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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. There's always a nazi somewhere. It's just important they stay in the minority. If the majority of your government is made up of nazis, then yeah, ****.
  2. By the way, I don't blame him for most of his ideas not working out. There's no shame in failing if you at least try. Some things just don't work, it's normal. What really killed him for me is the stupid stuff he keeps saying nowadays. It's also funny how he actively sabotages his Tesla influence with being so anti-liberal, considering most of his potential buyers are very likely liberal folk. None of those patriot coal-burners will ever set foot into a tesla car, yet here we are. What a dumbass.
  3. The beginnings of Tesla, the solar roof tile stuff, SpaceX, etc. He had lots of crazy ideas that would have been really cool if worked out. However, half that stuff never went into production or had other issues or he just silently dropped it, and so on and so on. He did a big push in the electric vehicle market. Also, with SpaceX he kind of started a new space race, which felt great and super cool. /edit: Also he had that underdog thing going for him, like if you remember the story about how he wanted to buy rockets from russia, but they laughed at him, so he decided to build his own rockets instead.. and succeeded so much with it that now america doesn't send people and cargo to spay anymore on russian rockets.
  4. Can't believe there was a time where I was looking up to Musk. Now he is such a ****ing douche waffle. Funny, he could have cemented his reputation as this great, forward thinking guy, if he had just shut the **** up and didn't use Twitter. Guess he did the world a favor with outing himself as the narcissistic, self-centered idiot he is.
  5. Finished the game. Was surprised I got through it so fast. If I think back to Witcher 3, it felt to me like the game went on forever. Ending was not bad. Pretty sad. Would say it's kinda well done. Not sure how much flexibility is in the last couple missions, though. Wish it were more like Deus Ex, with more open maps and ways to get around and stuff. Feeling motivated to start a new character - as male V this time, because I want to know if I'll like the voice more. That said, I've heard lots of negativity around the endings beforehand, so maybe my expectations were low.. however, now that I'm done with it, it doesn't seem that bad to me. Really seems like lots of pissed off people just produced lots of hot air.
  6. Pretty sure putting that thing into Germany is some sort of behind closed doors deal.
  7. Wasn't there drama about this already some months ago? One of the guys left and some woman took over the writer role? Can't remember the details. Tbh not surprising to me. A game like Disco Elysium really seems to be a one-in-a-million kind of scenario. Can't imagine this to get topped anytime soon.
  8. Oh no, is this another turbine problem? They should seriously increase the QA on the manufacturing sites.
  9. I saw a mod that adds a working metro tram. That's pretty cool.
  10. The only issue I have with my new car is that it feels like I'm driving on ice. There is no grip at all. Funny enough, I also used the bike most of the time. Was happy that I got one fairly early on in the game. Not necessarily because of the handling -just for the feeling.
  11. Dunno, looks a bit too tryhard for me. The car I bought now was the first one that I found visually pleasing, though. Everything else so far is kinda.. bleh. Dunno what I have to do to unlock more cars.
  12. I almost thought the nudity was just trailer bait, since it was featured there "prominently" but in the actual episode it's also just a "blink and you miss it"-moment.
  13. Noticed I have a crapton of money, so I decided to buy a car.
  14. Meh, boxing is lame as hell. I'll just ignore it.
  15. Hm good to know. Truth told, I didn't even know how to take down the guys for Regina in a non-lethal way until at some point I accidentally stumbled over the weapons mods. I'm not really in the mood to revert to punching people with my fist when all my skills/perks are pumped into revolvers.
  16. I saw speculations that there must be 1 bomb that failed to detonate, since there are 4 pipelines, but we only had 3 explosions.
  17. The way I see it, the upgrade system is completely pointless up until you reach endgame. There's been a couple weapons that I upgraded a bit over time, but I always found a better weapon somewhat soon after, which means I just wasted materials for pointless upgrades. It's even worse if you find some rare or iconic weapon that requires special materials to upgrade (and that stuff can cost a lot of money). Alternatively ... don't upgrade anything until you get stuck in some fight. Then you can spend materials on your main weapon to pump the DPS a bit and hope for the best when repeating the fight. Also I think the lethal/non-lethal system is kinda buggy. I've installed mods on one of my SMGs that apparently turns it non-lethal... but it doesn't work. The people I shoot with it still seem to be dying. The only option I have for non-lethal takedowns right now is to shoot the enemies until they have very low hitpoints and then punch them with my fists for the last bits.
  18. Our content update has been released today: https://steamcommunity.com/games/arma3/announcements/detail/3312983836394268762
  19. "Relatives of men mobilized into the "Donetsk People's Republic Army" complained to Pushylin that their soldiers were raped by Kadyrov's Chechens." https://nitter.net/JayinKyiv/status/1574661232971358209#m
  20. But why would Russia do it in this case? Aren't those exact pipes for the transport between Germany and Russia? How would sabotaging benefit them here? Or are we still on the "Gazprom pretends there are real issues for not delivering gas"-stage?
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