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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Majority of gamers are like addicts and just want their next fix. I'd argue that if the game is good, politics is quickly forgotten.
  2. Jeez, that's kinda getting a bit much even for me now.
  3. I'm a big fan of that. Let them believe their own propaganda about how strong their military is. They'll run into the same trap that russia made itself when disallowing any criticism. Some day this will backfire hard.
  4. Or maybe they won't and have fooled everyone again.
  5. I think this is too extreme of a comment, BUT there is one point where I always feel let down with every single RTS game that I ever played... the ai tactics are always terrible. Like, seriously. It sucks all the fun out of me if I see the enemy ai rush all his units into my killzone *yet again* for half an hour straight. Like, bro, why is it so hard to react on my trap that isn't even a trap, but an exploit of your stupid ai. This is why story mode is really the only way for me to enjoy an RTS game. Skirmish works for me for like 2 or 3 games, before I get bored. I've enjoyed the story missions of DoW1 and .. I think the first DoW2... but once they switched to generic skirmish missions with bits of story in between, it started to suck as well. tl;dr .. the only way for me to enjoy RTS games is if there is a story and unique gameplay mechanics in every scenario. If you try to give me some generic crap-ai skirmish game, I'm out.
  6. Apparently Tucker Klansman gets a new show on... Twitter. Would like to say I'm surprised, but considering the mask-off fascism / right-wing grifting from Musk lately, I'm really not at all.
  7. Realistically, at this point, my steam wishlist is pretty much just a collection of games that I will never buy.
  8. I mean, it's not worse than 90% of the anime that people post about in here and hate(?) watch. In my experience, first few episodes usually are always bleh, since you first have to get into the whole thing. However, if it's still terrible at 5 or 6 episodes, I guess it's time to move on.
  9. Watched The Owl House. Was pretty great. Real sad there are only 3 seasons. Every character was great, and I liked their developments over time. Best one was Hoocifer, who's just a total psychopath. Interestingly, at first I thought he'd be totally annoying, but over time I couldn't stop just liking him.
  10. I'm curious how this was supposed to kill Putin. Does he spend his nights right outside the Kremlin or does he enjoy sitting on the balcony?
  11. All this talk about spring offensive feels so weird to me. Dunno if it's just me, but if you read around the internet, it's like people treating it like season 2 of their favorite tv show.
  12. Shame that there is nothing that can be done about this.
  13. Never played the originals, but this looks kinda interesting. Will likely keep it on my radar.
  14. The internet nowadays is full with anti-trans rhetoric (or anti-gay, anti-feminist, etc it's a long list). Can't visit any social media platform anymore without stumbling over it. At some point you will engage with it in some kind of form. Just ignoring those people is not a solution, since those opinions have a big influence on future generations. Guess the easiest way to address this, would be by improving the education system, but none of our governments seem to really want that, so here we are.
  15. But how to fix that? If the person in front of me wants to exterminate minorities, how the hell should I not have an extreme reaction towards it? This is a genuine question. Obviously we should all try to get closer to each other, but at the same time you just cannot make compromises with people like this. They will not just take your finger, they will take the whole hand and arm and then dismantle you step by step since they love to beat down on everyone they can.
  16. As soon as someone uses "woke" in an argument, I'm already mentally checking out, tbh. It's like a flag that tells you this is just a waste of time.
  17. I bet they will cut him off right after the movie is out. If I remember right, it was pretty much already done when the wild stuff about him dropped in the media. And like it or not, so far the movie looks like the perfect starting ground to reboot their whole universe thing.. and they really don't want to miss out on that. Personally I'm really damn tired of super hero movies and franchise reboots and whatnot. However, will likely try to watch this one at some point, just because there is more Batman in it, and lets be honest, Batman is pretty much the only good thing about the DC stuff for years now.
  18. They should do more WW1 stuff. Kinda burned out from WW2 and there's still a lot that can be done, outside of french trenches.
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