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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. US Politics is funny from the outside, we could use some characters here - well other than our dumb white meshback mayor. What weird comments has she made ?
  2. Kickstarter that, man. In the grim darkness, you must dogfight hovering cats in space. The name Kilrathi is pretty funny in it's origin - Roberts saw them killing with wrath..so..kill..wrath..ta-da, Kilrathi. Always interesting how these things come to be, like Blair's name.
  3. Indeed. I'm guessing this is some kind of WC reboot. Those fighters look like Kilrathi ones. The guys at WCNews must be going ga-ga over this.
  4. Bah, too much enthusiasm for the internet here. I had forgotten about PayPal, that should have a pretty substantial haul, so making up that amount in 6 days probably is fairly doable.
  5. I'd rather save money if I can ? But yeah, I might pop out and get a stick, if they still have these at stores. My current PC desk doesn't have the space for it, one of those silly cart things, but it can make do. Or just sucking at games.
  6. Still pushing on through WC3, I suck terribly at this with the mouse but haven't played a space sim in a long, long while. The FMV bits are pretty funny, but not too shoddy for 1994.
  7. Recycling Tanks. Some of the base facilities in this game are kinda offputting if you think about it. Like the Punishment Sphere.
  8. Would also work for Yang though, well, the non-individualistic stuff anyway.
  9. Ehh, maybe. I doubt the big publishers are going to learn much from this, but maybe I'm being pessimistic.
  10. 1 is Indian Summer from ArmA 2
  11. Should be able to hit the goal - I've already put in as much as I want to, but I figure you lot can make up 200k in a week.
  12. Hm, did do a fair amount of shooting in SA, due to funny stuff like some guy walking in on me disposing of a body, never tried it in BM though - guess that's a project for today.
  13. Sadly, I think we're like that with our dachshunds, don't really walk them too much - roughly 710 m or so - and my sister sees it as a huge hassle and they're really her dogs nominally, heh. I'm not that much better, but I'm admittedly a lazy bum
  14. Well, that's not too bad then, LoS issues might be a bit annoying but nothing one can't suffer through. I assume the night missions are suitable scary (I sitll have reluctance to even attempt those)
  15. Blood Money was pretty good, Silent Assassin was also a good game. Not so much a planned assassination game though, more a puzzle game in which you kill people. But it is nice to see patience rewarded that and having many ways to get the job done.
  16. Meh, more preview BS. Shouldn't have been worried about the promos being all action - I guess that's a better hook or so they think.
  17. For some reason I read that in Sheng-ji Yang's voice.
  18. So, what are the bad bits ?
  19. Are you Harmony spec'd ? My friend's enjoying shooting us to heal us or the phaselock revive.
  20. Based off Wikipedia anyway, gave total Armed Forces as 650k but only the Army would be of great use to actually occupy a country. But I'd assume regardless of exact numbers that Syria might be a match for Turkey should they invade or anything. Not saying they can't beat them, but it'd be pretty nasty.
  21. Ah, it's not. It's the in-flight options not the ones from the menu - odd but oh well, didn't look around hard enough.
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