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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Same here, I think it plays well enough on Win7 without any work or my memory is really rusty. That game got a lot of flak, but it was great fun to play - the design of intelligence in that game especially.
  2. An odd request, but a friend is looking for some good Russian audiobooks - mystery, suspense, fantasy are her targeted genres. Any ideas ?
  3. Spend a lot of time in Naples.
  4. What would change due to it, exactly ?
  5. Waiting until Firaxis finishes the game is the plan.
  6. Nothing like dimestore psychology to fit in well on Twitter.
  7. Ah, Halloween. Forgot it's a Friday this year, means more damn kids will be around to collect their candy in an almost joyless, business fashion. Hopefully there's a cold snap. Still PC parts shopping today, think I've nailed down my laptop purchase now just need to go through Tom's and other sites to pick PC parts.
  8. Back to puttering on through WoW, got my hunter an ilvl 450 bow so Pandaria is rather trivial as that level is about what you need to start in endgame heroic dungeons. Not too sure I'll make 90 before WoD goes live, but I should get pretty close.
  9. Hm, haven't googled but maybe one of you knows - are they doing some social media integration so you can see what choices everyone else playing the game made? Noticed that in DFC and it does seem like a thing bigger studios do.
  10. Too predictable man, come on.
  11. Oddly specific upbringing you had. Oby, post some stuff about you lifting weights or perhaps spear fishing.
  12. Wonder if the Goons are involved in this somehow.
  13. How are we gauging oby's manliness from his posting, exactly ?
  14. If you never play a multiplayer game, sure.
  15. Seems I rushed through the episode, whoops - though I guess the stuff I missed was due to the choices. Overall it was okay, the ending interlude was just dumb. Europolis was cool too look at, a pain to navigate sometimes for me. I'll give the Zoe chapter a pass for being rather tedious as it all just set up.
  16. Dreamfall Chap 1 is pretty cool, well other than the game seizing 2.5 GB of RAM for some reason when in Europolis. Also the "X WILL REMEMBER THIS" is just...disappointing.
  17. what The Commander guy, could have sworn that was his voice actor but my mistake.
  18. Someone slurping soup or other food
  19. Vernon Roche is in Dreamfall, excellent. Also that opening scene was a bit of a downer, though it will be reversed I suspect.
  20. I guess the illogical chart is the joke or something. Should come with a trigger warning about "Project Management".
  21. In retrospect, the cringeworthy of that scene might have stemmed from the awkward delivery and audio direction rather than the writing itself. It might have helped had they worded it differently, like "Are you sure?" or something entirely else, but the way that Meer phrases the line makes it sound unintentionally hilarious -- Either Shepard was pulling a very inept con or the dialogue assignment was ****ed. Well meant generally terrible lines, but yes that line was due to some awful voice direction, like with Ashley's...uh...reaction. Jacob had a good ones in ME3 as well. But anyway, that's aside.
  22. http://www.gog.com/forum/general/spoiler_alert_so_i_dug_into_the_countdown_thingy/page1 So LucasArts on GOG, maybe...(or perhaps they are screwing with people). But a new publisher soon.
  23. I know, it's sickening. Planning a new PC and a new laptop (the former is just wanting, but the latter is needed as my POS laptop is dying slowly). So that'll be more fun than working.
  24. Well, they're allowed some terrible lines. "STEEEEEEEVEEE!" (followed by the deadpan "You sure?"), for example.
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