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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Fanatic zeal is pretty fun, I have to say.
  2. Hm, was hoping it was some health concern rather than the overdose I'm reading it was. Stupid way to go out.
  3. That was the first question I asked, was curious if that was his stance as I've read plenty of comments online that take it.
  4. They should make another Crusader game. Control scheme threw me for a loop, initially.
  5. Indeed, but you had mentioned inclusion as being important, which was what I was getting at.
  6. Bah, people like you killed Rainbow Six! Heh, I am correct then. Not too sure on it actually affecting their income that much, myself.
  7. An ancient Greek goes to a tailor to get his trousers mended. The tailor asks: "Euripides?" The man replies: "Yes. Eumenides?"
  8. Well they use it themselves, so tears from cops on it would be amusing. They are public servants, even if some of them are deluded otherwise. But you are right that requiring them to be monitored this way is a bad sign in of itself. Depends on the police force, naturally and your definition of brutality. Heh, as for the cop being very nice for that, again the camera helps.
  9. I guess Liverpool were right to spend that much for him....
  10. In those cases the cameras will just have an unexpected failure. Funny that you mentioned it as a defense for the cops against the public
  11. Need to get myself a joystick. Trying to finish WC3 and boy is it painful without Not sure what else to play now. Maybe some RPG off GoG
  12. Why they need to be on camera constantly. They behave so well when they know they are, heh.
  13. Built a tower out of 52 pens. Good way to pass the night.
  14. I always liked 'Him on Terra' for being needless pompous sounding
  15. Not that bad, for entertainment in London, anyway.
  16. Oh God another Liverpool fan whining about ticket prices!
  17. Well for that turning it off and on helps to break the filament, heating and cooling and so on. Some of those bulbs lasting decades were left on for a long time, if memory serves. Though I imagine they'd always try to build them with a fixed life span. Today is the usual dealing with Russian women day, so this will be fun.
  18. Well, just set it at unexpected behaviours. Simple enough definition of a bug.
  19. Someone should try to make a bug free game, would be curious at how long the QA cycle would be.
  20. Like that image.
  21. Does Russia really need the US' help ?
  22. That's entirely not what I said. If a game has a stretch goal for, say, other platforms, I'll contribute more. I never said it was, hence the question. Just that to be on the fence and all it took was them giving an option for a female PC does indicate that the presence of one is fairly important to you. Was curious how many of these racist, homophobic games you come across. Then again sometimes that is a matter of not looking hard enough and counting percentages of races/sexes it seems. But is not much these days for sure with the outrage machine running on social media, for sure.
  23. Problem with a stretch goal is that it's not necessarily voting for an idea. The money from some one swept away with zeal over a female only protagonist will count as much as some one that wants a male protagonist for equality reasons. Besides, being female only will get cash thrown at it pretty well, I'd imagine, as it can play the angle of against the grain and appeal to your kind of socially minded people - so it'd hit that stretch goal easy
  24. News here is on about how scary all the Russian security and terrorism threats are for Canadians planning to travel. I'm guessing they have tanks on the streets? Ah well, if they complete the games without an athlete dying, they'll be an improvement on Vancouver
  25. Hah, that was great.
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