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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. People pay to consume things that make them miserable all the time.
  2. And if you want to post in the politics thread, you have to pay double.
  3. That banner is waaaaay too big. It's like getting hit in the face with a sledge hammer. Especially that crazy color on black background. I wouldn't know, I block everything. : >
  4. tbh at this point I think we simply do not have any Leopard tanks to give. Just few months ago in a training exercise with our new Pumas, it was found out that not a single one of them was in actual working condition, so...
  5. Attack on Titan: The Final, Final, Final, This is really the Final Season-season. At this point I just want it to end. The last one already felt like it was just a waste of time.
  6. I habe absolutely no idea why they don't want to send tanks. None of the arguments make sense to me. I guess russia really must have some serious dirt on them for this to go that way.
  7. Here's an interesting article about how the war affects a polish city at the border: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-01-13/putin-s-war-in-ukraine-turns-sleepy-polish-city-into-unlikely-global-airport-hub
  8. Your Name was great, but I didn't really like Weathering With You. Can't really remember why now, since it's been a few years. Guess the story was uninteresting to me / I got bored and checked out inbetween and then wasn't able to get back into it anymore. Or maybe because the story just kinda went along and then the movie just ended... idk.
  9. The way russia is using prisoners as scouts for enemy positions is really awful.
  10. There is no winning against those companies. Only thing you can do is sneak in at night and torch their equipment. It won't stop them, but maybe it makes one feel better for a moment or two.
  11. For about a week or two now I have been looking into H0 model train stuff. I'm at a point now where I am seriously considering if I can make space for something. Just throwing around random ideas in my mind, scribbling down some possible layouts, etc. A part of me still hopes that I will drop that idea again, because the costs will be astronomical. The cool trains alone are already in the 200 to 300 bucks ballpark. Then the rail layout will be very pricey too, depending on the amount of switches and special pieces. And that's just the bare minimum -- would have to build a custom table for the setup, deal with the electrics, just get things running. Not to forget the amount of research I still have to do for this. It would be quite a big project that would occupy me for a couple years for sure.
  12. Out of curiosity, what exactly is it that Bolsonaro has done for those people? Did he actually improve their lives or did he just do the usual "x is bad"-shtick while destroying the amazonas?
  13. No, if the season has a good ending, I don't care. But most of those Netflix shows have cliff-hanger endings which make you want (or need) another season, which then never comes. It just sucks.
  14. Yeah but this grows a new problem... why should I even start watching Netflix tv shows if I know they aren't done after one season? Funny enough, this is exactly the reason why I haven't started watched that 1899 show right away. If they keep canceling shows after the first season, they will drive away more and more people, imo.
  15. First movie is just Pocahontas with some space ships. I watched it two or three times if I remember right (not on my own). My issue with the movie is that it's a bit too long - it starts not bad and even captures my attention for a while, but after half of the movie, it's starting to become a real slog for me. Will probably watch the 2nd movie at some point, just to see what's up with it, I guess.
  16. I don't mind, though. They can keep doing that for all I care. Maybe the war will then end sooner, idk.
  17. Well, she should fire her writer. I get what she means when saying that, but it does feel very... oof. Keep in mind that she very likely has no idea about war, military, and anything related to defense. I have absolutely no idea why they keep assigning such people to this position. Remember, our last one was the family minister before becoming defense minister....
  18. Well, that sucks. Kinda glad we are living now and in the west, I guess. Who knows how the world will look like in 50 years. About the video, no idea, haven't seen anything.
  19. I'm aware of that, but surely someone must have noticed? At least once the women start crying that their husbands get taken away for nothing?
  20. Crazy thing is that nobody is doing anything in those videos. Compare this to regular sunday in Berlin, where people would throw stones at the police.
  21. Does it have at least an actual s1 ending that works as a show ending or does it just stop somewhere?
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