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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You're a rarity then, well at least online, a lot of them fit that quote in Green Mars about anarchists that want police protection from their slaves
  2. Well, hopefully someone finds the cause. Shame people don't come with log files.
  3. Hah, this again. That quote by Avellone should be enough of an answer, though.
  4. Nah this is just the case of the RNG magically working out in favour of the AI (when it happens for me, though, it's honest good luck).
  5. Nope, just Ironman Normal. Just am not that good at the game
  6. Well, my game is a faliure, two missions cost me every experienced trooper, both due to cyberdiscs - could have saved one Lt. but a Rookie zapped him when she was freaking out. I swear these Mutons have amazing aim.
  7. Hm, I wonder when Derek Smart will launch a kickstarter.
  8. Yeah, the ascent was cool to watch as was the view just before he jumped. Apparently he passed out for a bit though, when he was spinning. Kudos to him to get Red Bull to foot the bill for his dream jump
  9. Watched Baumgartner's dive, impressive sights but I hope there's footage from his helmet camera.
  10. The dev team at work uses the whitebaords, funnily enough. They don't really seem to like it all that much and from talking to them it does seem like it's a lot of overhead and meetings.
  11. I don't think anyone is content with the acid and poison attacks. The reason this one attacks getting more exposure and attention is because she was a very popular figure for her willingness to speak out about education. She had received a major award from the government and there are interviews of her that are now circulating the web. Now you could take the cynical approach and go "she's getting the attention because she's a celebrity" or you can see her as a very good symbol for all the girls that have been attacked by perverse groups like the Taliban. I would hope the outpouring of attention her attack is receiving will help change Pakistani society. Well, that's hardly cynical, it is the reason - I doubt the authorities would have done squat without all this outrage and condemnation, happens everywhere and does make some sense I suppose as if you're just some plebe no one cares unless you die in droves or something. As for changing Pakistani society, heh that's one long shot.
  12. Glad you're in one piece. Could be worse though, he could want to talk nothing but Star Trek
  13. Someone needs to teach the guards to check upwards more often, but I am liking the game. Not so much a ghost as I'd liked, sort of back to my Professional style in Hitman where I leave a notable body count but am sneaky about it.
  14. Well, I don't think he's arguing that they're positive, at least in the last post. Two of his points are correct, the girl being a propagandist, well..I guess they could see it that way, but they're kooks. Odd though why everyone cares about this one girl getting shot in the head, seems more huff and puff outrage over this than the poisonings or acid attacks.
  15. Watching Wing Commander. I have no idea why
  16. Best of luck dealing with this.
  17. So it'll be out in 2019 then.
  18. Nahh, you can troll for anything. People get outraged over any crap on the Internet, after all.
  19. That was a real developer's idea of 15 minutes.
  20. Nahh, whatever super-big AAA game drops in 2014 or whenever this will be out will be the GoTY of everyone.
  21. I thought it ended, walked away and came back to that, whoops, heh. Well nice to know he likes Deus Ex, so he's not all that bad.
  22. Meh, wasn't all that great. Oh well.
  23. Looks like a hobo I saw the other day. Still, nice update and good way to close it out.
  24. Well, hopefully this stream gets interesting, heh.
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