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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. That's why Saints Row 2 is the last good Saints Row game.
  2. Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.
  3. Almost done with Witchers Keep
  4. The Caliphate offer a world without social media, don't they?
  5. They'll try to milk out, of course, but the series has run its course.
  6. I'm glad we're doing a fine job at ignoring them.
  7. Meat Loaf in it -> instabuy
  8. Only worthwhile damage spell: Jýnncwhe Cwmhélmak's Horrid Wilting.
  9. Is she the granddaughter of Lloyd Alexander?
  10. I had just pulled Throne, then Josh Sawyer ruined it
  11. Reading all this SJW nonsense almost makes you wish for a Caliphate takeover.
  12. Belarussian women are hotter than Ukrainian and Russian, but it's hard to meet them, living in the European North Korea and all.
  13. Volourn always makes sense. He's one of the most reasonable people on this forum.
  14. Even if one avoided the sex card nonsense in Twitcher 1, one would still get trolled on occasion by a sex scene out of the blue. Like after the innocuous handing over of a loaf of bread to a she-elf. Also for a certain side-quest sex was necessary to advance. Only sex card really worth getting was Torúviel.
  15. Think she means it's a game catered to males.
  16. There must surely be tentacles, yes?
  17. Annexate Königsberg. Tit for tat.
  18. Are you a Boer, Bruce?
  19. I'm pretty sure it was posted here somewhere that PoE setting was deliberately based on Dalelands/Myth Drannor + Dragon Coast from D&D. EDIT: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/59911-obsidian-has-a-kickstarter-profile/page-4#entry1184688 Knowing this, I cannot help but chuckle everytime someone derides Faerun in a PoE related discussion.
  20. Made me do a double-take whether I accidentally logged onto the League of Legends forum.
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