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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You can't have empathy without romance ? You do have friends, right ? Same deal. And stop with the martyr crap.
  2. A Harrier ? Really, come now, it should be a Falcon
  3. Arizona's barely registering on the outrage meter here, it might though. Russia was helped by the Olympics in that regard, lots of bleating on about gays an gay rights then with ads, calls for officials to boycott it and people being snarky over it. The outrage is more half-assed and temporary than picking on certain countries, I feel. Internet activism for you.
  4. Hm, my DH that could handle Inferno MP2 now can't handle Torment 1. Either that or I've no idea how to play it.
  5. Perhaps he's referring to you mentioning that this kind of thing is Nazi style tactics, identifying those unworthy people in your society for the presumed cleansing later. Funny, that people are going to get more hot over this than they are what's going on in CAR.
  6. You do realize that part was a joke, right ?
  7. Well, they made the headlines with a new law, so not sure it's really singling out. I don't think it's illegal in US states, though maybe there are some with old sodomy laws that are unenforced.
  8. Multiply that by 20 and I could use that to buy a house here.
  9. Do tell, who is the real power-structure in the US? The Zionist cabal. Well or Congress and the MIC.
  10. Lots of fun in co-op with a buddy who can't drive
  11. The rifts and Adventure mode sound interesting. I like some of those DH changes, seems like DPS increases all over.
  12. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/02/26/renegade-x-enters-open-beta-can-be-downloaded-for-free-right-now/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=emp Remake of C&C Renegade, can download it and play now though.
  13. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/12671560/patch-201-now-live-2-25-2014 Interesting changes, I'll patch it up over the weekend when my bandwidth cap renews.
  14. Nazis first, then ghosts.
  15. Well, he could actually be trying to argue with you rather than trolling you.
  16. We need a Thunderthread. Two posters enter, one poster leaves.
  17. Though you have to wonder if the press is useless at asking tough questions, then it's about as useful as a controlled one. As for the NSA, I guess they got lucky Snowden talked to Greenwald (who is rather annoying with his announcements of announcements style of drip feeding). Haven't seen much in the way of 'crucifying' by the press, mainly bouncing Snowden/Greenwald's stuff. Other than Hastings' convenient car crash, not much in the way of press oppression in the US.
  18. Good on you Labadal. Human interaction is too much work for too little payoff. Also, learned United fans get pissy if you say you'll be glad when they "slip up and crash" out of Europe. Apparently Munich is a sore point for people born 30 years after the fact.
  19. It is funny. A bit early on to be warning of some of Final Solution to homosexuals though.
  20. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/uganda-tabloid-publishes-top-homosexuals-list-after-anti-gay-law-signing-1.2550260?cmp=fbtl So absurd it's actually kind of funny. Wonder if they have a Homosexual Watch List too, for travellers.
  21. Well, he claimed stating that the media (I assume mainstream, anyway) in the US is used by the state was made up, so he might very well believe that there's no influence on the press by the government, so that's why I asked the question. Haven't had much exposure to Russian press as it is inside Russia, have seen RT though.
  22. I have them near my iron mines and quarries. At 10x speed a beautiful symphony of clucking and clanking.
  23. Ah ok, well I guess I'll tear them down and replace them with farms or pastures. Micromanaging the pastures is fun, have one for breeding and one I'll just slaughter all of once they are full for the meat (well at least for cattle, sheep produce that wool I never seem to have enough of for warm coats). Speaking of coats, talk about crappy workmanship, they need to be replaced every 3 months it seems based on consumption.
  24. Yeah, not like the game's getting it from elsewhere. Someone had posted a critique of a Russian LP of the game, Reddit moderators didn't like that, either. You can still gather some feedback from a LP, though, but I guess it needed some yahoo with an accent talking over it to make it useful.
  25. Wait, you believe the US media isn't part of any propaganda efforts ?
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