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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, I guess I will wish you non-single people a good Valentine's Day.
  2. Looks like plastic collision.
  3. Well, good to hear the romance weirdos lost out. Wonder what that clown Merin thinks of this.
  4. Well, never said it was a high bar of entry to be part of a forum 'community'. Clumsy engagements on his part but engagements still.
  5. Really hope Chan falls today or just ends up with the silver, tired of hearing the media wank it to him here.
  6. I now think of some Yorkshire hobo asking me I can spare some shrapnel.
  7. Just don't play a 'pickup' game of rugby. You'll end up crippled.
  8. He keeps posting, so that's all that is for one to be part of the "community" here. He's like our application at work, just keeps on rolling no matter what gets thrown at it.
  9. He'll win again, too. Question seems more like a dig than anything though.
  10. What poor delivery ? Most comments I've been reading are that the venues are ok and the athletes by large seem happy (granted they may be made of sterner stuff than the press). I don't think Russia's coming off worse in the West than they were to begin with, some people are really impressed with how pretty Sochi is, but Russia having nice scenery shouldn't be new Bit wishful thinking on your part for isolation and impoverishment (really ?) Watching figure skating now. This sport must have most biased and catty commentators for each nation
  11. Yeah, excellent question that's not at all loaded.
  12. Nope, the existence of football is what keeps it from being the best sport in the world.
  13. Well, nice for him that he's managed that then.
  14. Yep, I recall how the bolts work. Actually you are right they do look up, sometimes, you think they'd notice the displacement of air when I blink too
  15. It is a pretty strong ability, especially when guards can't look up. Heh, the last level where I decided to screw stealth and just kill everyone was funny, I think there was a pile of 14 bodies at one point, guards just ran to the corpse and looked around - drop, kill, blink back up, repeat.
  16. Always laugh when I read 'destroy', 'annihilate' or any other violent verb for a verbal takedown. Was pretty funny to watch, even though Fry just irritates me for some reason
  17. Always see these images pointing out how manly hockey is, insecurity much ?
  18. Yeah but it's Molson, I hear that doesn't class as beer. Canadians sure making a massive deal of one skater letting another skater go in his place and that guy won a medal, apparently it's sportsmanship to...uh...be sporting to your teammate. Did see the tie (within 1/100ths of a second) in the women's downhill though, so both women got gold
  19. I like that quote from Blackhawk Down about the pilot not smoking. "You Americans all live long, uninteresting lives"
  20. Yeah chugging water so much that I am almost sick of it Just that when I am burning up with this fever trying to cool myself a bit. Though that is tricky with the furnace on constantly (darn family) WFH = work from home...though not sure much work gets done.
  21. Malc if I was you I would lie next to your pet moose, that way you are guaranteed to keep warm !!! The hell would I want to keep warm when I have a fever ? Feeling better today, just have a vile cough. I guess I'll have to go into work tomorrow, but maybe I'll just WFH.
  22. If you liked the old Thief games, maybe you should wait for some reviews and a price drop.
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