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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Actually Denis Villeneuve already said that the script for the 3rd movie is almost finished.
  2. Too much JoJo at once can get exhausting. It took me a long time to finish Stardust Crusaders as well.
  3. A very important feature has been added:
  4. I finally realized that I really can't stand Yahtzee. Few minutes in and I just want to rip my ears off.
  5. Tested it a bit yesterday. New bikes are nice. However, I noticed many more graphic issues now with light/shadow flickering and such. Before the patch everything seemed fine.
  6. Conveniently ignoring the amount of died and displaced civilians.
  7. The only thing I wonder is if the combat gameplay will be as dated as in all their other games. It's seriously the point I hate the most in RDR2... You headshot everything with auto-aiming and to compensate how easy it is, they are throwing a million dumb as bread ai soldiers at you.
  8. I'm more interested in the new motorcycles.
  9. Uh, is it just me or does it look very CGI'd this time? Kinda scares me of how the rest of the movie will be like, if the CGI quality is already like this in the trailer...
  10. Watched Chainsaw Man. Not bad, though the constant sexualization in anime kinda annoys the hell out of me. Maybe I'm too old for this stuff now? It just makes me think all the time.. bruh, don't you have anything better to worry about? It's really not that big a deal...
  11. In hindsight, this isn't really a day to celebrate, because that dude should have died a long time ago. This is way too late.
  12. I lol'd. It could kinda work, I guess, but at present time I've never heard anyone ever talk like that.
  13. Fallout tv show is the only time ever where I think less input from the "creators" is better. It's already at a bad start since everything we see so far is very much Fallout 4 inspired. If they do Bethsoft quality writing, I probably won't even last the first episode.
  14. Tbh the game goes completely past me. Except for a trailer and the advert stuff here on the forum, I know nothing about it.
  15. Watched Asteroid City. In fact, I have no idea what exactly I watched. Nice pictures though.
  16. It was announced a long time ago that Phantom Liberty will be the one and only DLC for the game.
  17. Haven't checked the patch yet, but I see no reason why the PC version would need to be downgraded. Was running perfectly fine for me when I binged my last 70 hours playthrough.
  18. In any case, it's great they managed to lift off, separate, and flip the booster. Next launch shouldn't be too far away now.
  19. I love how bad the video quality of the stream on Twitter is. We have super sharp videos from all the stuff before, but now that it's Twitter only, you can only see this pixelated mess.
  20. I'm 3 episodes into the new Scott Pilgrim show and turns out it is quite different from the movie. Kinda thought it would just be some sort of "the movie but in longer" - but seems it's its own thing.
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