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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Excellent, we have a guinea pig for that game. I am still dealing with residual burning from pre-ordering Civ V's CE
  2. http://www.torontolife.com/informer/columns/2014/10/20/urban-diplomat-barista-nazi/ I am not sure if this for real, certainly is possible though
  3. Will they allow him in the next Games ?
  4. Ah, everyone on Twitter are such ****, it's great.
  5. You've not played since vanilla ? Flying mounts are great, they are not adding them in WoD until the first content patch - meant to, uh, make the game world feel more alive or something. Not that players go around anywhere with the queuing functionality for raids/BGs/groups. At the core, means more ganking.
  6. Gave WoW a break, didn't play much of anything other than FIFA, trying Nantes out and the AI is buggering me royally, so will give that a break as well. Have a rather colossal GOG backlog, maybe I will bite into that and finish SWAT 3
  7. Hm, still have time to finish DA2.
  8. Ah yeah, she was the one with the Indiegogo scam a ways back too.
  9. That does look pretty good.
  10. So apparently some Chloe Segal person is being driven to suicide by GG. I think
  11. Better than watching Arsenal struggle to draw with Hull.
  12. Not many Twitter funnies, Cheong is being idle today
  13. Had a fun night of watching the drunken yuppies brawl in the street. Improvement over the homeless bums in my last area, I suppose.
  14. Definitely is not the experience here in Canada, so maybe it is Scandinavia that is superior to all others.
  15. Kind of all over the place here, so people in Western countries are happier, but you conclude Western culture is superior. Then you start talking about Western ideology. 7/10 though, given the non-Western posters we have on here and the Western ones we have, this seems like it will catch on well.
  16. Meh, big deal, Boko Haram still lives.
  17. Other than the emails saying they need to help Quinn and Kuchera's usual whiny nonsense, that list has been pretty meh. Well other than the fun value of any sense of betrayal they feel
  18. Nothing like enforced politeness.
  19. Of course in theory we should just ignore trolls or rather not get upset by there comments. But Internet history tells a different story about the insidious impact that Trolls can have on some people. For some the Internet is a form of identity and is much more important to them than you realize, when they get Trolled it really effects them in a negative way...and I mean depression level consequences. There are people who have ended up committing suicide because of Trolling Should help people so they don't identify via the Internet.
  20. Oh dear. Really though, if a troll on a forum makes your life harder, then there is definitely a problem. This is just the wind up troll mind you, not the kind that wages a war, rather just a skirmish here and there.
  21. Well he means it will be an echo chamber of trolls. Still again, look at here, people are free to be rude and it is not like the myths of *chan or something.
  22. Well, not really against kids, I am terrible with them and they cry at the sight of me, but was just tedious to talk about the same thing. New Dad Syndrome I guess.
  23. Hah, being 'impolite' getting you banned is funny and doesn't really sound like a forum I'd really enjoy, I guess being passive aggressive is encouraged there ? One problem with ironhanded moderation is it can rapidly end up being an echo chamber with people being how they are.
  24. Sure it does, they are just winding people up. Displays, in some cases, some good wit and quick thinking.
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