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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I still find it depressing people are worrying about the game being too hard for them at this stage of the project - hopefully there are difficulty sliders so that people can adjust the challenge to what they're comfortable with. Now if you want some story mode where you can faceroll through content...well..maybe a LP video of just cutscenes might be your thing, I dunno.
  2. Seems like that is playing dress up, though. Who's to say the gear will be vastly different looking, as well.
  3. Well I did say a compromise in my second line, there can be ways to buy more time (or for that matter, lose it). Does depend on how strict the timer is anyway, I'm assuming some worst case where the developer badly misjudges how long the majority will take and people end up in a blind rush to finish the game and ignoring content. But then again, Fallout did it well, rush to get the WC and then ta-da : new antagonist.
  4. Well, I'm sort of hoping tarna sitll is, not was. But I'm not privy to updates.
  5. The degree to which it should matter is pretty small though, people might react to your PC wearing military armour but I can't see them caring that much because your plate and mail set A is cooler looking than B.
  6. Well yeah, I'll concede the critical path of the plot shouldn't move along in real time, it steals from the game to be rushing along against a clock. Unless you can keep doing actions to stall your village being burned or your King dying to some curse or whatever the "We must go!" reason is.
  7. Y'know....keep at it. I encourage you to elaborate on your thoughts in these kinds of threads.
  8. Well, it's been done somewhat, but party members reacting strongly to your actions or statements up to the point where they'll betray, rob, leave or attempt to kill you is always nice. Makes your party seem more fleshed out and real. Also, a world where events have their own schedules rather than being on a discrete path set by player actions.
  9. It's the enforced nicety, don't mind it. Don't be too certain of them never doing a romance though, even if they don't extort them with a stretch goal, I have a feeling they'll put in two or so to satisfy these people.
  10. It's a minor vanity feature, maybe they could ship it as DLC or a stretch goal. I don't really see the problem as they can fix it by just keeping a theme to the gear and making it all look equally nice. Hopefully we don't end up with massive shoulder pads of ivory and gold and the like - that's done in MMOGs do help drive the loot grinds I'd wager.
  11. Hey, the torture sessions were the best part of Dark Heresy, especially as not everyone knew anything due to the DM's discretion. Course it did suit the style of game where it's a hunt/investigation. Should be many ways to subdue targets, if they have a morale system like someone else suggested here that should tie in neatly. You can overmatch them so they surrender, grapple and bind/cripple them. Or just have some magical/technical device to knock them out. Failing to do so and just killing them outright would be a good part of the system as well - obviously depending on what you're trying to do them.
  12. Why, exactly ? Anyway, you can still keep the old gear and wear it for fashion's sake if that..kind of thing appeals to you.
  13. So you want boring soap opera type nonsense ? Feh
  14. Well, actually, only 119 want it. 107 may or may not want it, they voted as sometimes they enjoy it or most of the time. That sometimes category might as well fall into ambivalence as well., in addition to the 92 that are against it or don't care. Not a very well constructed poll, what with the 107 that might be split evenly. Also using images is hostile and trolling *nod*
  15. Seems like this is a case of trying for a simulation.
  16. Bit of glass houses there, chief. God help us, they're taking forum polls seriously.
  17. Yeah, but even then it'll be so general as to make calling them 'implementations' amusing or just the usual variations on the "Do it well!" from armchair developers.
  18. It is odd that these go on, didn't Merin declare the majority were for it. Well, unless Living One is correct in what these threads are aimed to be.
  19. Well, Tuchanka was a decent part, rolling up some choices from ME1 onward, but yeah, wasn't exactly a reactive experience.
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