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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. The internet is arguing that russias new offensive has now started. But it's kinda failing. Also apparently the first confirmed Terminator-kill: https://twitter.com/WhereisRussia/status/1623620579646402562
  2. Funny, I remember at least one doctor in germany who secretly gave sodium chloride to the people instead of the vaccine, because he didn't want anyone to take it. I'm actually almost sure it was more, including some some drug stores, but I'm too lazy to look up more details about it now.
  3. Loved the movie, watched it a couple times. Have the 4+ hours special something-something edition. I always hated when the movie ended, because I wanted to know how the story continues.
  4. Question is, imagine Zelenskyy would have fled Ukraine, would Russia have kept him alive or still tried to murder him anyways? If it's the later, then you might as well just stay and fight. It's probably safer in the middle of the military and secret service, than in your little house somewhere in another country.
  5. I always lol about this. As if america has a radical left. Red scare is so omnipresent that people forgot what actually left is. They shouldn't tell them they are responsible (don't know if they do, didn't look into it), but they should explain why and how such events occured. Rightwingers don't want to talk about it at all, since they like having their skeletons remain buried.
  6. And yet here we are, with teachers in Florida cleaning the bookshelves, just in case so they don't lose their job or go to jail. Can this be reverted? Yeah, probably, but for now the damage is done. In multiple ways - it's additional work to (temporarily) get rid of all the books, who is paying for that, who is doing the work? Who is going to vet the books later, how long will this take, etc. etc. Then the psychological damage, additional stress for the teachers for no reason other than spite(??) or to own the libs or whatever bs. It's a big waste of time for everyone involved, and certainly not a good look. On the other hand, america is very big, so people affected could just go to a different place, I guess. That comes with a whole bunch of other problems, though. /Edit: No, and I never said that. Also funny that you are now insulting me. Way to make stuff up, too. I don't have anything against americans at all, I'm merely baffled by the funny laws you guys like so much, the way the rich can fleece the poor, and the way you defend those fascists. Good job anyways, here have a bee. /Edit2: What you don't seem to grasp is the importance of america in the world. Things that affect you has a ripple effect and will affect us as well. If things go terribly wrong in america, it's just a matter of time till it arrives on our shores as well, since we are very much globalized now. If that weren't the case, I probably wouldn't care at all, just like I don't care about places like Saudi Arabia (with the exceptions of the terrible human rights issues and so on of course). Personally I see germany as something like the little brother of america for like 30+ years now. We're always a few steps behind. This is good in some areas, and bad in others. Yadda yadda, I'm not in the mood to post a wall of text, I'm probably too uneducated for that anyways. PS: Just to clarify, I do not have any feelings good or bad about you personally at all.
  7. Hehe, I knew there would be a wall of text about my post. Really expected it. Here is the reality, though: Something like this would never happen in germany. The uproar about such a thing would be historical, with thousands of people on the streets. People like you are a problem in america, since you justify giving up some of your rights "for democracy", not realizing that you lose more of them little by little. You think those laws are only temporarily and will be shut down by the courts soon enough, but what happens when the day comes where they aren't? You're going to accept that? Maybe it's a bit late then and the damage is already done anyways. Your school system is already utter garbage, and then this. Now of course I'm not saying that the school system in germany is perfect - it certainly is not, and we are lobbying for better teachers pay and more focus on education for many years already. It's demotivating and exhausting how it seems our government wants to not give a damn about this. However, on the brighter side, at least the air in our schools isn't full of lead (yet).
  8. Huh, could have sworn I saw it for PC. Oh well, sucks to be us. That said, I'd rather have Bloodborne on PC anyways.
  9. Didn't people say that remaster (which is available on pc) is very true to the original? /Edit: lol, just found out that Marc Rebillet did the song for the Grounded outro.
  10. To me, this kind of stuff always feels like propaganda. Hate it in every game. Reminds me of The Division right now, where there are secret sleeper agents who will be activated in an emergency and of course they only do good. Please, we all know that if such a thing exists in real, it's always 110% some fascist crap. /Edit: Had to edit my post multiple times because it always gave me some error message. Did some try&error and found out that it won't let me write sleeper agents in "" - Makes no sense to me. Conspiracy much?
  11. I think ME3 suffers the most from the story that is going on in the background. "Oh no, the earth is in grave danger and about to be destroyed, we have to hurry! ... But first let me visit that place there to do those side quests."
  12. I mean, if you give them all the same animation and execute that animation on all units at the same time... yeah of course it will be perfectly synced.
  13. Almost everyone was, even Emma Watson. Not sure if all of them did something illegal tho. You're right. That's why we should let russia rape and pillage the country. That's much better.
  14. I think it's a good time to clean house. Also put them on trial for treason or something, since they actively decided to put the country at risk.
  15. Heh, yesterday I was sitting on the couch, watching the train go its circle, and it did make me feel kinda sad(? /edit: maybe nostalgic is a better word). Gave me flashbacks to my very early childhood. We had a TT-size train with some wagons back then. It was cool. Haven't seen that in probably 25 years now. We still have the train and wagons packed up somewhere in storage. But yeah, the prices of those models are wild.
  16. Few weeks ago I was thinking of getting myself back into model train stuff. Long story short ... Bought a starter set for the rails and other hardware on the cheaper end, since this is merely some toying around. However, I spared no costs with the actual train. I'm honestly amazed at how detailed this stuff is. Especially at this size. Even the steps to get into the train have little holes in them. The handrails are barely 1mm in size. The lights and sounds are awesome. Also the train actually feels heavy. Even if you fully crank up the dial, it takes a while to get up to speed, and the engine sounds react accordingly. It made me understand why the prices are so high for this stuff.
  17. I'd take all of this with a (very big) grain of salt if it's that big in the news. Gives me flashbacks to last year.
  18. Interesting video. No idea how much truth is in it since I have no real idea of the topic, but it does kinda feel again as if Poland was just bluffing / puffing for their own elections. /edit: Some of the video comments go into more detail of why Poland can't send the tanks (again, no idea how valid), so as usual it's not as black and white as it seems at first.
  19. We're sending tanks now. /Edit: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/krieg-in-der-ukraine-deutschland-schickt-leopard-panzer-a-e2dde871-88d0-4cf5-8aae-482d58fd850f
  20. It needs to allow the creation of mods if they want this thing to survive. /Edit: Apparently it runs on Unity. So basically there will be a big hype on release and then it will slowly be forgotten and people keep playing JA2 1.13 instead.
  21. People pay to consume things that make them miserable all the time.
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