I forget what the reason for stopping GamerGate is now though, should ask around for that.
That article is really painful for read for some reason, really hate that style, but is good enough wank material for some.
Some of her 'corrections' are just opinion, e.g. the bit about TB thinking ethics should be this and her retort of "no one else thinks so!", one can think what they like about something like ethical policies in "journalism". Likewise her part where she has somehow determined the intents of GamerGate and how it seeks to destroy progressive women (really it seems now to just engaging in arugments with SJWs ).
The whole sarcastic ranting tone just makes me think of angry arts major, so it's work. Well written though.
"In response to a one-sided narrative by the media, proclaiming all those involved to be misogynist, disgusting white male sexists,
(This is a widely touted characterisation of the response but in reality is severely overblown. It is never supported by contextually applicable quotes. At best this is the way the media has characterised the probable harassers, who nobody needs to be offended on behalf of"
This one she is pretty wrong about, she needs to spend some more time in the anti-camps, heh.
"Here TB callously ignores that this campaign has already driven at least two very prominent feminist voices out of Games writing: Jenn Frank and Mattie Brice. Not to mention people like Samantha Allen who were targets of these same people before they had a new face and a new shiny name and a new batch of misguided people to shield them, or the countless people who have been dissuaded from ever joining the industry after watching this disgraceful display [Those contained within the Those Who Left folders on Zoe and Brianna’s desktops]. TB either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care just how bad the past three months have been to watch or experience for most women, other marginalised groups, or hell anyone with a shred of goddamn empathy in their souls. How “Successful” do you need a campaign to remove prominent female voices to be before you consider it evidence of its true purpose? This section belies a deeper insight into TB’s priorities in this situation. His primary care is not for the tangible, real, horrifying human impact of the past few months. His primary care seems to be how this malformed little crusade is perceived. “GamerGate Moderates are being Marginalised!” is 90% of his takeaway from this entire situation)"
I really am not seeing his callous ignoring of the victims. Were Frank and Brice significant in the industry ? And Wu or Quinn with a list (I like the title 'Those Who Left', pulls at the heartstrings) is really credible, heh.