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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. As usual, I have the worst luck in loot. Slowly grinding my way up to the uber castle, think it's about 2-3 days away. The 10th anniversary is starting, along with the revamped MC. Got a laugh out of the fact they made the window behind Golemagg take you to Rag
  2. Don't mind the follower minigame from what I've seen so far, though the RNG element is frustrating, especially in what type of followers you get initially. On one character I lucked out and got three epic followers and three rare ones out of eight. The same eight followers on the next character has one epic follower and two rares. Eh, I hope it evens out by the time I get 25 of them. The garrison-based profession stuff seems utterly tedious though, I get to ...walk down a mine and click some free nodes every day? Geez, why not just put all of the ore in a box, why do I even employ these people? And then build a building for the sole purpose of converting gathered items into usable form - it's all very overengineered and ends up being just clutter. I mean it's functionally something that could just be in the normal profession menu, don't need a building and two NPCs to do that. As for the core gameplay, I'm okay but not loving my current choices. I took my old warlock, which I'd never used seriously, from 85 to 93 so far, toggling between Affliction and Destruction every level or two for variety. I used my free 90 boost to make a new druid - I'd played with a druid main for most of BC and LK but elected to leave my old druid on my original server - and taken it to 92 as Feral. I'd played three years solid raiding with a Balance/Resto druid, but have never even touched Feral. Yeah, shame they can't mine for you, however it is a good way to get skillup points if you were sub 600 or just to assist with hitting max level mining. You do get carts with archeology goods and other stuff as well. They could have done more, I suppose. My 100 got NO rare followers, which sucked, but my alts have a couple already, heh.
  3. So any actual proof that Russians have tank units in Ukraine, yet ?
  4. This seems more like a potential issue with rich/famous people getting away with stuff than "rape culture", to me.
  5. Nah the ones with the arguments are more entertaining
  6. Social media sure has made the court of public opinion special
  7. I fell for this CBC article, minus the audio for that reason - http://www.cbc.ca/thisisthat/blog/2014/09/23/new-york-artist-creates-art-that-is-invisible/
  8. Have to wonder and wait with glee to see what issues Star Citizen will yield
  9. Bored at work, so sabotaged the Keurig cups by placing flavours in the wrong boxes. Surprisingly, no one actually looks at the cups they took out so am hearing bitching about the flavours being 'off'. Found some work to do though.
  10. Well, failing and the product changing are slightly different.
  11. Well, nothing wrong with wanting more from things and not everyone is as dismissive of them. It is pointless from the get go as they are all ultimately whores in the end, though, saw a video from a guy that used to run a paintball review site on the line he had to walk to not being cut off and I assume the situation is similar. Didn't you get the memo, games are 'art' now, though, about 'experiences' and what not, so real journalism is possible! I'm holding out for Third World Poverty simulators.
  12. Plenty of people must consider them worth something, while IGN and their like is usually mocked you find people have respect for RPS or Polygon (with that weirdo prick Kuchera) or other sites that aspire to..uh..analysis of games and what not. That and these people are fun to abuse as they always bite.
  13. The article at the Guardian was good, read it yesterday. Makes a good point about falling into the trap of hunting the symptoms rather than the cause.
  14. Yes, I am aware you are an immense fan of his, but making points reasonably isn't all that special, even shirty here does so, well his addiction to sarcasm aside.
  15. Big AAA games like it get cracked anyways, more so if there's ever some nifty DRM scheme announced.
  16. Do you have sick days? We don't have those so people come into work sick often to avoid burning the vacation days.
  17. Nah he has engaged a bit, not like you. At least I have seen him pop up with stuff with Wu or Alexander or Cheong. Was waiting for him to descend on this thread with a sermon, actually, once DAI went live. Always thought redpill stuff was just guys seeing women as machines to game to get expected payouts. I suppose such sociopathic thinking is effective these days, moral issues aside.
  18. Isn't Origin DRM enough?
  19. Ah, some of the quests are funny, I generally read them the first time myself so as to not miss whatever bits of story there are - later on you deal with some Arrakoa raven worhsippers that are pretty amusing ( "It was said in the Journal of the Rising Sun that eating in the mornings cannot be done without harming a few eggs." ). I hit 100, so am blundering though the end game stuff, the garrison minigame is rather addictive in a way, as you level up the followers. The mine and salvage yard are fantastic, the former gives a decent amount of ore which is great if you have a consumer profession for it, the latter is nice for follower gear as well as character gear - albeit a chance to get any of that. I am finding materials are piling up like crazy a bit as they've decided to add more daily CD crafting skills, granted they are fairly useful items but now I have to wait a week to make my goggles (epics, sure, but probably heroic level)
  20. Kind of, but not unexpected. Waterloo grads must stroke themselves every night with the University flag, based on the many, many of them I've dealt with over the years.
  21. Interviewed a guy today, his attempt at an icebreaker was to laud his alma mater's superiority over mine, that was a good start
  22. I agree, Armstrong would give a creepy vibe. Like that of the undead.
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