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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, Gender equality and feminism being the same thing isn't always the case, depending on who you talk to. Price of ideology. But to me it's just a slight to feminists rather than on the concept of equality.
  2. Good video, even if teachers are always on the cross about that.
  3. Don't think he's actually commenting on gender equality, just seems to be making a jab at one (part of one) side in the fight. Amusing that that got anyone pissed off, but oh well.
  4. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-03-13-korean-league-of-legends-scandal-exposed-after-attempted-suicide LoL match fixing and a suicide attempt as a result.
  5. Bah, can't even store the beef properly, useless villagers.
  6. 1.1. MM toughness now, huzzah. Crap for healing but did manage to just eat some of Belial's hits on T1. DH vault seems broken now, in a way, only triggers if your cursor is in the range.
  7. Well, I suppose that's one way of looking at it. (Successful troll attempt though, since reading it literally pissed me off! \o/) Heh, why is that a 'troll attempt' and not just his opinion ? And really, there are feminists out there that believe that stuff (not a large amount, but for some reason, like everywhere else, the yahoos are the ones broadcasting)
  8. I don't know Malc, why don't you go to the website and confirm this? They do make some general comments like " young girls self-esteem drops 3.5 times more than a boys by high school" but it would be very difficult to give accurate statistics Was on my phone and preparing to sleep at the time, else I would have checked, simpleton. So no solid way of knowing if their lead in is actually a problem.
  9. Did they quote statistics identifying this as a problem, by the way ?
  10. They sure chose a bad title. Wonder how my generation or the one before managed, sometimes.
  11. A land of rainbow Unicrons. Horror.
  12. Meh, EVE's learning curve isn't that hard. Simply obey the rule of only fly what you can lose and you'll be set. Think the tutorials are handier now than when I first started, and there's always people willing to help (surprisingly some are not total sociopaths.)
  13. Probably due to complaints about illegality and talk of justice and what not from those that gave him the boot. For the billions embezzled, was it just him or him and some of those still there, now ?
  14. If you're an industrialist or running an alliance perhaps. But I suppose you'd find the combat uninteresting.
  15. Try EVE, it's all mouse based.
  16. Well, you just break the law. Jaywalking is pretty common here, occasionally the cops do a crackdown because too many pedestrians get killed by cars but for the most part they ignore it (like everything else, heh).
  17. Conspiracy! Anyway, Hearthstone launched a while ago. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/13154923
  18. Client's insanity is past comedy and now just depressing at the moment. They behave like someone entering a restaurant, stating they are hungry, but then refusing to tell the waiter what they want to eat. Though the whole CYA culture they're exhibiting is still amusing enough to compensate. Also, the weather sucks. Snow again, after 2 days of positive temperatures.
  19. Heh and you're doing psychoanalysis on them, no ? He did well enough to get that passive aggressive response too, which is about as close to negative you'll brave, I suppose.
  20. So were these courses focused on something ? Or was this just a module the professor made about women in history ?
  21. Glad I took Engineering so didn't have to deal with all this crap.
  22. http://www.gog.com/news/getting_back_to_our_roots
  23. Always wonder at how effective these "empowerment" things are.
  24. Well, the materials they have in needlessly fancy PDFs are what I expected. Advise girls to speak up in class, don't be afraid to be wrong, etc. (useful for any student, you'd think..) so meh. The "advice" for managers isn't that goofy, though making sure women sit near the center and front in meetings is a bit so. The parents and teachers documents are about the same - though, the activities make me shake my head (I guess I have a more jaded household where crap like that would get a laugh). Good for theoretical, I suppose.
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