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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That's just being cynical.
  2. We get a forum badge/identifier outside of this thing, right ?
  3. Bound to happen. Eventually it'll be whiners that only gave for the lowest tier.
  4. Lovely, though, this forum needs more polls. How exactly are you verifying this anyway ?
  5. This. By doing that, the only one who truly loses is Obsidian. Do we really want Obsidian to lose? How exactly does Obsidian lose anything ? I don't think they're reliant on the dross in this forum.
  6. That'd be need to be setup by the KS owner, I'd imagine, heh.
  7. Who the hell made you official anything ? Heh, had a feeling you'd end up with this, next is "well I donated more than you"
  8. Well not shocked at all, was being sarcastic. Unlike most apparently, I have some faith in their crafting ability - well writing at least
  9. Didn't back it, but that's good news.
  10. Ruh-roh! Well there you have it, folks. /enddiscussion I am shocked by this statement.
  11. Well, it's honest, heh.
  12. From her wikipedia page (yes, yes, unreliable). Doesn't seem like she's a concern. Unless this is a really, really deep cover operation
  13. Got all of them off D&D. A bit apprehensive about any of them, I played IWD a while ago and found myself a bit confused as to what was going on, heh. Alas, I am softcore.
  14. It'd be nice if the bandits were grey-ish and had a backstory - not every individual mook you kill, but would be nice to see some as people pushed too far or people that slid down into depravity. Seems something we could expect from Obsidian, regardless, I'd gamble.
  15. You are right, of course. It's all backhanded. I don't clearly say what I mean - I insinuate. Thanks for clarifying for me. I sometimes get confused as to my intent. Well, seemed pretty clear what you meant, even looking at the blurb above. Best to be blunt, it's good for the soul.
  16. Yeah, that wasn't a backhanded question, heh. It's like Kjarista all over again, heh.
  17. I think this is just a case of poor training by games that insult their customers rather than these people being outright stupid.
  18. I hope there are bromances in PE, I should make a new thread. Being able to (magically) brofist an NPC will enhance my experience.
  19. This thread is at least good for a laugh, one good thing about this whole 'Romance' business.
  20. System like that could end up fairly complex I'd imagine.. Of course they could just use reputation against the suspicion for short - so if you've helped some locals do their work they might not assume you're a murderer.
  21. Heh, reading this forum over I'm starting to hope that promise to read the forums and take suggestions was a half-truth at best.
  22. Well based on the article from the Star (really ? you chose that crappy paper here ? ) they are worried about the US striking the militias which will strengthen them. Saves the US effort if they actually fight them - I guess they don't need them anymore since Gaddafi left. Shame they didn't decide to fight them when they stormed the embassy though
  23. Why is that lousy ? They might worry about the US deciding to go and kill these "extremists", even if it's not that likely, they might expect it. And no one wants to be bombed or have cruise missiles zipping around (that'd be a bit funny though, given their whining about NATO not bombing enough against Gaddafi)
  24. Forgive me for going off topic but, not really, both of those are opinions based on some experience. If you've played Obsidian games and find them buggy and if they are well then not a slur to tell the truth. Likewise with Bioware's romances, if you found them to be garbage then you should be able to call it that. It's not akin to calling the developers muppets or something. Noble to stick up for corporate brands though!
  25. More hits, heh. Given what you've posted, using a term like bubble for others is nice backhanded jab. In any event, I'm not seeing Bioware bashing (not sure why you care if there is, moderator's job) people just using it as a reference for shoddy 'romance' in games. It is pretty hard to write a decent one, I'd imagine, and given the nature of this project - seems like a burn of too much effort on a tiny piece.
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