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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Nice office drama - emails complaining of management's uselessness and then people snitching to management. Good times
  2. Apparently white guys were edited out, hmm. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/10/29/catcalling_video_hollaback_s_look_at_street_harassment_in_nyc_edited_out.html Whoops.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IosGtGjUxvQ
  4. I have aunts I sometimes daydream about putting in the ground. I wonder if a family as messed up as mine on the maternal side is very common
  5. Better to just ignore women on the street, well beyond just noticing them for collision avoidance.
  6. I used SHIVs to walk point, well that was until I got God Snipers.
  7. If she feels harassed, then it is harassment. I think that's the SJW line for this, not sure.
  8. The button to launch the BE page on Steam, is the sneaky bit.
  9. Ah, but Volo wouldn't accept. He may be Bruce's friend, but not the other way around.
  10. Ah, sneaky. Though it would be impressive to tie the two games in tightly with each other like this - even though certain victories get locked out.
  11. I just consider that background noise of living in a city, myself - whether it is being begged for cash, told that I must turn to Jesus or people trying to educate me on Black Power. Sort of generic stuff like that. Ah well, this is making the rounds on how terrifying life is for women in cities, etc., etc.
  12. Interesting to see the inclusion of people trying to sell her stuff or say some variation of "Howdy" to her lumped in with all the other stuff. Not really harassment, that.
  13. No online fame for empowering his daughter, that way.
  14. Not really, I've been called worse by more locally placed people but it is true that if you want to get into something, being offended doesn't matter at all. It being offensive to you as a person is just your problem, if we want to talk about the State's role in things. You are not special or valuable. So some random nastiness is something you have to take, is part of life and all. If someone is doing it to the level of harassment (so repeatedly, organized in some fashion), then I suppose it is a matter for the police.
  15. Ahhh, that was good, I needed a laugh today
  16. The rantings of some woman dealing with her bullied past don't really matter. But you can strike back if someone tries to punch you and misses. Degrees matter here, naturally. Someone trying to hurt my feelings online is stuff you deal with in high school and isn't a matter for jail time. Even some cheap racist remark isn't either, I'd hope.
  17. Volo's made of the surest steel, Internet flames only harden him.
  18. Saw John Wick. Good gunplay
  19. Got myself a cheapo joystick, hopefully I don't destroy it before I finish TIE Fighter.
  20. Not quite sure people being **** to you online is really comparable to racists wanting you out of schools, though.
  21. Yeah, I keep hearing "words hit like a fist". Think it's BS personally, but I suppose some people take it differently. It's par for the course in games, anything is free to put you off - once you know what the tactic is (pushing buttons in hope of a feedback), it's easy to ignore.
  22. And I spent so much time on those PMs..
  23. https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/buy/crusader-no-remorse/pc-download/base-game/standard-edition Crusader No Remorse is free on Origin (and from Origin)
  24. Someone has to tell Wu to get back into the office.
  25. It is rather boring. But worth it to play for the line about apotheosis, at least. Realized I had bandwidth cap left so downloaded Grey Matter and Blackguards, will leave WoW a bit (need to stockpile rested XP anyway) for those. Going into Grey Matter expecting it to be Syberia-levels of 'ok'.
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