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Everything posted by Malcador
Caesar 4 pissed me off with the equites' need for security, pansy bastards. So having to make walled enclaves for them was the only way to get the max homes for them, but was a hassle.
Went on an inspired 8.5 minutes rant about how f**king stupid our clients are at work. Successfully scared the lady visiting too.
Since when was being a scientist ever about taking pride in ignorance? I mean... really? Is this your argument? "I have a degree in an unspecified science, therefore I am permitted to be as ignorant about every other facets of the body of the collective human knowledge as it is possible, and also be proud of it"? On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog, etc. Also, you have no way to verify whether the person in question has any actual credentials, which is kinda important, I think. And I never mentioned "Malcador is an evil, evil person and my words were exclusively about him, and him alone" I guess, the joke about gender studies is lost on you - granted it was an in joke at my school, humanities being useless (For we are Engineers, above pathetic humans!). That and gender studies is pretty low down on the list of interesting humanities for me - the myriad of history courses for once is superior in that regard. That and it having a certain...aura of being an echo chamber, at least in my school. True that the person can pretend to be a feminist, but I can't see why - is there some sort of far reaching conspiracy of pretend feminists that post bizarre stuff to discredit the movement ? People come up with nutty stuff on their own as reality shows every day, right ? Based on perusing the sites, I've no real reason to suspect the populace of the feminist sites I browse now and then are all fake ones, heh. Though I find they label people too readily and dismiss any counterargument as 'mansplaining' or some other passive aggressive term to just shut it down. As for your last comment, pardon ? Some feminists actually do spout the crap that Orugon posted. Usually they end up as the typical neophyte zealot (so some 16 year old girl, all in for The Cause), but not always. Saying that isn't slugging off the entirety.
Good thing about sciences, no need for silly humanities courses like gender studies . And why does speaking to them in person matter whereas reading commentary by them online does not ? Also, I wasn't denouncing the entire 'intellectual movement' based on that, as you can read above I've mainly highlighted that as a section of that 'movement'. Well, I guess we've got insults out of the way, I guess we await receipt of a sermon. No worries Orugon, some apparently thought that little jab was OUTRAGEOUS, and so on.
Theoretical definitions is one thing, actual practice tends to vary. Reading a reddit 'feminist' posting about her hate of stay at home mom's and at the same time saying her ideal husband is a stay at home who'll do all the cleaning. Good comedy
Go go Black Templars.
Have to optimize a SQL procedure because the whiney client thinks an 1130% increase in runtime is a bad thing. Pft, idiots.
Well, Gender equality and feminism being the same thing isn't always the case, depending on who you talk to. Price of ideology. But to me it's just a slight to feminists rather than on the concept of equality.
Good video, even if teachers are always on the cross about that.
Don't think he's actually commenting on gender equality, just seems to be making a jab at one (part of one) side in the fight. Amusing that that got anyone pissed off, but oh well.
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-03-13-korean-league-of-legends-scandal-exposed-after-attempted-suicide LoL match fixing and a suicide attempt as a result.
Bah, can't even store the beef properly, useless villagers.
1.1. MM toughness now, huzzah. Crap for healing but did manage to just eat some of Belial's hits on T1. DH vault seems broken now, in a way, only triggers if your cursor is in the range.
Well, I suppose that's one way of looking at it. (Successful troll attempt though, since reading it literally pissed me off! \o/) Heh, why is that a 'troll attempt' and not just his opinion ? And really, there are feminists out there that believe that stuff (not a large amount, but for some reason, like everywhere else, the yahoos are the ones broadcasting)
I don't know Malc, why don't you go to the website and confirm this? They do make some general comments like " young girls self-esteem drops 3.5 times more than a boys by high school" but it would be very difficult to give accurate statistics Was on my phone and preparing to sleep at the time, else I would have checked, simpleton. So no solid way of knowing if their lead in is actually a problem.
Did they quote statistics identifying this as a problem, by the way ?
They sure chose a bad title. Wonder how my generation or the one before managed, sometimes.
A land of rainbow Unicrons. Horror.
Meh, EVE's learning curve isn't that hard. Simply obey the rule of only fly what you can lose and you'll be set. Think the tutorials are handier now than when I first started, and there's always people willing to help (surprisingly some are not total sociopaths.)
Probably due to complaints about illegality and talk of justice and what not from those that gave him the boot. For the billions embezzled, was it just him or him and some of those still there, now ?
If you're an industrialist or running an alliance perhaps. But I suppose you'd find the combat uninteresting.
Try EVE, it's all mouse based.
Well, you just break the law. Jaywalking is pretty common here, occasionally the cops do a crackdown because too many pedestrians get killed by cars but for the most part they ignore it (like everything else, heh).
Conspiracy! Anyway, Hearthstone launched a while ago. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/13154923