay but with some new trappings thrown in there too. counter examples exist though im sure, a sequel thats basically the same game and it sucked because it lacked innovation (or worse, making "changes" which weaken the play experience instead of improving it) left 4 dead doesnt appear to be in that group though, not yet anyway, but maybe l4d3 or 4 might reach that level... i'll let you know how i feel in 6 months after i've thoroughly played part 2
  10. i love autoregen systems, im the cautious player who rests after every fight anyway, this saves me the hassle! i dont think autoregen is perfect for EVERY game though: left 4 dead with autoregen would not be very fun...
  11. oh. its so weird, everyone i know LOVES left 4 dead and cannot wait for the sequel, but when i go online it seems like everyone hates it. yet it and the sequel are huge sellers on steam... is it just a handful of noisy wierdos making a ruckus about stuff most people are happy about? i can see people complaining that it should be an expansion pack and only cost 30$ instead of 50$, but frankly imo, five new campaigns when the original only had 4 ... that sounds like it should cost full price to me.
  12. ive got two characters on level 25 and have found no orange items ever
  13. neither of those would make a great game horrible.... unless the new characters were SO annoying that the entire game was unfun?
  14. in my day, rogues did **** during combat and were only brought along to find traps and pick locks. im not sure when people started to expect their thief to actually deal damage outside the very rare backstab or generally ineffective shortbow archery.
  15. Heheh....had a few things like that happen early on too. Fun stuff. Skagzilla for me was the easiest mini-boss for me to do. No cheap/sniper oriented methods there...didn't take much ammo, but I had a beefy shotgun. The next boss was harder/had my usual troubles but I'm now in the trash-town of New Haven. Pew, smelly. This is incredibly not a spoiler unless you are crazy crazy about things that aren't spoilers actually being spoilers, but I'll put spoiler tags on it anyway. i found a FANTASTIC rifle in one of these chests, so i support checking them frequently
  16. whats horrible about it? controls? graphics? sound? gameplay? I thought it was just supposed to be like the first one but with 5 different campaigns and a couple little extra things?
  17. i enjoyed mass effect a lot more than jade empire. i probably had fun for about 20 hours or so, not exactly game of the year material, but fun nonetheless i'd probably buy the sequel for 30$
  18. that is some pretty bad, but funny, luck. it also so happens that almost the exact same thing happened to me on my first playthrough, but i was eventually able to whittle the dog down to death via constant respawns.
  19. which party members have the funniest banter? from the previews it looked like the combo of alistair and morrigan might be funny, is it?
  20. they could keep the animation the same, it'd be lazy, but it would still add the mechanical depth thats missing. just put an icon on the screen so you know which attack you're using. i'd rather that than nothing. i REALLY want the return of damage types and resistances, it would make picking your armor and weapon more interesting again.
  21. every time you steal a game a baby pixie dies
  22. maybe he should be made copyright czar, since he is king of being smart about it... ....unscramble.... too bad he's not on the federal supreme court
  23. i can see where a lack of fps training can get you down, criticals are a big part of my game and not being able to land them regularly would make it a lot harder. One nice thing about this game is that you can just grind out some levels and then re-try the quest when its a lot easier - unlike a normal fps where you cant do anything to make your quest easier.
  24. yes it is, which is i believe what i said to someone which started all this hullabaloo about manuals
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