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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Gender studies majors need a hobby.
  2. Why is DHS involved ?
  3. Man, only **** reply in line. Uh huh.
  4. Well he is correct, but part of life is figuring that out, I guess. These people are weird.
  5. Law of averages means one of these will be right!
  6. Apparently Bethesda has trademarked the name "Fallout Shadow of Boston". Wonderful title if it goes live with it. https://register.dpma.de/DPMAregister/marke/registerHABM?AKZ=013401691&CURSOR=5
  7. Not really worth much in this thread, but whatever works for you.
  8. Chu's on the warpath now, ah this is glorious. Heh, Khorne would be pleased.
  9. It's like when I play FIFA and then the AI decides it's had enough of my crap and enables God mode
  10. I believe Chu writes about vidya for Salon. Oh ok. Just suddenly saw him popping up spitting fire everywhere, but wondered how he ended up in this fuss.
  11. Arsenal blew a 3-0 lead This team is such a joke.
  12. What does he care about this, exactly ?
  13. YNWA man. Thought you guys were faithful
  14. How do people end up saying stuff like that, really ?
  15. For old ones, I really do feel they are one and the same - the 320x340 resolution and crude texturing is just a technical thing which is jarring and ugly with eyes today. Though I suppose I am lucky with a 3D card in 1999 only so perhaps I never bothered with the early ones that would suffer with this problem. GTA V getting first person - http://www.computerandvideogames.com/480356/new-gta-v-new-gen-screens-reveal-first-person-mode/
  16. On the bright side, it should be patched some more by then
  17. The forum hard man is right, Meshugger, it's not that bad.
  18. I expected better of you, TrueNeutral, but - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sjw-to-skeleton/kckodmjikeoncekpplppkkcjolofmacc?hl=en Is what I think it is, for Chrome anyway.
  19. Replaces SJW with Skeleton. Some sort of incredibly passive aggressive extension for browsers - used for other things I imagine.
  20. Hahaha, my managers paying for us?
  21. I don't have one now? Alcohol is pricey and just resulted in my being thirsty. They seem to be alcoholics here though, several go drinking heavily often.
  22. Fun client meeting today, just listening to them rage at their boss. Also have our big bosses in town, so that means some painfully forced socializing at a bar.
  23. Ah, you're one of those people.
  24. Hey, hurt feelings is true damage and cause for a Twitter campaign these days. After all isn't GG evil due to nasty Twitter posts to Quinn and her buddies?
  25. Fine, all these Twitter snarks should break their big toes. Better ?
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