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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Probably it's not really what people want from a FF game. Personally I didn't like the style either. At least they tried to do something different, I guess.
  2. This is misleading. They are still up from last year. Also FF16 was not a flop. That said, "stocks only go up"-mentality is exactly why we have to deal with so much garbage nowadays.
  3. Welp, looks like the engine is dead to me then. This is not sustainable at all for indies.
  4. Yeah, I'm not watching all that much anime, but it does get more and more noticeable for me. Funny, I just remembered Horimiya. Liked that anime so much, I even bought the mangas to get more of it However, you don't really have to dig deep to find the conservative garbage in it. In hindsight, it even feels like propaganda to me. The main characters are very modern on the outside, but in private they actually want conservative values. Hell, the female protagonist even has a fetish about getting manhandled by the male protagonist. Makes me wonder how much this stuff affects the youth.
  5. So I don't know why, but I watched this My Happy Marriage on Netflix. The tl;dr is ... jeez, what a load of conservative garbage. At first it started fine, but then they steadily slipped into that "I want to be a good housewife and love my husband"-stuff and it just lost me. Feels weird seeing people drool over that anime.
  6. I finished my AC6 playthrough in 3 days. Everything after that now feels just like bonus content if you can't get enough. So I wouldn't say it has a ridiculous size.
  7. Damn, I kept playing Armored Core 6 since it instantly moves you into NG+ and ... there are new missions now. Was playing one of the first missions when suddenly a popup shows up and I get a choice to betray my allies. Also some other missions later are swapped out with something else. So while the difficulty isn't that different from my first playthrough, I'm still getting new armor parts and weapons, AND there seems to be more story that unfolds.
  8. I always hate views like this, because it assumes that the person in power is not an idiot, but we know how easy it is for an idiot to get into a position of power. /Edit: Or not just an idiot. It could simply be a terrible person who will only look out for their own gain. There's more than enough examples for that.
  9. Alright, just finished AC6. As I suspected, the Sea Spider was the hardest boss in the game. Had to repeat a few of the later boss fights a few times as well, but not as extreme. Most of them I did in 2 or 3 attempts, only robot Malenia took me something around 10 maybe. All in all a good game, despite some annoyances. Kinda tempted to try NG+ now. Especially since I don't like the ending that I got. Oh, and since this is one of the few From Software games that I was actually able to completely finish, I'm guessing it's one of their easier titles.
  10. Did more Armored Core 6. Looks like it suffers a bit from the same issue that Bloodborne had. Some fights are impossibly hard, while many of the other fights are super easy. Was stuck at the Sea Spider for a whole day until I finally managed to take that bitch down. Everything after that now was almost a cakewalk in comparison. Not sure if it's because the Sea Spider made me git gud, or if it's just a general balance issue. In any case, my go to strategy right now is to double-gatling into everyone's faces + missile spam whenever possible. The double gatlings don't have much ammo, but they are melting almost everything if I manage to hit. And most enemies don't seem to like it if I stay close to them -- so that's what I'm doing, just hugging them as much as possible. Some enemies are too fast, and they are dodging away from my hail of bullets, in which case I jump up and go into hover mode (tetrapod legs for the win), and splatter them from top-down. Ez.
  11. 4 minutes self fellatio and no gameplay. I dunno man. Tough sell for me.
  12. Playing some Armored Core 6. It's good, but sometimes I start to question my sanity about why I torture myself with those From Software boss battles which I suck too much to do well. So far it isn't as bad as in Elden Ring, but there's a few fights now that I had to repeat a bazillion times and it almost makes me want to just never boot up the game ever again.
  13. Tbh, that trailer gives me nothing. All we see is some combat action, but simple truth is, I rather do the talky or sneaky way in my roleplaying games. And that's pretty much what would be important to me in a new Bloodlines game... How is the dialog, what stuff can I do, and how avoidable is the combat. The new company has no (good) track record in any of that stuff, but since everyone got fired some years ago, who knows what's going on now. Maybe they did find good replacements, maybe not. tl;dr - need to see actual gameplay if they want me to get excited.
  14. Ah s- here we go again. Not sure what to think of it. Too lazy to check the old stuff, but looks kinda the same to me. /Edit: And more. https://www.pcgamer.com/vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-has-been-quietly-rebuilt-by-dear-esther-developer-the-chinese-room-with-different-gameplay-mechanics-and-rpg-systems/
  15. Still funny how in the middle of the song he then starts to blame fat people on welfare for the countries problems.
  16. Yeah, this is pretty much why I stopped watching the anime. It's standing still for too long.
  17. Watched the first episode of One Piece. Honestly was not bad. I mean, it's pretty ridiculous when Zorro puts the 3rd sword into his mouth, but so was the anime, I guess. Still, will keep watching. Nice.
  18. Somehow I am oddly excited to watch that One Piece live action show. It will probably suck, but still... this is probably the first time ever that I can't wait to dive into it. Not sure why, though. Maybe because I have fond memories of the first few chapters of One Piece? Just realized that I somehow completely lost the motivation to keep watching it at around episode 300 or whatever. Even to get to this point I had to force myself quite a lot and it took me years. Maybe it's because the story is progressing so damn slow and there is so much filler.. or I just don't like how over the top crazy everything got.
  19. As far as I am aware, usually such people are the absolute minority. It doesn't really affect your statistics unless you really completely f'd up and got lots of people to hate on you for one reason or another. Basically, it only affects you negatively if they manage to get your review score down *a lot* for a long time. Lots of people just glance at the % once and if it is below a certain value, they will not buy anymore, or only if it feels cheap enough.
  20. This is why I don't tell anyone that I'm playing video games.
  21. Who knows, maybe they are still alive and hiding in argentinia or something.
  22. Probably will reset all the stats and stuff on your first load. At least that's what i would do since literally everything is different now.
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